Unearthly [Inactive]

Donnie's limp body crashed into the floor and skidded in the metal dolly from before, his wing cushioned the fall and he got up groggily. The vampires, the fighting.. what happened? was he dreaming? he touched the revolver's grip, 3 shots left right? he stumbled on the spot, the floor met him abruptly and with a resounded thud.

"Shit.." He muttered as he pushed himself up and go to his feet again not hesitating to get his gun out, a shadow he never noticed creep up his leg took out his good leg, a shot rang out as he hit the ground hard on his one knee and hands, the pain came shooting back with a vengeance. He looked down at his leg, the shadow was up his body all the way to his arms. Donnie swore and the last two bullets came out in a drunken struggle against this new will in his limbs before it overpowered him and pinned him against a cabinet with his own wing.

"Man.. no fair.."

OOC: Sorry gang im going on a road trip so my post will be dodgy at best, feel free to play my guy to your hearts content
After staring at Ajax, Decurion clapped, in a futile attempt to break the silence.

"Erm. Nice trick, a bit wilted though, but that's to be expected when you're drunk and thrown into a wall. Seven out of ten."
Atlas was walking down the path leading to the cafe and bar.He was talking with his elf friend,Stanley Mills.

"So yeah,I've kind of learned a bit more about my powers and I think I can pass right through solid objects!Maybe I can use it as defense,you know?Dodging punches,knives,and even bullets!"

Stanley smiled and said,"Yeah,well don't get ahead of yourself.You're gonna get yourself hurt thinking that you can just pass through bullets.You're not dying on my watch."

"Thanks Stan."

Atlas opens the door to the cafe and sees everyone close together and recognizes Lucifer and his bodyguards.He quickly walks back out through the door and whispers,"Maybe another day."

Stanley follows Atlas and looks back at Lucifer,"Damn!I was really looking forward to a nice,cold beer!We just can't seem to catch a break can we?"

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The atmosphere was so thick, you could knit a sweater with it.

Decurion cringed- this was awkward to say the least.

His gaze went to Nicholas, again. Those... shadows had been rather peculiar. They'd stuck to his body like mud.

But that should be impossible.

His old master had pulled tricks liked this all the time. He remembered the first time she'd done it. He had panicked-

And she'd laughed. "Shadow magic," she'd said. "Easy to learn, difficult to master."

When he found that the dark shapes hadn't hurt him at all, she'd laughed again. "But in the end, they're just shadows- nothing more, nothing less. You've nothing to worry about."

She threw another shadow at him.

"You flinched."

So what was... that?

Could it be that, for once, the old witch was wrong?

He frowned. That was a disturbing thought.

And then there was the fact that he'd completely flipped out, at least, in his standards. He looked at the girl in his arms. She had closed her eyes.


The blade had been mere inches from her head.

He rubbed his hands. If he could sweat, his palms would be moist by now. There were so many ways this could have gone horribly, horribly wrong, like a stale cake.

This is exactly why I shouldn't drink so much.

He kept his eyes on the potted plant.
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The sun was high and bright, a heavy breeze rolled through whipping up puffs of light snow as Donnie lolled around the edge of a sheer cliff face that dropped a few hundred feet to the stony valley below. The air was so cold and refreshing he drank it deep as he could until his lungs were numb from the sensation. He wish it were real.

Donnie rolled onto his back, glass crunched soflty underneath him, his head swam and thumped rhythmically with his leg. He pushed himself onto his hand and legs checking out the damage to himself, the shadows seemed to have dissipated, his revolver had skidded off somewhere he couldn't begin to know. He looked up into the cafe through the man sized hole in the plate glass, everything had taken a calmer tone it seemed but the people kept multiplying and subtracting and wobbling here and there.

Donnie arched his back and retched up most of breakfast and all of the drink he didn't quite absorb yet. He felt a little better afterwards.

