Rags and Riches


Junior Member
grapedrank submitted a new role play. @JustanotherRPer*

5. Philana (Grace) Eros played by @xXLostGirlXx*


1. Eddart Doherty @BrownBear1


People of Authority:

-- Leader of the Rags: Emera

-- Leader of the Clipshawe Ring (a powerful Rags gang): Merek Clipshawe

-- Royal Prince: Alexander Goldenhallow

-- Royal Princess: Alice Goldenhallow


Name: Emera (Pronounced Em-EE-ra)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Social Class: Commoner/Rags

Sexuality: Straight

Background: Emera was essentially a street rat in the lower towns for as long as she could remember although she has vague memories of a woman from when she was younger. All she really knows about her mother was her first name (Violet) and the fact that she was a prostitute and passed away when she was younger. In her earliest years she was taken care of by her mother and the other women in the brothel. When her mother passed away, Emera now at age 7 was left out on the streets. It's due to her orphan status that she doesn't have a last name. Around the age of 11, Emera started running errands and messages for gangs and attacking merchant ships traveling up the canal to the High Towns. She soon gained some skill in sword fighting and became a mercenary. However around the age of 17, she took her first venture into the forest outside Eamon and began hunting and selling the meat in the market and the hides and bones in the black markets. She practiced her sword fighting skills in the forests as well as her trapping and hunting. It wasn't the best living, but it gave Emera enough independence so that she was able to separate herself from any gang wars by the age of 19. With a decently steady income from a combination of her hunting and mercenary work, Emera was able to help out some of the families and businesses in the lower town and started gaining more positive notice although that didn't come without its own dangers (gangs don't like anyone having more influence than them). However, she was not deterred, Emera was able to form a small militia of men and women from the Rags side to help take care of things and stop gang outbreaks as well as created hunting parties to venture out into the forests. Within the next few years, Emera slowly but surely became the closest thing the common folk had as a leader.

Personality: Emera is motivated like no one else and can motivate others as well. She's a natural born leader that people almost instinctively rally behind her. Her demeanor commands and earns respect from her peers. She is fierce and her past has toughened her and hardened her skills. She's smart and resourceful, even if she has had no formal education and can't read. She works hard and is optimistic in that she can help change things for the better in the town. She tries to help people whenever she can and is loyal to a fault, she will always keep her promises. Still, Emera is not someone to be messed with. She is a warrior and a fighter and can get extremely angry and can be easily frustrated and is incredibly impatient. She has a strong dislike of nobles but she knows that being diplomatic and negotiating with them is the only way to make her people safer. She's not above resorting to violence, in fact it's a fine line between diplomacy and violence for her which makes her a force to be reckoned with. In her personal life, she's not very close to anyone and nor is she an easy person to be close to. Being a leader among the common folk, she has a lot on her plate which puts a strain on most personal relations she's ever tried to have. Sometimes Emera takes on too much and can disregard herself because she is so eager to try and fix everyone's problems and takes on more than she can handle. She can be careless with her own self, disregarding her own injuries and health in favor of addressing "more important problems."

Strengths and Weaknesses: Emera's skill with a sword is unlike any other. She taught herself so it's rusty and her technique is not the best, but that doesn't make her any less of a formidable opponent. She's all about power. She can take a lot of hits as well and her brute strength makes up for her lack of speed or grace.


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Name:Joseph Sandal




Social Class: Commoner

Personality: An eccentric ball of energy, taking alot of pride in his work to the point it is difficult to stray him to anything else. Though amiable and helpful is also a pragmatist who doesn't take much interest in politics. His loyalty is to the person who maintain his interest and that is more important to him then money or cause.

Background:A bastard son of a rowdy young noble and his chamber maid, when he was born the father took no interest in him firing the mother into poverty. Growing up he helped his grandfather in the smithy as blacksmith apprentice, it this he was found to be a natural enough to surpass his grandfather. He eventually took over the smithy and gained some renown for his craftsmanship, gaining a reputation of working nonstop day and night for days if sufficiently motivated and sometimes for no compensation. He is also known as a tinkerer and inventor making strange but fine weapons and other craft from unique metal mix only he knows.


