[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon

Aeos frowns as he tries to decipher what the people are saying. He tries to search up "Autocthon" in his knowledge databases, specifically looking up entities that were involved with Exaltation and "Great Maker".

"If it's only resources, we may be able to help, provided your people can trade with us."

Rolling Int+Occult while paying for 10 motes via first excellency to look up information about "Autocthon". [dice]2305[/dice]
You realize that Autochthon is one of the Primordials, specifically the one that created the Exalted for the Gods all those thousands of years ago. He is also known as the Great Maker, since it was with his hands that many of the greatest artifacts and manses of the First Age were created. He sided with the Exalted against his brothers, and is one of the very few Primordials that have not been killed or imprisoned in Malfias. It was shortly after the Solar host won the Primordial War that he gathered up a large population of mortals and vanished into the depths of Elsewhere, and has remained there until now. If the claims are true, it is very possible that you are now facing off against a new kind of Exalted, one that has never been seen walking Creation before.
Yuumaru Mori

"So, rather than just trying to setup some form of trade, you decide to kidnap mortals and try to wage war? Bravo for not being the first to not try diplomacy, must make you feel good inside," an edge of sarcasm to his voice. Leaning in close to the one man that spoke about their champion, "I'm pretty sure we faced one of your champions before, and brought down his airship. That encounter had him running from us and leaving behind his weapon, I'd say the count is about even on that front." The next time that metal Exalt was going to be meeting his end by his own grand daiklave.

Turning to Xandra he nods, "We can at least try, see if they'd be willing to stop a pointless war in Creation. Would you mind helping us with that, Asyk?" His gaze shifted towards the Sidereal, wondering if he would be able to maybe even offer them just information like an adviser while they dealt with the negotiations. If they had a Sidereal on their side it might make negotiations easier, but he might not want them to be involved at the same time. It was hard to tell, but if they could work it out, it might help their case with the other sidereal if they had something big like this settled for them.
The old man strokes his beard, deep in thought. "Any chance for peace must be taken, despite the risks. I will do what I can. Before I go and attempt to meet with these people, I must communicate what is going on to the rest of my brethren. It will take only a few minutes to send a message, and that will go a long ways to spur Yu-Shan to prepare a organized response. And Yuumaru, my friend, do not underestimate the threat that these strange Exalts pose. I personally know several of my order that would be capable of taking on this entire Circle, myself included, and come out victorious. Some of these 'Champions' may be powerful enough to pose a threat to the Exalts of Creation." He turns his attention to the captured men. "You have invaded our lands, and attacked and captured our people. Despite that, we are willing to try and sue for peace with your superiors. If you are released, will your people honor a flag of truce, to escort me to your people so I can begin to talk with your Tripartite Assembly?" The prisoners trade a glance. "I believe so. We do make such agreements with others of the Eight Nations; perhaps the same courtesy will be given to you." Asyk nods as if he was expecting that. "Excellent. Xandra, please take us back to the area where we ran into these men. While you fly, I will send my message. If you will excuse me . . . " With that, he turns and heads to one of the rear compartments to cast his spell in privacy.

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