"I'll be there in a minute guys! just y'now stay frosty and.. shit." He heaved again, then got up and tried to stumble against is legs which seemed to grow stupider the more he tried to use them.

"What the fuck is going on here? am I robbing you again?" Donnie stood in the threshold of the door now.
"Now now, settle down everyone. Noone wants to die tonight, ami i right? Good then, right now i'm starving! And i can eat just about anything, wood, plants, blood and even normal human food. And Eastern food tastes great too!" Hopefully that would lessen the tension, if not then there was going to be a fireball and a blood-bath at the same time, both of which he hated with a vengeance. He would even restrain Lucifer if he had to, although that would hurt their relationship a lot. But the shadows were thicker than before, so that meaned there were lies floating around the room. That would have to wait, the situation now came first and foremost. "Maybe i can cook? I know a lot of recipes, from Western to Eastern!!!"
Stanley couldn't catch up with Atlas anymore.He stopped to catch a break and called out to Atlas,"Atlas!Can we stop for a few minutes?We've been walking day after day,man.We gotta get some rest."

Atlas understood how he felt but he knew that they couldn't stop at this point."We have to keep moving Stanley.We're almost home."

"No,man!I can't keep walking!I swear I'm gonna pass out.Plus,my leg is getting worse." Stanley pointed to his right leg,which was made completely out of metal.It replaced his old leg,which was taken off in a battle.

Atlas finally agreed and decided to take a break also."Fine.I gotta admit,I'm a bit tired too."

"A bit?We've been walking for miles!You gotta be ready to just...just die!You really are something,Atlas."

"Yeah.I get that a lot...we can't stay for too long though."

"I know...just...let me regain my energy." Stanley laid down on his back,eyes closed.Then he turned his head and looked at the cafe and bar."You sure we can't just go back?I'd really like that beer right about now.Or something to eat."

"Did you see who was in there?No way.We're gonna keep walking."

"Atlas,we've faced many monsters,demons,and humans with a lot of firepower.We're still alive.Do you really think we're gonna die now?"

"Well,you've got a point.We're pretty good.But I think we should just keep an eye out for trouble.We'll wait out here until we're certain it's safe to go in.Alright?

"Alright..." Stanley let out a sigh and closed his eyes while Atlas kept his attention on the cafe.

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Avani felt as though she were in shock. How many things could possibly happen in one day? She kept her blades hidden within their sheaths as she slowly snapped out of it. Looking around at the chaos around her, though it seemed contained, she felt a slow bubble of rage in her belly. This demon was going to come in her cafe and tell her how to run things? No. That wasn't how things were done in Olde Seattle City. The vampires with him seemed to listen to what he was saying, going with his actions.

She glanced down at Enya, who had her eyes closed, looking as though she wanted to be detached. Decurion was also seated. Donnie was bumbling around in the broken glass, unfortunately drunk. Saladin was seated next to Decurion, and she saw Ajax in the corner of her vision. Damn. How long was she in shock? She sent a quick smile at Enya, touching the girl's face in hopes of being reassuring. Then, she turned to the demon who had come prancing in, ordering things around. Not in her cafe.

"Look. My cafe, my rules. You simple CAN NOT come barging in here, stringing everyone along like mindless little puppets with your powers in whatever sick game you're playing. You may be high in power in Unearth, but here, you are a guest and customer. And I will not stand for more chaos today. I-" Avani's words were cut off by the appearance of her brother.


Off in the distance, Ashok saw bits of glass strewn on the street in front of the cafe. Alarm bells sounded off in his mind. He left his sister alone for one night, and then this happened? Usually she was more capable than that. He began to run, boots hitting the pavement. Swinging the door widely open, he stood in the entryway breathing heavy.


He did a quick scan of the room. It was messier than he'd ever seen it, bits of glass here and there. And blood. A whole clan of Unearthly people filled the space. A dwarf-like man, an angel-like creature, a knight, a fire child, a seemingly human Arabian looking gent...then there were vampires and a demon.