+ Savant blacksmith both in quantity and quality, though prefers the latter.

+Sufficient fighter with sword and hammer.

-Can't hold his own in any fighter beyond basic foot soldier.

-loyalty to cause is dubious,

Don't worry there is more to anvil during the story. Ow god....i cant believe i wrote that.
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:



Social Class: Commoner

Personality: An eccentric ball of energy, taking alot of pride in his work to the point it is difficult to stray him to anything else. Though amiable and helpful is also a pragmatist who doesn't take much interest in politics. His loyalty is to the person who maintain his interest and that is more important to him then money or cause.

Background:A bastard son of a rowdy young noble and his chamber maid, when he was born the father took no interest in him firing the mother into poverty. Growing up he helped his grandfather in the smithy as blacksmith apprentice, it this he was found to be a natural enough to surpass his grandfather. He eventually took over the smithy and gained some renown for his craftsmanship, gaining a reputation of working nonstop day and night for days if sufficiently motivated and sometimes for no compensation. He is also known as a tinkerer and inventor making strange but fine weapons and other craft from unique metal mix only he knows.


+ Savant blacksmith both in quantity and quality, though prefers the latter.

+Sufficient fighter with sword and hammer.

-Can't hold his own in any fighter beyond basic foot soldier.

-loyalty to cause is dubious
This is a great profile so far! However you're missing something at the end of the profile - check the Rules and Regulations tab.

Also does your character not have a last name on purpose like my own character? If that's the case then it'd be great if you can explain that in the background or add in a last name. Other than that it's a good profile!
[QUOTE="Capn Gregginz]Very interesting RP. I'd like to reserve a male Noble. Expect my character in the morning!

No problem! I look forward to meeting him!
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Can I reserve the princess of the riches spot? I will make the form soon.

Sure! I'll add you to the list!
Sounds like loads of fun!!


Character Skeleton:

Name: Bronwen Frell

Age: Twenty-two

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Commoner/Rags

Personality: Despite her station and her unfortunate luck, she has the ferocity of a dog, determined never to give in to complacency and to uphold her convictions, regardless of the consequences. She has a strong tendency to feel very little sympathy towards those in a high station, and can be, in fact, quite contemptuous of nobles.

Despite her predisposed disregard for those more fortunate, she is not without compassion and is almost always much more likely to give than to receive. As the youngest of eleven children, ten of which were boys, she is sincerely lacking in girlish qualities, and has been known to engage in, and on the occasion, start brawls. What she lacks in table manners and poise, Bronwen makes up for in tenacity. She is bold, adventurous and daring, but never one to make an oath, threat or deal she cannot keep.

Background: Bronwen was born into poverty, the eleventh child of a humble peasant farmer and his wife. Barely able to keep food on the table even before the famine, her father was forced into the service of a few unsavory characters. After months of back-breaking toil, he was struck by illness of the respiratory system, succumbing to fever in only a few short days, eventually taking with him seven of Bronwen's bothers.

Crushed by loss and unable to pay off her husband's debts, Bronwen's mother was forced to sell their home, abandon their belongings and send her four remaining children to fend for themselves outside the gates of the High City.

Here, Bronwen grew up, a mere droplet in the ocean of downtrod souls, until at long last the annoucement was made that the gates would be opened and the public allowed access again.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her strength comes largely from within - a fortitude bordering on stubbornness. Despite having grown up impoverished, Bronwen is as intelligent as one can be in her station and quite apt at talking her way out of precarious situations. Cleverness and wit come in quite handy, when one is thin as a twig.

Her weaknesses are primarily physical, as she is extremely malnourished, but with ten older brothers, she is not without fight and can handle herself well enough in a scrap against someone her size.

Appearance: Ragged in every sense of the word, from the deer-hide shoes, handed down from her elder brothers and the patched and tattered dress from her mother, to the tangled mop of brown hair, crowning her head. Her waist could be circled by a pair of hands, her arms and legs long and gangly, her hands and feet like bone. Beneath it all, the dirt and mire of an urchin's lot, she was beautiful. Her mother insisted she was cursed... given the face of a queen, a mask of porceline, devoid of flaw or wrinkle, lips like petals on a rose, pink and pursed, the corners lifted in a constant smile, but with the fortune of a fool to be born a pauper. Chestnut eyes rimmed by darkness from one too many nights sleeping on the cobbles held a hungry, audacious glint, like cold steel, a measure of pride won only from one more day of breath in her lungs.


