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  1. Reaper chan

    Fantasy Internet Identity

    Kanami sighed, sitting in her chair on her tiny balcony, as she closed her manga. She stood up, her book under her arm, as she slid her door open and walked inside, shutting it behind her. Her black bangs covered her eyes, and she took her reading glasses off and put them on her bedside table...
  2. Reaper chan

    Fantasy Internet Identity

    Well, when she can control blood, she can redirect the blood in someone's body. She can also sense beings with blood in them, as long as they're nearby.
  3. Reaper chan

    Fantasy Internet Identity

    Real Life Name: Kanami Muketsu Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: K A N A M I Personality: Though she is fierce and filled with determination ;) and has a fighter spirit, she is also very empathetic, understanding, and emotionally shy. She is selfless and a hard worker, and cares for...
  4. Reaper chan

    Fantasy Internet Identity

    Alrighty! I'll post one character and see how it goes.
  5. Reaper chan

    Fantasy Internet Identity

    Hello~ Is this still open?
  6. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Ohhhh! Okay!
  7. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Okay, will do.
  8. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    After checking on everyone, like usual, she head back to her own room. She was almost ready; waking up early in the morning almost everyday. After double checking she had all her homework, and everything she could need for the day, she walked out, her small bag floating behind her. She head...
  9. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Ayumi roamed the halls of the House of Spades, greeting and checking on anybody passing by. She looked outside a big window, looking down. She saw the stands that were beginning to set up, and made a mental note to visit and take a better look at the attractions later on.
  10. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    So its decided, then?
  11. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    I agree. The abilities should make sense and compliment each other.
  12. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Dang it! I think I misunderstood again... Whoops. This isn't like me ;-; Oh yeah for abilities, its your opinion. (I know, that doesn't help at all -_- ) I guess it depends on the ability, then? Not sure, either.
  13. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    I'm not sure. What would they have to do? And how are you going to make sure new people know to do it?
  14. Reaper chan

    New to RPN: Let's be friends, Senpai-kuns!

    Thank you! I appreciate it.
  15. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    ((Dun, dun, DUNNNN!))
  16. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Ok. Thanks! I'm so sorry! I'm embarrassed, gah! xD
  17. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Oh, ok. Thanks for explaining. I don't know why. I've checked multiple times, but it didn't say that the Queen of Spades was taken. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  18. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Also, I'm not sure about the whole Queen/Jack of Spades thing. I saw another form that had a character who was Queen of Spades, but I don't see an accepted message. I'm confused ;-; and the roles part wasn't updated
  19. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Hehe! Yeah...
  20. Reaper chan

    Fantasy House of Cards| Open

    Name: Ayumi Kurosawa Age: 17 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual House: Spades Rank: Queen Magic Type: Mental Ability: Telekenesis, Analysis Weaknesses: Ayumi gets major headaches when holding an object for too long, the time limit depending on how heavy the object is. For...