Ashok glanced at Avani, who was bandage up, cuts everywhere. She was standing, looking like she was in the middle of giving some sort of rant. Was she speaking so boldly and foolishly to demons and vampires with powers? He stood straighter, trying to make sense of it all, but feeling a protective and righteous anger burning within him. He spoke with slow venom, voice chillingly even.

"What the hell is going on here?"
Opening her eyes slowly, Enya glanced up at the knight, who sat stiff in his seat with her in his arms. She couldn't read his expression, since he didn't have one, but she felt like he was going through something she couldn't understand. Had she hurt him? Did she bring up bad memories? Confused, she pulled away, until she was only holding his hand and standing beside him. Enya tugged at the gauntlet hoping to pull him out of his stupor, but just as she did so she felt Ajani touch her face, and gazed upward at her. She was smiling, but soon after her face turned to stone as she addressed the newcomers. It wasn't a look of anger, but that of cold intolerance.

Suddenly, another presence entered the room, and when Enya looked toward the front doors, there stood a man breathing heavily, glaring around the room at just about everyone. Almost immediately, a sense of vicious anger washed over Enya, causing her flames to flare wildly around her body. Pulling her hand instinctively away from Decurion, she became lightheaded, stumbling backward from the sudden rush of emotion. Enya turned away from the others, and drew to one corner of the room. She would NOT hurt her friends again.
"Who just walked in?It seems like things are getting more and more heated." Atlas said,still watching the cafe.Stanley sat up to look,"Well things better cool down before I bust in there and beat the crap out of everyone.I need something to drink.Atlas,if I have to wait for too long,I WILL walk in there by myself.I don't care what you say,I'm thirsty,hungry,tired,and now I'm pissed."

Atlas looked at Stanley,surprised,"I don't think it's a good idea.The people in there are gonna over whelm you and maybe even kill you.You better be sure or else you're gonna get the baddest beating you've ever experienced."

"Do I look like I care?You know what?I'm gonna go to the back,into the cellar,and get something to drink,with,or without you."

"Wait!I'm coming with you.I'm not gonna lose you.I've lost many good friends and you're a keeper."

Atlas and Stanley got up and Stanley used the magic he knew to cloak them both so they would stay hidden.They approached the building,crouched low and walking as silently as they could.They managed to reach the door leading down into the cellar.It was locked.

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Enya had pulled away and was tugging on his hand, a worried look on her face. He smiled, tiredly. His eyes crinkled at the edges.

I really shouldn't look so down in front of a child, especially not now.

He sighed and looked around. Donnie wasn't exactly in top condition, as was Ajax, Salah had finished his rant and had apparently passed the baton to Avani.

And then there was someone at the door, looking at the whole thing with something like disbelief.


Oh boy.

The man looked ready to explode.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Enya stumbled back- she'd burst into flames, seemingly from sheer terror. She broke away and fled to a small corner.

Oh bugger.

After hesitating a bit, he stood up and followed her. She was a young girl, all this would have been quite overwhelming.

He reached into the flames and hugged her, hard, in a clumsy attempt to calm her down.

So many hugs in one day.

"Enya. Calm down, everything's okay. Nobody's hurt."

He took her by the shoulders and looked at her, straight in the eyes.

"It'll be alright, I promise."

He looked around. It was probably a good idea to get her outside for the moment. There were so many fire hazards around here, such as the wooden floor, the wooden tables, the paper wallpaper....

This cafe is one big block of firewood.
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Ajax's pathetic attempt at magic wore off and from the green and brown smoke emerged a Halfling which was already crawling behind a table. You're one cocky man, you aren't even great with magic when you're solber. He hid behind the toppled over table and took a nap. He's usually someone who can hold their liquor well, but since he chugged about a quarter of a bottle of liquor, he wasn't feeling at his best.
Saladin watched silently, waiting for a response from the vampire, his reaction to both of the idiots he saved were negligent at best, frustration at worst. He was about to ask the compensationist vampire another question, but a military man walked in, and he did not seem the happiest of people.