Did you hear the one about the guy whose left side was cut clean off??? He's all right now... *rimshot*
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Name: Eddart Doherty

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Noble/Riches

Eddart Doherty is the only born son to a high class noble in Eamon and raised in a life of luxury. Since he was a boy, his family had bought the very best things for Eddart from his education, his clothing and even the company of friends. As Eddart became older, his father started to get him more involved with the territory war and introduced him to the harsher side of the nobility. As the years went on and the involvement of the Royal Family and their attempts on stopping the power struggle, Eddart became infuriated with the thought of throwing away the land that he had taken in the name of his family. This sparked Eddart’s desire to become a part of the Royal Family and to influence the land to satisfy his voracious appetite for power.

Personality:Eddart is a cunning and narcissistic son of a nobleman who prefers to use words and money over swords and threats. Educated by some of the best tutors in Eamon and trained by his father in the art of fencing and boxing. He is very materialistic and spends most of his money on exotic art such as tribal statues and odd forms of jewelry as opposed to women and wine. Women and drink are merely distractions and will only engage with either if it benefits him in the current situation. Eddart is more about keeping appearances and looking the part of being a noble than what is required of him by society and his own family. He believes in owning land rather than ruling it. Eddart is very involved with the politics of the Nobility but only for his own selfish goals and plans. He gives off the impression of being a gentleman, but he is a very spiteful and greedy man. Eddart is obsessed with the thought of owning the territories in Eamon to the point that he does not get very much sleep because he stays up late planning and sneaking around the city to achieve his goals. Eddart wears his emotions on his sleeves and although he’s good at keeping appearances, he’s known for his outbursts should something go against his plans. The thought of losing angers Eddart and he’s willing to cheat and bribe in order to make sure he always comes out on top.


Intelligent and Charismatic

+ Skilled Swordsman and Boxer

+ Family owns a large territory in Eamon

- Lets his emotions get the better of him

- Materialistic

- Power Hungry



An FYI, he's extremely drawn to art.
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All said and done, I just got another burst of inspiration... would it be all right if I made a Nobel lady as well? (P.S. Thanks for keeping me occupied while my little guy naps *lol*)
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]All said and done, I just got another burst of inspiration... would it be all right if I made a Nobel lady as well? (P.S. Thanks for keeping me occupied while my little guy naps *lol*)

Sure! Go right ahead!
Character Skeleton:

Name: Lady Cressida DeWitt

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Nobility - Daughter of Lord Barencroft and Lady Lioline DeWitt

Personality: Cressida is a product of her circumstances, through and through, as stereotypical noble as one can get. Spoiled rotten by parents who care too little and a staff who cares too much, and giving neither much thought or regard, she's spent a large portion of her life catered to in every respect. She cares very little for anyone above her station and even less for those below it and makes it known that she reviles the poor and needy, finding the thought of comingling with commoners detestable.

Often, her attitude towards those beneath her borders on childish and petty, but she is hardly cruel as many of her kin and peers tend to be. While she would never go so far as to intercede for them, she takes very little pleasure in the suffering of others. She finds violence, particularly for sport, a ghastly affair and prides herself on never having been to an enjoyable beheading or hanging.

She bores quickly, and very rarely does her attention span outweigh her need for attention. Still, she is not without benefit. Living a sheltered existence, Cressida became something of an encyclopedia on those within the High City walls - gossip is her game and she is quite skilled at it.

Background: Cressida was born late into her parents lives. Something of an unexpected treasure, she was both highly revered and overly sheltered. To her mother, she was the precious jewel of Eamon... requiring the uttermost delicacy and care. To her father, she was the bargaining chip he needed to ensure his the growth of his land and girth of pockets. None of this matter, so long as Cressida got what she wanted, when she wanted it.

When the gates to the city were closed, Cressida's initial reaction was one of pure joy... cut off from the scourge - no longer needing to rub elbows with the stale crust of the streets, but as time wore on she found the boredom and solitude of forced isolation something of a new trial.

