Rags and Riches

jukeboxingirl90 said:
Hi can I make another character? I want to make Catherine's half brother. Although I'm not sure if I can keep him long because well... Let's just say that he's a wicked boy xD
Ooh most definitely!
Name: Chimere Venitia Beaumont (formerly Fortunato)

Age: 20

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Social Class: noble/riches

Personality: Chimere is usually serious and business-minded with a blank, uninterested expression on her face. With a cynical mind, she finds humor in messing with others (mainly other nobles) by playing mind games or other tricks to ease her constant boredom. A genuine expression of ease and happiness can be seen on her face when she is playing an instrument or singing. She doesn't have a particular hatred or love for anyone other than her grandmother and uncle whom she both loves and admirers. Chimere can also be a bit lazy when it comes to physical activities. Why go through the effort when you can pay, trick, or tell someone to do it for you?

Background: When the gates closed over two decades ago, trading had to go on in order for the members of the upperclass to continue with their luxurious lifestyle. Unfortunately, with thieves and other forms of disaster constantly attacking the cargo that made its way up the canals, that lifestyle was made harder for nobles to achieve by "cleaner" means. The underground market, that exists in every society, used to be less prominent in Ottilia but soon started to boom as a result of the loss of goods transported by more conventional means. The underground market, once a competing ground for shady merchants, was soon seen as another territory for the nobility to fight over. Most couldn't care less about the Low Town since they knew it's inhabitants could barely afford food, but everyone knew that whoever controlled the underground market, would supply a great deal of High Town. The prospect attracted the nobility like flies and near instantly outed any merchants without political power from the competition.

Two families managed to claw their way to the top of this new territory and constantly fought each other to stay there. When their animosity for each other grew to the point where they nearly broke laws and earned the King's disfavor, they calmed down enough to arrange a marriage between the them in order to achieve peace. Ricardo Fortunato and Alice Beaumont were the "lucky" couple forced into such a marriage, but they made the best of their circumstances and grudgingly became friends, bringing their two families together. This brought both families more status and wealth than they had before, giving them both powerful allies and enemies.

Chimere and her older brother were born to the Fortunato-Beaumont pair and were living a life of relative happiness and luxury. It remained this way until Chimere was 13 when her parents were assassinated and the brittle peace between the Fortunato and Beaumont families was shattered. After much in-fighting, it was decided that Chimere was to stay with the Beaumonts while her brother stayed with the Fortunatos and that the two families would conduct their businesses separately. As a result of this, the Beaumont's power in the underground began falter as they lost it to the Fortunatos. To make up for this, the Beaumont family looked for other long-term investments while they still had the wealth to back them up. Currently they are the leading most contractors in musical services, monopolizing the music industry for nearly all the many social events that require them in the High Town. When the royal decree came for the opening of the gates and the destruction of the walls, the Beaumont family laughed as this meant that the usage of the underground market would decrease as well as the Fortunatos' power and wealth. The Beaumonts, on the other hand, would prosper from the masquerade ball and other events to come as they would obviously need music to be played.


+ the ability to remain calm in almost any situation

+ the skill to sing and play almost any instrument well

+ a business/merchant's mind

- can be very lazy

- gets physically tired easily

- gets bored easily

- due to her general lack of exercise other than strolls and walks, she's not very athletic

Appearance: It's highly unlikely for anyone to find her in anything but a dress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/downloadfile-1.jpeg.a346155a13f4db104dd6713a75809ac0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/downloadfile-1.jpeg.a346155a13f4db104dd6713a75809ac0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I used to walk around without shoes all day. It became a bit of a hobbit.



  • downloadfile-1.jpeg
    75 KB · Views: 60
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I'm not to late, am I?