"It started with one harpy and one priest," he said pointing at himself, "now, we have a vampire who needs to compensate for something, his do- I mean children, a demon that loves shadows, two drunks, one Death Knight, one elemental, one murderous priest, a swarm of bodyguards, an angry hostess, and you good sir, the military man," he finished his seemingly worldwide taunt, but if anyone in this table had half a brain, they wouldn't lash out, but would find a witty comeback than raise their arms, nobody needed a loss of men over neutralists who could potentially attack the other side in the war effort, plus, the amount in soldiers lost would be too much, with a risk of destabilization for the rebellion. He didn't know it to that extent, but he was certain it would be worth more to deal with it as best they could than to turn this bar into the scene of another fight, a potential bloodbath at that.

"And who are you Military Man? I am the murderous and merciful priest, Salah ad-Din," he proudly produced the poster of wantedness, if he could force him to focus on him, he could avoid the situation, sadly he'd have to find friends for his adventure in the form of somebody else, perhaps another heathen.

'Let's hope that doesn't happen though, I'd love to keep those two at my side, I'll have to stop them from drinking so much though' he thought, although he was calm enough, the tension had only thickened with the neutral party insulting literally everyone in his vicinity. It was like if Switzerland wanted everybody to go to war with it, even though this was the actual opposite of what they wanted.
"As you wish..." Lucifer acknowledged. Bella stared in suprise. He would never accept such terms, especially to a meer Middle Eastern Man with a rather big, opinionated mouth. He gracefully sat at the head of the table, and waved the servants to prepare the food. "That goes for all of you. As I have already mentioned, I am here to enjoy a delightful evening with my family. Is that to much to ask?" Lord Hades added with a sly smile.

Aidoneus took this opportunity to take a seat on Father's right side, and I took the seat beside Aidoneus. Uncle Nicky would most likely have Father's left side.

Bella had a hard time trying to be serious. The fact that a there was a cartoonish looking knight, and a halfling that randomly turned into a pot kept her smiling, even after he turned back. She cleared her throat and sighed, trying to keep herself from laughing. As soon as she saw the hateful look on Saladin's face, she frowned. What did he have against her family? More like all vampires. But one vamp's mistakes can't be her family's fault.... never mind. It could be Lucifer's fault most likely.

The tension in the air just worsened as a young male walked in with a confused and defensive expression. He questioned the human, and seemed to radiate negative energy toward her and her family. Bella frowned. Could he be like Saladin? Aidoneus clenched his jaw and straightened in his chair, as did Lucifer although still tried to remain casual.
'Intergrater...' Aidoneus kelted Bella. She gasped. Oh shit. Oh deep deep shit shit.

Now what?
"And who are you young man?" Lucifer asked, to Saladin's dispense. Bella stared in shock, and somewhat fear. She knew her father could take out any enemy... but she was seriously doubting herself. That Saladin guy took down a relatively good amount of her vampire guards with a single blow. How would this play out?
Saladin finally opened up his Qu'raan, now ignoring all the alarm bells in his head, a priest doesn't fear bloodshed, not a priest who styles his actions 'Jihad'. He started reading out-loud, ignoring even more social tension, the military man seemed to alarm the vampire kids, and he stood up, started beckoning the man to a seat opposite of Lucifer, the decided at the last minute to sit him one seat left of the vampire lord. Best not to stir up trouble.

"Now I'm going to give you a lesson on religion, in the peaceful religion of Islam we love peace, so let's not cause more blood to be spilled, I hate heathens and heretics equally, and that means I love them equally," he finally opened up the first page, said four lines in Arabic, and turned to another page not five pages deeper in the book. He read the name of the chapter and verse he was starting, and then the vampire interrupted, he stopped with a inaudible sigh.