Busying herself as best she could, she began studying those around her, amounting to a bit of an expertise on the fellow nobles and their kin.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Cressida's is gifted in many ways prevalent to nobility, including song, art and needlepoint. Though she loathes to get her hands dirty, she does, on the occasion enjoy cooking as well. She is also quite the proficient flirt, and there are very few people, men in particular who she cannot easily read. Her perceptive nature makes it very difficult for anyone to maintain a secret while in her presence.

Her limits are largely physical - due more to lack of interest than technique. She detests anything dirty or boyish, and cannot suffer fighting of any sort. She is also a rather unaccomplished swimmer, and is said to avoid anything deeper than a bath. She is terrified of the concept of a forced marriage and has done everything within her power to avoid her suitors interest since childhood.

Appearance: Delicate and beautiful, with long hair the color of a wheat field at sunset and eyes like jewels, clear and blue as a summer sky. She walks with a refined elegance attributed to her station, her long, slender frame a picture of perfect posture. Well-fed, she possesses curves where their ought to be. Her skin is a soft honeyed hue, free of blemish. She bears a haughty disposition, giving off an air of arrogance, but her smile is kind and warm and her laugh is infectious.

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Can I take a noble woman spot?

Name: Catherine von de Carlais

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Social Class: nobles/riches


Growing up as most nobles did, Catherine's behavior was polite and elegant, upholding a high born manner to herself. Catherine was clever with words, either when she lashed someone with sarcasm, banter honeyed words with others at party, and even diplomatic talk about politic or business. She also a thinker person, always had a backup plan when things didn't go as she want. Rarely get angry, especially at public place, as she believed it was a weakness and people could get a control of her plan. But if she got angry she'll go really mad though, would go as far as destroying things in her room. And although Catherine appeared to be a rather flirty person, she had no real interest in having a lover, or love interest at all. For now.

Catherine realized that her family also must stretched their hands to the low town people to gain their trust, so in case if there was ever a rebellion some way in the future by them, her family would be at least ignored and not attacked (Catherine actually rolled her eyes at her father's agreement with that is because of they actually going to help those folks with pure intention). Catherine had to pressed her urge to burned in anger when the news about the masquerade would be held and she had to mingle with those low town leeches. To diplomatically support them was one thing, to clasp hands and dance with them was another. In her mind it must be some God's punishment for anything she had done in her life because she must be 'polite' with the same kind of people as the man and that bastard child who took her mother's heart and Catherine's happiness.

Two things Catherine hates the most are her mother and her so-called half sibling, even that hate feeling morphed into desire to hurt them both. And deep inside her heart (even though she thought that was just a delusional thing) Catherine wished that his father found someone who loved him earnestly and faithfully.


Catherine was the first child of Garrett von de Carlais and Lilia von de Carlais (nee Carlanmall) and the first in line to be the next Head of her family. Catherine's childhood was a happy one, because despite her parents being busy they took care of her with love, although she was much closer to her father than her mother, being her mother spend less time with her, but that was okay. Until she was 11, Catherine felt that she was the luckiest girl in the world. But then she and her father (and eventually later the rest of noble peers) found out that her mother had cheated with a man from low town ("a beautiful man, with beautiful eyes, in rags..." Was Catherine mocking words at that time) for three years, and that time that affair was revealed her mother was 7 months pregnant. After that, Catherine and his father were quickly being the talk (and source of mocking jokes) of other nobles and her peers.

That was her destructive habit started. Catherine would smile politely and retreat to her room, then break anything she came across. Sometime she even would hurt herself. That habit escalated when the bastard child was born. that new born was greatly resembled the rags man, no doubt it was from his seed. But what had saddened her truly was her mother's happy reaction of getting that child. The woman actually brought that child to their Estate. That rag-born grew up in there for two years, before her father (the noble man in name and heart) decided that he couldn't stand the sight of his love-stealer clone lived in this place. Lilia was furious, threw hurtful words at her father and leaved to the low town for 3 weeks. After she returned to their estate (with father's begging and force), her mother's behavior to Catherine was rather detached, and quite spiteful at her own husband.