Name: Seraphim Tordjas

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Riches

Personality: Seraphim is the self proclaimed merchant king of Ottilia. He's charismatic and more often than not often flirtatious. He owns and runs his fleet from the capitol. He is intelligent, curious and rather good with any sort of ranged weapon (he hates up front confrontation) or likewise dexterous activity. Despite noble upbringing, he always had a curiosity for the rags, which was only fed by his willingness to trade for "lost goods" that somehow made their way into low town. Tordjas has been suspected as a smuggler, fence for the thieves, and even a pirate lord, but his high connections, resources, and general friendly nature have kept mostly out of trouble with the law.

Background: Seraphim Tordjas was raised by his father Joseph Tordjas alongside his brother Sean. His father was a wealthy merchant at the time of the separation of classes, and the family only built their station upward. Seraphim was raised on trade and seamanship, which his father often snuck him out to a port town to learn first hand as a child. Seraphim, though keeping removed from others unless on business (or flirting) quickly grew a knack for bargaining and social interaction.

His brother, though, was caught on the wrong side of the separation, though will never admit it, and grew into a master thief. He had plenty of opportunities to rejoin his family, but insisted on staying in low town when not on a job. Years of covering for and hiding his brother influenced Seraphim over the years to turn to similar lifestyles, and at the same time taught him many useful loopholes in the law, at least when it came to "goods and services."


+Strong sense of loyalty to family and friends

+Extremely opportunistic

+Connections with both thieves guilds and high stationed nobles

+Charismatic/attractive (and he knows it)

+/-Friendly to a fault

-Has a disdain for 'boring' lifestyles

-Often finds himself on the wrong side of the law

-Known to associate with criminals

-Extremely arrogant


Red hair, green eyes and a pale complexion (couldn't get a colored picture.)


Gone Chopin, Bach in a minuet.
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Name: Arabella Clarence

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, although she tends to lean more heavily towards heterosexual

Social Class: Riches

Background: There was a time when no one knew who Arabella was. After losing her mother to disease before the nobility and the common people were divided, Arabella and her merchant father only just managed to scrap up enough coin to land on the former side of the wall. However, circumstances didn't necessarily improve for the two, as coin was more readily spent on food and water and medicine than on fine cloths and perfumes and Arabella's father struggled to maintain the nobility lifestyle and he began to wither under the pressure. When Arabella was fifteen, her father took a turn for the worst and was often trapped in his bed and unable to work, forcing his only child to manage things. And she managed things incredibly well. Intelligent and cunning beyond her years, Arabella soon discovered that while trinkets did not sell very well, secrets did. Before long, the silks and broaches were only a cover for the black market trading in that she did in the shadows, dealing in secrets and spies, and eventually darker actions. By the time she was nineteen, her father had passed away and she was the sole owner of the business and her reach began to rapidly spread and she was finally able to not only sell silks, but own a few of her own.

However, her wealth came at a price: dealing so closely with other people's skeletons, Arabella became increasingly sensitive to dishonesty and found herself sleeping with one eye open out of fear that someone would seek revenge or try to eliminate her for one reason or another. Such has driven her to a lonely lifestyle where even her closest friends and her worst enemies.

Arabella is rather indifferent towards the upcoming merge between the two classes. She has seen the darker side of the nobility and as a result is not particularly fond of them, but her main concern is her business and maintaining the lifestyle that she has managed to obtain. And with the hundreds of common folk hungry for revenge, it might not be such a bad thing if her clientele was to expand.,,

Personality: Keenly aware that the best mask is a flawless appearance, Arabella stands tall and is not known for being expressive. Her words are chosen carefully, but that is not to say that she is friendly; her smiles are often cold and suggestive and her tone is often laced with duel meanings. On rare occasions, the paranoia, stress, and emotions that she bottles up come exploding out in violent fits of rage that have been known to wound or destroy those around her,

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Intelligent and cunning

+ Business savvy

- Prone to outbursts

- Doesn't like to be challenged

- Lonely

Name: Kite Carson

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Class: Rags

Background: By the time Kite turned 12, he was alone. His fatner, mother, and younger sister all died from famine and illness, and his older brother died when a riot over a pig carcass resulted with him taking a hammer to the head. Standing as a witness to all these deaths and having to helplessly stand by as his mother, the last to die, faded away took it's toll on Kite. After managing to bury his mother next to his father and sibling in the field behind his childhood home, Kite set fire to the dwelling and vanished. For thirteen years he lived in the shadows, but now that he's caught wind of the upcoming merge, he's stepped back into the light.