'Can't a jihadist give a simple sermon on the Devil in peace?' he hoped the stupid heretic would sit down in his seat and not make a brotherly fuss. He almost pushed the man before remembering his brother, and his family.

'They're gone now, they left me for what they thought was a better place, they are worse than heathens, worse than heathens.' he dazed off reading his own mantra.
Donnie got himself back into the cafe like a groggy zombie stepping gingerly across the room as if any sudden noise would spook the others and set of this powder keg of tension off, Avani had just finished tearing the elegant looking vampires a new one. A man to his rear spoke with authority almost like he was pissed and trying to suppress it. He almost retched again but swallowed hard instead his eyes searching for something to drink, something that was not alcoholic, he half-stumbled and half-fall through the room to the closest tap he could find and drank several deep gulps before coming up for air. He wiped his mouth and felt immensely better aside from the swirling dance the walls continued to perform for him, last time he got this drunk he stole hotdogs from a street vendor and painted his wings blue 'to match the sky for camouflage. That was good night.

Donnie stalked over to the bar counter and leaned over with his forearms keeping his sway down to minimum now, he could focus if he tried hard but the his mind swam with half cocked inebriated ideas and thoughts.

"Okay! okay.." He raised his voice so he could be heard by everyone, Saladin read from a thick leather-bound book, Avanni shot daggers with her eyes at a woman vampire while the one that seemed to be leading them turned his attention to the man in the doorway, he kind of reminded Donnie of Avani. Oh shit.
"Alright, enough of this farce. Both OverArchists and Integrators, stop staring daggers at eachother. And Sal, good work trying to defuse the situation. The two sneaking outside, please join us for dinner/breakfast. The one who looks like a male version of cafe girl, take a seat. Angel, halfling get some water and take a seat." At that moment, he finally noticed that the fire elemental Enya was about to explode from the tension in the room. He used his persuasive powers to try and calm her. And then he remembered an old lullaby, from a long time ago. He began singing the lullaby to Enya using telepathy. It seemed to be working, at least for now. He hoped it would last. 
At that moment, other than the human and elf outside, Two angels, three valkyries, a fallen angel and a large man entered the cafe. Oh shit. Why now of all times?? This was literally the worst time for them to make an entrance. The angel with white hair spoke first."Hey there, Big Brother Nicky!! It's us! Your beloved little brothers and sisters!" This was Connor, my twin brother. Then the valkyrie with long silver hair spoke"It's good to see you again, brother." she said with a warm smile on her face. She is Juliet, also my twin sister. The rest is as goes. The other angel is Johnothan, the fallen angel is Michael, the man is Daniel, the two valkyries are the twins, Melanie and Melicia. This was going to be hell on Earthtrying to calm and control the situation.
Ashok took a shuddering breath, trying to calm his nerves. He wasn't an angry man by nature. But seeing his little sister covered in injuries, his cafe in shambles, and atop of that a herd of Unearthly people coming in and telling him what to do? No, that was something that infuriated him. If it was one thing that would make him rage, it was if anyone hurt his sister, or callously told him what to do.

The small fire child had run away, and he felt a quick sense of remorse. He hadn't meant to send negative energies towards the girl. The Death Knight seemed to be taking care of it, however. Ashok gritted his teeth. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day where he told his friends and sister that he got promoted to head commander status, next to only the President of the Integrator cause. But no, he had to come back to this. He strode across the room. A drunk harpy was taking gulps of water from his sink. Ashok could feel the steel on his face, turning towards the priest and apparent murderer. He would not give away his identity so easily, at least not his military status.

"I am Ashok Minaal. This is my property," he said coldly.

He couldn't focus on all that was going on around him right now. He looked over at Avani, his face softening considerably.

"Who did this to you?"
He asked, looking around the room, wanting answers but getting none. He spoke a little bit louder.

