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  1. Silvestris

    Father is Back Home.

    (Can this character be one of the Four Horsemen?) Name; Morgana Appearance; In the form of a tall, fair-skinned woman with long auburn hair, eyes are black orbs. Has a prominent and somewhat beaklike nose, has a pair of large crow's wings sprouting from back, also her lower arms from her...
  2. Silvestris

    Sorry for inactivity

    Sorry for inactivity
  3. Silvestris

    Fantasy Rags and Riches

    A ball with nobles and Millicent Nathair, someone may as well have told her that the city was going to be painted with pink and purple rainbows, because it made about as much sense to her. Not that she particularly cared for the politics behind it; everyone was an enemy as far...
  4. Silvestris

    Unearthly [Inactive]

    Hinso trudged his way wearily down the darkened street, his wings hanging loosely, half-folded, at his sides. Today had been, even for Hinso's standards, pretty grim. He had just set up his stall in the usual position for another day's business, when some old dear had come over complaining...
  5. Silvestris

    Rags and Riches

    Name: Millicent Nathair Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Asexual Social Class: Peasant/Commoner Personality: Wary, shifty, cynical-the kind of person who looks at the world through judgemental eyes and isn't impressed. While rarely aggressive, she takes a long time to fully...
  6. Silvestris


    Name; Hinso Jedditch Race; lesser angel; basically just the same as an angel but with enormous sparrow wings rather than white wings, and no halo Profession; Dealer and scrap merchant, engineer. Home Realm; Regna Terra Cause; Integrator Appearance; Untidy brown hair, brown eyes, pale...
  7. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    Hinso scanned the room rapidly. On one of the worktops was a large button, with various wires connected to a metal bell above. Presuming this was the alarm he was supposed to be sounding, he slammed down the button with force, causing the bell to ring with deafening volume.
  8. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    'Ri-ight,' Hinso responded quickly, and half-ran, half-flew down the corridor from which he had came from to enter the Observatory, until he reached a group of doorways; sure enough, one of which was labelled 'Alarm Room', the door slightly ajar. Hinso pushed the door open and entered.
  9. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    'Where's the alarm?' Hinso asked anxiously, running to the door.
  10. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    'Thank you,' Hinso replied eagerly, and followed Danny in the direction of the telescopes.
  11. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    Hinso arrived at the Observatory where Niva and Daniel were standing, and stared wide-eyed at his surroundings. Never before had he seen so much...stuff. All those lenses and miscellaneous bits of apparatus for looking at things in ways that Hinso would never have guessed...some of these...
  12. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    'Alright, sir, thank you.' Hinso turned, and made his way for the passage where the elf had taken. A bit rough round the edges...well there was some truth in that, Hinso thought, eyeing the sword of the elf in front, some distance away. Still, he had experience. He had evaded and dodged many...
  13. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    Hinso stepped forward; 'Pleased to meet you, sir, I'm Hinso Jedditch, I can't say I know much about your Order first hand but I've seen what you've accomplished so far and it all seems very fine, and I need a job so...I'd be more than willing to help if you need men, sir.' He dipped his head...
  14. Silvestris

    Fantasy The Order of Shadows

    Hinso entered the building, where a group of men were standing, and made an effort to brush the dust from his clothes and look respectable. He had just seen the men welcome a female elf who had arrived before him, and assumed he had arrived at the right place. He was aware of looking rather...
  15. Silvestris

    The Order of Shadows

    Name; Hinso Jedditch Race; sort-of angel; basically just the same as an angel but with enormous sparrow wings rather than white wings, and no halo (is this okay?) Profession; Dealer, scrap merchant, engineer (also a thief, but hotly denies stealing anything) Appearance; Untidy brown hair...
  16. Silvestris

    Just joined

    Just joined