Fueled by his hatred for those that he blames for the deaths of his family and hundreds of others like them, Kite grew strong during his years away and is now prepared to cause the same sense of pain and loss that he felt towards those he deems responsible: the nobility.

Personality: Having been his own company for thirteen years, Kite is not the most graceful when it comes to human interaction. He certainly is not shy as he always speaks his mind and censors nothing. He's generally unaware of the effects of what he says and is not skilled in undertones and common phrases. He has a tendency to talk to himself and be harsh towards those around him, but once he finds someone that he can view as a friend or ally, he's sure to soften up.

Strengths and Weaknesses:


+Stealthy and quick despite his larger build

+Passionate; driven

- Angry

- Un socialized; uncivilized



Name: Clear Clairvoyance

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bisexual, although after all this years Clear just had his affection on his half sister.

Social Class: Poor / Rags


Most people seen Clear as a kind and active young man. He lived with his father all his life (or, he liked to call the man in private, mother), helped him running a food shop which sold breads, cheese, and some dried foods (mostly dried fruits and vegetables, and sometimes meat). He was told by many people that he resembled his father. A lot. From their eyes, hair, and even to their slim but lean posture. If those people had known any better then, the father and son was more alike in personality. They knew that their beauty was one of their useful assets, so they made sure they always cleaned themself (well, as clean as rags could achieve) then made sure people was interested in them enough to be lured to buy at their shop. Sometime they also helped others with free breads or dried fruits. Actually although it was part from their act of generosity , it was more because they must made friends in this area if they wanted to survive. And although both of them opposed any acts of violence, they didn't mind of thievery. In fact, that was their side job. But they just stole petty things though, like few coins from nobles passing nearby or some foods from carriage. And there was one trait that got them often agree with each other, and that was their obsession for the object of their own affection. Clear would do anything to get closer, or even just get a glimpse of her, just as his father to him. Close friends meant nothing to him if Clear could use them to get him into her arms.


Born from the affair of Lilia von de Carlais and Noir Leisa Clairvoyance, he spend the first two years of his life in de Carlais Manor, at the insistence of the woman who gave birth to him (his father just called that woman 'mother' in front of her presence or in a mocking tone). He didn't remember that time of his life, him being just a babe at that time, but strangely he remembered a girl with flowing blond hair and piercing blue eyes. All too well in fact. So he was grateful when he was kicked out of his house, Lilia von de Carlais also slipped a painting of the girl. It was the best thing that woman gave to him, even that include his own life. His father delicately placed the painting in front of his bed, so Clear could see her in his awoke and his sleep. And he did, gazing adoringly at those eyes in the painting everyday.

No long after he moved from the Manor to the lowtown, Clear learned that her name was Catherine von de Carlais, none other than his own half-sister. That fact made him happy at first, knowing that they were related, so they were supposed to be close. One day in his fifth birthday he admit it to his father who agreed with a soft laugh, then scoffed and said that they certainly would be had that Lady Lilia was gone. At first he was confused why his father thought ill of that woman, while she always called him as 'my love'. But as he grew older, he understood. Perfectly.

Most people, be they were nobles or rags, knew the story of intriguing (and quite amusing) love affair of Lilia von de Carlais and Noir Clairvoyance. They thought that both man and woman was so in love that they dared to devied their status difference, even going against Garrett von de Carlais, the cruel and pathetic nobleman. In those love-lorn delusional eyes anyway.

But the truth was far more intriguing. Noir Clairvoyance successfully seduced Lilia in attempt to make her a laugh matter in noble peerages, therefore brought a shame in Carlamnell name, the woman's family. That, and his father really wished that Garrett, the real one Noir really love, would see what a vermin his wife was. That act seemed like a cruel thing to do, but not without a worthy cause. If the Carlamnell family didn't frame him of false attempt at assasination to Leona von de Carlais, or rather, Garrett's mother, his father would be a legal spouse and concubine of the current Head of von de Carlais House. And Garrett would never, ever marry that woman. But the fact that had happened was otherwise.