Catherine knew that her mother still visited the rags man and his child whenever she had a chance. So when she was 18, she hired a prostitute to seduce the rags man, along explaining the tactics to lure him. And it was really easy to lure that man. 3 months later her mother caught the man and the prostitute in the act. As Catherine comforted her mother to overcome her 'heartbreak', in her mind she laughed. Hard. She regretted she didn't saw her mother expression that time, because that would be hilarious. Catherine always patted herself in the back whenever she remembered that, because her mother never visited the low town again, made her father content and the rumors about her family lessened.

When Catherine heard about the masquerade, she immediately practiced her smile to be as serene as possible to anyone, even to lowly servants whose present she barely stand on daily basis. That, and practiced to not lose her purse from thieves (because that's what those people mostly are).

Catherine's favorite past time was gardening, reading, and shopping.


Strength :

- Speech skill. Catherine was really skilled in persuade and convincing anyone to agree of her views

-Confidence. She didn't afraid to speak her mind to anyone if she felt must to. Even the Royal members them self.

-Etiquette. Catherine would speak and behave kindly to everyone if that will benefit her.

-Intelligence. Catherine is good at planning something and how to conduct people to work her plan

-Sword skill. Actually this is just her mediocre skill she acquired from her fencing lesson on her teen years.

Weakness :

-Her inability to see an honest intention from a good deed done by anyone but his father. She thought that everyone always had further intention than just being nice. Not her father though. She felt that her father was the most honest man in the world.

-Her inability to control her rage when she was angry. She could hurt anything, being they were furnitures, sometime anyone at her sight, and even herself. Catherine swore to her life she would never hurt her father though.

-sometime her pride get better at her

-Always searching someone's bad side, either that a secret or just a bad behavior. But she didn't use that knowledge to blackmail though (well, she'd do otherwise if the circumstance forced her to do that), just either for laugh in her mind or for mocking jabs material.



Oh, is it my time to leave? Forgive me at my forgetfulness, I'll better get going to... Oblivion (I had to mention this realm... I had to xD )

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Can I reserve a male rag? Will whip up a character sheet after I've eaten, but thought I'd get a foot in the door. Am thinking either a profiteering merchant or a poacher of some kind.
Hellkite said:
Can I reserve a male rag? Will whip up a character sheet after I've eaten, but thought I'd get a foot in the door. Am thinking either a profiteering merchant or a poacher of some kind.
No problem! I'll reserve a spot for you and you can post whenever you get the chance.
Name: Merek Clipshawe

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags


Born the son of an opulent merchant, Merek knew wealth from a young age, even if he never had the nobility he always coveted. Merek was a privileged child, for a Rag, that is until the mob came. Storming his father's shop, they looted it for food and petty change, beating his father, killing him. Then the mindless crowd set the place on fire. Merek managed to escape the flames, but his face was badly burnt and disfigured from the fire. As he watched his home disintegrate, collapsing in on itself in a storm of charred wood and dancing embers, Merek took a bolt of cloth discarded by the looters, and used it to hide his face from the crowd lest they recognise him, and to conceal his burns. Then he fled the scene, vanishing into the night.

Merek next resurfaced as the muscle in a tavern in one of Eamon's seedier alleyways. He had made a name for himself: the young man with the burnt face, cunning, and vicious in a fight, underhand even to the dirtiest of fighters. Scrapping in the dark behind the Tavern taught Merek to brawl, and his scars taught him that winners rarely fight fair. Soon the innkeeper refused to let Merek out of his sight, naively not out of fear, but trusting that the man would protect him as the one who gave him shelter. Merek lurked in the doorway during every shady deal the businessman made, and he listened, and learnt. When the Innkeeper was found dead one morning, murdered in the street, Merek naturally, conveniently, took over management of the "Buck's Ale", and from his new base of operations began to expand his reach and influence across the city. Bribes were handed out liberally, opposition annihilated in a series of raids and skirmishes, and when the dust settled, the citizens knew that it was Merek and his gang; the Clipshawe Ring, that now pulled the strings in Eamon's underworld.