"This is my sister. Who caused my little, coffee-serving sister to look as though she's been in a damn blender?" he said angrily, waiting for someone to respond.


Avani felt her eyes widen. Ashok. Ashok was back, and he looked furious. She cast a sidelong glance at Donnie. This was not how she wanted her brother to meet a potential soldier. The anger in her considerably lessened with the presence of her brother. She looked at him, trying to figure out how to answer his question. He then turned his attention to the group as a whole. Avani closed her eyes for a moment, and then got the food she had prepared earlier with Enya. Looking at the invasive group of vampires, she sighed.

"I made a good dinner. You can have it. There's two hens and a plenty of side dishes. Just help yourself, and leave us in peace," she said softly, walking away. She went to where Enya was, crouching down next to the girl. Poor child, could hardly contain her fire around these hooligans.

Somewhere, deep down, Avani had a feeling of foreboding. She felt unsettled, as though something bad was brewing in their world. She tried not to think about it, and hoped she was wrong.
Hinso trudged his way wearily down the darkened street, his wings hanging loosely, half-folded, at his sides. Today had been, even for Hinso's standards, pretty grim. He had just set up his stall in the usual position for another day's business, when some old dear had come over complaining that the milometer on the car he'd sold her a couple of days ago had almost certainly been fiddled with, and was in fact far older than he had told her it was. Well, of course it had been fiddled with. That was why Hinso's cars were the cheapest in Olde Seattle. Didn't people realize that? And besides, selling people old, knackered items made the customer's experience far more interesting, Hinso reckoned. You pay for a new model, then take it home and realize you have an antique. It must surely get boring after a while, receiving exactly what you expected to pay money for. Anyhow, the woman had shaken her stick at him, departed, and then returned with authorities, meaning Hinso had to abandon shop and had spent the rest of the day hiding in a deep gutter beneath an old drainpipe-which, as he soon experienced, turned out to be still in working use. Eventually he returned to his stall, to find some rotten little toerag had nicked half his stock and most of his profits. Now he was wet, cold, dirty and considerably worse off for money than when he had woken up that morning.

He needed a drink, and something to eat, and somewhere to sleep for the night. But drink mostly.

He finally arrived at the bar and café, Red Grounds, and stopped several feet away from the doorway. From here he could see several figures, including a man who had just entered and was obscuring most of the view. From the sound of the people's voices, however, Hinso had a fair guess of what kind of atmosphere was inside. Dammit, he thought. Only decent bar for five miles at least, and there's a fight going on in there, just at a time when Hinso really didn't feel much like fighting at all. But he was getting desperate now...his wet trousers clung soggily to his shins, and he shivered. He hung around the doorway edgily, weighing up his options.
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So cold.

The necromancer made his way through the barren desert, black sand under his feet, step by step.

What had gone wrong?

'Find love, and you shall find life', they'd said. And so he had loved, loved her so much that he was willing to betray everyone he'd ever known. Loved her so much that he'd lost everything.

Everything, including her.



It hurt to think of her.

What had gone wrong?

He'd done everything he could. He'd prayed. He'd killed. He'd begged. He'd......

It didn't matter now. She was lost forever.

And now he'd been banished, cursed, never to walk upon Earth again, wandering this lonely land with only lost souls for company.

The desert was only one surface of the land of the dead. Beneath it lay the River, which swept mortal souls away, beyond the ninth gate. Of course, there were always some.... stubborn souls who clung to the gates, trying their hardest to escape the pull of the river. Some well-placed spells and a ring of the bells, and they would be his to control.

He left them be. What would be the point?

He traveled like that for a long time, walking in and out of the desert, appearing and disappearing. Sometimes he appeared in Regna Terra. Sometimes he walked by the seas of Regni Aquae. Sometimes, just sometimes, he found himself in Noctis Imperium.

Always, he felt the pull of the River.

Nero stepped out of the desert. Black sand turned to dirt. The mist cleared, and the roar of the River died away.