Yes, the real love affair was happened between Noir Leisa Clairvoyance and Garrett von de Carlais. It was started when they just reached their maturity, years before the wall was build. An innocent heir of prestigous family with a kind smile and kinder eyes and a quick minded orphan who excellent at cook. The love blossomed slowly but growing stronger each day, even at the danger of being caught by anyone from both high town and low town. They met in secret, and sometime Noir even would wear a dress and disguised himself as a woman to avoid accusation, so even at present time their affair was not known by anyone but them self. But when they reached the age of 22, Garrett wanted to make their relationship known. Noir gleefully agreed, thus they seek Garrett's mother, Leona, to have her approval. In truth Leona had known the affair for a long time, and she liked the white haired young man as long as he didn't betray her son.

They would have their bonding ceremony had that incident didn't happened. Carlamnell family was a lower noble who hungry to have more authority, wealth and fame. de Carlais family who had an only son as the heir was a prime target to them. So it was natural that they would do anything to get that 'disgusting, unhonorable' ceremony cancelled. After several attempt, they finally succeed framing Clear's father at the incident that almost took Leona's life. Garrett believed that false act, and the man clearly hurt of his lover. He forbid the young man from seeing his family again. Few months later Garrett and Leila were married, at Carlamnell constant suggestions and pressures. From now on Noir Clairvoyance swore to take his lover back from that woman's grasp and make Carlamnell family regretted for commiting the act.

Even though Clear was not created from his parents's love, he was content because he still can lived until this day to love his sister. Clear would do anything to make her notice him, and eventually love him back.



- Speed. Clear was used to run to one place to another either delivering foods or running after steal something.

- He able to train his expression and sentences well

- Lockpicking and sneaking

- Noir could use a dagger in a combat, but just for self-defense


- Clear's obsession for Catherine was dangerous for him if he was desperate.

- one-on-one combat. Clear had not enough strength to face a fight. He prefer peace or running.

- If Clear had reached a breaking point, he would explode. He could break anything in front of him. A trait he shared with his dear sister.


Clear's skin was porcelain white, if he did not live in low town and dirtied daily his skin would definitely more beautiful.


Uuh... I think I just create a wrecked family O.o

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Name: Philana (Grace) Eros

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags/Commoner

Personality: Quiet and soft spoken, Philana might be a mere commoner, but her parents have showered her with everything she desired. She has never desired much though, knowing that her family was struggling to pay the most simple of expenses, especially after the drought and famine. Although dressed in the drab clothing of a peasant and living on a humble farm, she has the grace and elegance of a noble (which is where her nickname, Grace, comes from). She holds herself perfectly straight, her posture is nothing to sneeze at, when she walks she appears to float across the ground, even the tone in which she speaks seems to suggest Grace to be of noble birth and raising. The only time when she does not appear lady-like is when she is racing across the grass on top of her brown stallion, Zephyr. Whenever she is riding, her hair is a complete mess, she wears breeches instead of a dress, and her face is flushed red from exertion, not quite the image of a dainty aristocrat. Similar to the ladies of the royal court, Philana is a hopeless gossip, loving to spread and hear rumors. This has gotten her into trouble with many of the common folk. She does not seem to realize the amount of damage some bits of information can cause. Her opinion on nobles is rather neutral, after all, she is always looking for the best in others, Grace is quick to accept and quick to forgive. She is a kindhearted woman who will do anything for her loved ones. It is difficult to make Grace angry, but when she is, her words are harsh and strike where it hurts the most. Quickly after a fight though, Grace will be overcome with remorse and often be the first to apologize, even if she has nothing to apologize for. Don't expect to see Grace wander around alone though, she has learned no skills in defending herself. Between fight or flight, she will most likely choose flight, although she is not very athletic or a very fast runner. Above all, she despises the sight of blood and will even faint upon seeing it. Ever the optimist, Grace tries to view the world and the people in it with as much positivity as possible.