Merek and his Clipshawes have been the dominant power in Eamon for a little less than a decade, characterised by their policy of striking straight for the throat of a problem, tackling it rapidly and without mercy. In more recent years however the Clipshawe's have faced sterner opposition. The Rags have grown claws, led by a de-facto leader, a young woman, skilled with a sword, who has orchestrated a running battle with Clipshawe thugs, moneylenders and conmen. While the Ring's hold on Eamon is still strong, their Ringleader is flagging. Merek lost an eye to a arrow while leading his muscle in a raid upon a suspected militia stronghold. His age works against him, forcing him to increasingly depend on his lackeys and guile rather than the strength of his own body. The merging of the Rich and the Rags has the potential to either bolster the Clipshawes to new, unrivalled heights, or spell Merek's demise from zealous lawbringers, or over-ambitious subordinates. His strength and health are dwindling, and with it his hold is slipping. His life hangs in the balance.


Since the fire Merek has operated by one principle, and one alone: ruthlessness. Merek gives no quarter, and expects none, making every fight a fight to the death. He relies on his authority and his guile over his failing muscle- preferring to fight dirty, outnumbering and overpowering the opposition, both in business and in combat. Courtesy of his 'profession', Merek stays detached from his subordinates, and simply indifferent to his victims, enabling him to react rationally to each problem as it presents itself and capable of ignoring the deaths of Clipshawe's, Militiamen and civilians in order to achieve his ambitions.

Merek understands that he is far from a good and noble person, and so clings to his few redeeming qualities. Merek may be cold and aloof from the consequences of his actions, but he does understand, and carefully consider the impact of every move he makes. While he wouldn't shirk from a massacre to protect his goals, his gang and the live he has made for himself, he refuses to bring misery on the Rags gratuitously, for his subordinates enjoyment. While this isn't much, it indicates that perhaps there could have been more to Merek Clipshawe, had he not been forced to the streets when he was so young.





+Veteran fighter and brawler, fighting with measure and tactics.



-Only has one eye (blindspot on his left-hand side)




Always wears his red neck-scarf, brought up to his nose to conceal his burns, and has a number of scars.

Something punny....
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>Dimitri Magley<


  • Age:

    “22 years of experience"



    “Last time I checked."



    “Not that romance is my top priority at the moment."


    Social Class:

    “The ones without their noses in the clouds and with no golden blindfold on."





Alexander Goldenhallow







Social Class:



Alexander is handsome, rich, smart, and the heir to the throne of Ottilia. If only he realized any of that. He is goofy and scared of his responsibilities. On the bright side, Alexander is always the highlight of a party, social, charming, and sweet as can be. However, he is also naive and overly trusting which could lead to an easy assassination if he is not careful.


Being the first born, Alexander has been raised to be the future king since his first word. Tutors from around the kingdom have taught him languages, math, science, art, and diplomacy. He was personally trained by the Army General in swordsmanship, archery, and hand-to-hand combat, although he much prefers archery. He has had several trysts with different members of the noble families. they believe that it will help them gain power, Alexander merely sees it as experimentation and chances at love, which is what he really wants. Ever since he first read his first romance novel when he was 13 he has been searching for love, refusing to believe it does not exist, praying that one day he will find his true love.


+Can easily get what he wants

+Surprisingly strong from years of training

+Kindhearted and generous

-overly trusting


-against aggression and fighting



He was caught gambling, he had a royal flush

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Name: Millicent Nathair

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Social Class: Peasant/Commoner

Wary, shifty, cynical-the kind of person who looks at the world through judgemental eyes and isn't impressed. While rarely aggressive, she takes a long time to fully trust anyone, even close friends. Has somewhat of a dry, sarcastic sense of humour.

Millicent was born out of wedlock on the streets; her father mysteriously disappeared before she was born, leaving her already poor mother to care for Millicent herself with an unsupportive family and very little money. With dwindling resources, Millicent and her mother were eventually forced to leave their home and erected a makeshift slum on the streets to live in. There Millicent soon learned how to lie, thieve, pickpocket and use weapons in combat, all from a very young age. There she and her mother spent most of their lives stealing and fighting for any scraps of food or money they could find, frequently moving from area to area to escape authorities and rival thieves; until eventually, when Millicent was 10 years old, her mother gradually succumbed to her failing mental and physical health, and passed away. Since then Millicent has survived on her own, using the skills her mother gave her, wit and a will to survive.