He blinked, and choked- the air was thinner than he had expected. After a few gasps and wheezes, he regained his breath.

Where was he?

He was high up, that much was certain. The wind howled in his face. At his feet was a sheer cliff, which seemingly went down forever.

He looked to the left- and froze.

A dragon flew over his head, close enough to touch.

Nero stared at the passing dragon.

So this was Regnum Caeli.
Goddamn, this was getting annoying. He was a hair away from subduing everyone in the room with his shadows. No matter how angry or frustrated you get, you can't stay that way forever. All you needed was time, and he didn't have much of it. The necromancer was back from his banishment, and the mother has been getting angrier as well. "Alright, i'll reveal my true intentions right now. Might as well, since we have the leaders of both of sides here. There is a greater threat looming, a necromancer that has come back from exile. Not to mention the ticking time bomb of the Mother Dragon. You may think 'Oh a dragon and a necromancer? Pfft, we can take them. Just let me finish this war first' Well, sorry friends, but you're all gonna die if we don't kill them quickly."

"That's right. This necromancer is the most powerful in history. We've personally fought his legions of undead, and let me tell you they are the strongest undead you will ever face. We had trouble even when we had more power, but just as time erodes everything else, our power wanes. The only ones who're strong are Nicholas, Juliet and Connor." Johnothan added. This was true, their power has fallen since they last met but they still have power. He wondered if they would have enough manpower to defeat the necromancer again. It was hard enough last time, but again? It didn't seem likely.
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Ajax rose with a stumble and ran his face under a near boiling hot tap for two seconds or so. He reviled quickly and held his face in his hands to muffle a small yell that he didn't want anyone to hear, he said straightly, "Okay, got my water, I'm as close to solber as I'll get tonight, ready for company.." Ajax went over to the table and sat down right next to Bella, who for some reason that he couldn't quite figure out in his drunken stuper, kept on looking at him and restraining a chuckle. This one seems nice enough, time to make some friends. Hope that Aidoneus fella doesn't drink my blood or anything, last time someone drank my blood... Well, actually that would be a new one for me. He looked over at Bella and said with a grin, "Very nice to meet you, my name is Ajax Wellington, Scoundrel of the Hundred Acre Woods, part-time plant, and a friend to all, an absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He bowed his head a bit, realizing that a full arm shake would be a bit informal in front of what he presumed to be her guardian. Then some angels came in, Ajax's hand clasped against a table leg and he clenched as hard as he could. He could already feel his skin going a tad pale. Angels really, really, don't like me. As long as they don't recognize me, I should be okay. Some of those angels are so strict with their codes of laws, I only stole some bread and ran before my trial began. Who knows, it has been a couple of years, maybe they've forgotten about a lowly creature such as myself.

Ajax looked across the table and grinned quite sinisterly, he stood up as straight as he could, so that his entire face was above the table and said in a dire tone to Nicholas, "Well, if it's another sword by your side that you are searching for, I assure you, you have just stumbled across one of the best. I am Ajax Wellington, here to serve, for a fee."Ajax slid a lamented card across the table that said, "Wellington Wetwork- 555-890-7666" His grin widened a bit more and he was beginning to feel the old bloodlust come on, which almost always happened to him when he was getting excited for a job. He started again after a brief pause and said with a malevolent tone to his voice and a murderous glint in his eye, " It's not like he'll be able to resurrect himself, not with what little will be left of him by the time I'm done with him." Calm down, there are people listening to you! What about that murderous priest? You thought that he was going to kill you when you were just having a drink with Donnie. What is he going to do when he learns that you're a professional hitman and adventurer? Pray that he didn't hear you. And what the hell is that Priest doing now?
Atlas heard Nicholas calling for him and Stanley."Did someone just call us to come in?"

Stanley didn't care.He was too thirsty."Forget that!Let's just get this thing open and get something to drink!...Oh and uh...about that 'Arius' tattoo on your neck..."