+ Her skill at horse back riding. Some say she rides as well as/better than most men.

+ Has elegance and poise.

+ She can easily pick out all the good qualities in other people.

- On the other hand, she isn't all that great at finding out the negative traits of others.

- This also makes her very gullible and prone to being harmed.

- Not too street smart, she's been sheltered her whole life.

- Loves to gossip.

+- Always positive. Which can go either way.

Background: Grace's parents are farmers, and all three of them live on a cozy little farm where they have chickens, a single cow, and of course, Grace's beloved companion, Zephyr. Zephyr is a stallion Grace spotted at the annual horse auction. Although her love for horses was there right from the start, Zephyr was the first thing she ever asked for from her parents and that was because she saw the poor creature was limping. Unable to watch the brown stallion's suffering, she had begged her father to purchase him for her. And when he did, obtaining a rather good deal due to Zephyr's injury, she brought him home and nursed him back to health. Then when she was sure she was completely healed, she swung herself onto the horse and galloped around the field. Because her parents could not afford Zephyr as well as a saddle, she learned to ride bareback. A year after, the drought struck, destroying all the crops on their farm, resulting in the loss of that year's pay. They barely managed to scrape by and her father had even suggested selling Zephyr or slaughtering him for meat. Grace tearfully pleaded to keep her companion, unable to hurt his daughter in such a way, his father struggled to find other methods for the family to get by. With the help of some friends and quite a few humiliating weeks where they begged for scraps, even digging through the trash for food, they were able to survive until the end of the drought and famine.

Appearance: Grace is slender and willowy, almost bordering on skinny. Shining hair the color of freshly harvested wheat, often braided messily down her back. After all, she doesn't really want to deal with all that hair flying into her mouth when she's riding. Kind green eyes rest over a button nose and pretty pink lips, which are almost always curved into a smile.


I hope you guys can handle all this pundemonium.
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jukeboxingirl90 said:

Name: Clear Clairvoyance

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bisexual, although after all this years Clear just had his affection on his half sister.

Social Class: Poor / Rags


Most people seen Clear as a kind and active young man. He lived with his father all his life (or, he liked to call the man in private, mother), helped him running a food shop which sold breads, cheese, and some dried foods (mostly dried fruits and vegetables, and sometimes meat). He was told by many people that he resembled his father. A lot. From their eyes, hair, and even to their slim but lean posture. If those people had known any better then, the father and son was more alike in personality. They knew that their beauty was one of their useful assets, so they made sure they always cleaned themself (well, as clean as rags could achieve) then made sure people was interested in them enough to be lured to buy at their shop. Sometime they also helped others with free breads or dried fruits. Actually although it was part from their act of generosity , it was more because they must made friends in this area if they wanted to survive. And although both of them opposed any acts of violence, they didn't mind of thievery. In fact, that was their side job. But they just stole petty things though, like few coins from nobles passing nearby or some foods from carriage. And there was one trait that got them often agree with each other, and that was their obsession for the object of their own affection. Clear would do anything to get closer, or even just get a glimpse of her, just as his father to him. Close friends meant nothing to him if Clear could use them to get him into her arms.


Born from the affair of Lilia von de Carlais and Noir Leisa Clairvoyance, he spend the first two years of his life in de Carlais Manor, at the insistence of the woman who gave birth to him (his father just called that woman 'mother' in front of her presence or in a mocking tone). He didn't remember that time of his life, him being just a babe at that time, but strangely he remembered a girl with flowing blond hair and piercing blue eyes. All too well in fact. So he was grateful when he was kicked out of his house, Lilia von de Carlais also slipped a painting of the girl. It was the best thing that woman gave to him, even that include his own life. His father delicately placed the painting in front of his bed, so Clear could see her in his awoke and his sleep. And he did, gazing adoringly at those eyes in the painting everyday.