Intelligent and good at solving problems in difficult situations

+A reasonably good liar

+Quick and stealthy

+Good with knives and slingshots

+Athletic and flexible

+Isn't gullible or easy to fool

-Not as strong physically, can't hit as hard as stronger opponents

-Not that good with larger, more expensive weapons such as swords and bows (or pretty much anything other than knives and slingshots)

-Specializes in ambush attacks, but not that great in heavy close-combat due to lack of stamina

-Her distrustful nature can put off possible allies and could potentially even create enemies

-Would prefer to flee or back out than fight or stand her ground in any confrontation

Skinny, green eyes, pale complexion, freckled cheeks, long mousy brown hair kept away from the face in either a loose ponytail or plait, held together by bits of string. Several small scars along arms and hands, minor bruises and scabs on various parts of the body, particularly the knees. Habitually wears a faded brown and green checked tunic-style dress; both clothes, face and body are usually covered in a layer of dust or grime. Feet are hard and calloused from years of walking barefoot on the streets.

She's skinny because she never has any cereal for breakfast-that would be too corny. *insert cymbal*
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Name: Rita Digby

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Social Class: Rag/Commoner

Personality: She doesn't make friends very easily, and she finds it hard to trust anyone, even her family or her closest of friends. She is very smart and logical. Oftentimes, she will run from a fight. Not because she is a coward, or a fool, but simply because she tries to never get into a fight she can't win.

Background: Growing up on the streets with her brother, she made a quick coin any way she could. Picking pockets, making up scams, stealing from vaults, anything. She had few friends, although the ones she did have were quite close. I say "were" because they are all dead now, killed after they tried stealing from the Thieves Guild a few months ago. Needless to say, she is not very fond of the Thieves Guild. Now it is only her and her brother, alone on the streets.


+Is very intelligent

+She had to learn to fight in order to survive in the streets, so she is moderately good at fighting, but definitely not an expert

+She is stealthy, a learned skill from many years of pickpocketing and stealing

+Has good stamina and flexibility

-She is not very strong

-She is not too tough

-She oftentimes can't function in social situations very well

+- She is small and skinny, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage

Appearance: Small, scrawny, with long uncombed red hair, and blue eyes. She has few scars, unusual for one who grew up on the streets. Her posture is constantly upright and alert, a habit gained from a lifetime of having to watch her back for thieves and murderers. Her eyes tend to dart across a room, identifying any possible threats or weapons.

I guess if she had a dagger with her, she'd have a pretty sharp wit.
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Hi. I'm a beginning rper and I really want to join but like you said in the rules, I'm worried that I might have a hard time keeping up because of this. Do you mind if I make a rags, thief character and, if I can't keep up, kill her off later?
Kattz said:
Hi. I'm a beginning rper and I really want to join but like you said in the rules, I'm worried that I might have a hard time keeping up because of this. Do you mind if I make a rags, thief character and, if I can't keep up, kill her off later?
Of course you can join! Well from this post it sounds as if you're very literate when it comes to articulating your thoughts. The only thing is that unfortunately there are no positions left for female Rags as we are actually over the limit. However there is a position for a male rag, male noble, and a female noble left.
grapedrank said:
Of course you can join! Well from this post it sounds as if you're very literate when it comes to articulating your thoughts. The only thing is that unfortunately there are no positions left for female Rags as we are actually over the limit. However there is a position for a male rag, male noble, and a female noble left.
I'll be a female noble then since I don't think I have have the skills to pull off being a gender opposite to mine. So can I reserve a spot for a female noble and submit a character sheet sometime today?
Kattz said:
I'll be a female noble then since I don't think I have have the skills to pull off being a gender opposite to mine. So can I reserve a spot for a female noble and submit a character sheet sometime today?
Of course! I'll reserve the spot for you and just post when you get the chance :)
Hi can I make another character? I want to make Catherine's half brother. Although I'm not sure if I can keep him long because well... Let's just say that he's a wicked boy xD

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