Atlas:"I don't wanna talk about it."

Stanley:"Come on!You can unlock this door no problem!Don't deny it man.The only other person I know with the name 'Arius' is king Arius Marvel the third,king of the sky realm!Face it man,you're a prince!You're Arius Marvel the fourth!The heir to throne!And your mother must be queen Aurora!"

Atlas:"Shut up!You don't know all that for sure.Yeah,I may have powers but,me?A prince?No.That's crazy.Now move,so I can try my powers on this lock."

Stanley:"Whatever you say,your majesty."

Atlas gave Stanley a stern look and grabbed the lock.He focused his power and in seconds,it clicked and the door was open.Stanley quickly jumped in and started looking.Atlas was getting thirsty too."Get me something too!Doesn't matter what drink.Alcohol doesn't affect me."

Stanley climbed back up with two bottles of a mystery recipe.On both of the bottles was a note that said,"Secret wine recipe.Do not use until New Year's Day."

They were too thirsty to care so they popped open the bottles and gulped down about half.Stanley was wide-eyed and said,"Woah!That's great!The effects kick in fast and you feel kinda mellow.Kinda like you're high..."He kept drinking until the bottles was empty."Man,that was good!Alright let's get outta here."

Atlas finished his bottle and stood up."Hold on a second...I feel a lot of people inside the cafe right now.I think I even feel...an elemental!But there are way to many people to deal with.We better hurry."Stanley stood up,ready to move but he remembered the word 'elemental'."Atlas!Aren't you an elemental too?"

Atlas:"Maybe!I don't know.Just stop talking about that."

Stanley:"Your wish is my command your highness..."

Atlas gave another mean look and crouched down to start sneaking away."Come on Stan!" And they began sneaking away.

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Decurion watched the hubbub quietly from the corner. He was sure that Enya had calmed down a bit, but he stayed close to her, just in case.

Two angels, three valkyries, a fallen angel and a large man walked into a bar.

What was the punchline for that one, again?

He sighed. It really didn't matter much. Instead, he studied the newcomers a bit. They seemed to know Nicholas quite well. He sighed yet again, leaned against the wall, reached up, and lowered his visor.

His eyes dimmed.



with me?

Something was very wrong, he was sure of it. First, he'd been way too aggressive towards those- he stared at the vampires- intruders. He'd still have drawn his sword, sure, but not without talking to them a little. But back there, he'd blown his top, sky-high.

He'd gone completely spare.

Especially at the sight of Nicholas.

And now, for some reason, he felt tired. In fact, he felt exhausted.

Decurion slid down the wall until he assumed a sitting position.

He closed his eyes and leaned back,

-And snapped them back open when Nicholas's words registered properly.

Wait, what? WHAT?

Another necromancer, back from banishment? Dragons?

And they were going to do WHAT?

He sat up and slid back his visor.

He had to know.


He called out.

"What's the necromancer's name?"
Saladin didn't speak much, but hearing the sound of 'Necromancer' and 'undead' he raised his blade into the air, a sign of approval.

"You know, the sermon basically is about cleansing the Earth, and what is a merciful priest to do but end the sorrows of the undead through decapitation?" he answered, he hated vampires, but necromancers took the cake, now a dragon wasn't easy to kill. In fact, it was a behemoth.

He had heard the Death Knight's question and waited for the answer, after that he asked, "How much time do we have until they arrive here in this continent, and in which coast?" it was of strategic importance the fortify such a coast that would be under siege, especially the first defenses. He knew no smart general would actually siege walled cities, but would win in battle and starve the world, and some things are a lot easier to siege than walled cities, example, a coast. Hopefully they would strike in a smart position and not a really obvious one like the East or West Coast, the Gulf was well defended and the city was there. The city, as in the one with all the lost technology, weapons unfeasible to man and Unearth itself, perhaps that could kill the dragon for them.

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