No long after he moved from the Manor to the lowtown, Clear learned that her name was Catherine von de Carlais, none other than his own half-sister. That fact made him happy at first, knowing that they were related, so they were supposed to be close. One day in his fifth birthday he admit it to his father who agreed with a soft laugh, then scoffed and said that they certainly would be had that Lady Lilia was gone. At first he was confused why his father thought ill of that woman, while she always called him as 'my love'. But as he grew older, he understood. Perfectly.

Most people, be they were nobles or rags, knew the story of intriguing (and quite amusing) love affair of Lilia von de Carlais and Noir Clairvoyance. They thought that both man and woman was so in love that they dared to devied their status difference, even going against Garrett von de Carlais, the cruel and pathetic nobleman. In those love-lorn delusional eyes anyway.

But the truth was far more intriguing. Noir Clairvoyance successfully seduced Lilia in attempt to make her a laugh matter in noble peerages, therefore brought a shame in Carlamnell name, the woman's family. That, and his father really wished that Garrett, the real one Noir really love, would see what a vermin his wife was. That act seemed like a cruel thing to do, but not without a worthy cause. If the Carlamnell family didn't frame him of false attempt at assasination to Leona von de Carlais, or rather, Garrett's mother, his father would be a legal spouse and concubine of the current Head of von de Carlais House. And Garrett would never, ever marry that woman. But the fact that had happened was otherwise.

Yes, the real love affair was happened between Noir Leisa Clairvoyance and Garrett von de Carlais. It was started when they just reached their maturity, years before the wall was build. An innocent heir of prestigous family with a kind smile and kinder eyes and a quick minded orphan who excellent at cook. The love blossomed slowly but growing stronger each day, even at the danger of being caught by anyone from both high town and low town. They met in secret, and sometime Noir even would wear a dress and disguised himself as a woman to avoid accusation, so even at present time their affair was not known by anyone but them self. But when they reached the age of 22, Garrett wanted to make their relationship known. Noir gleefully agreed, thus they seek Garrett's mother, Leona, to have her approval. In truth Leona had known the affair for a long time, and she liked the white haired young man as long as he didn't betray her son.

They would have their bonding ceremony had that incident didn't happened. Carlamnell family was a lower noble who hungry to have more authority, wealth and fame. de Carlais family who had an only son as the heir was a prime target to them. So it was natural that they would do anything to get that 'disgusting, unhonorable' ceremony cancelled. After several attempt, they finally succeed framing Clear's father at the incident that almost took Leona's life. Garrett believed that false act, and the man clearly hurt of his lover. He forbid the young man from seeing his family again. Few months later Garrett and Leila were married, at Carlamnell constant suggestions and pressures. From now on Noir Clairvoyance swore to take his lover back from that woman's grasp and make Carlamnell family regretted for commiting the act.

Even though Clear was not created from his parents's love, he was content because he still can lived until this day to love his sister. Clear would do anything to make her notice him, and eventually love him back.



- Speed. Clear was used to run to one place to another either delivering foods or running after steal something.

- He able to train his expression and sentences well

- Lockpicking and sneaking

- Noir could use a dagger in a combat, but just for self-defense


- Clear's obsession for Catherine was dangerous for him if he was desperate.

- one-on-one combat. Clear had not enough strength to face a fight. He prefer peace or running.

- If Clear had reached a breaking point, he would explode. He could break anything in front of him. A trait he shared with his dear sister.


Clear's skin was porcelain white, if he did not live in low town and dirtied daily his skin would definitely more beautiful.


Uuh... I think I just create a wrecked family O.o

He's accepted, you're very detailed in your writing which is a good trait to have, however I've noticed several spelling/grammar issues in your posts, do you need someone to beta/go over your posts before you post them? It'll help you with being in this roleplay a lot and help your writing, and I would gladly help out should you want it. 

lavenderecho said:
Name: Philana (Grace) Eros
Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags/Commoner

Personality: Quiet and soft spoken, Philana might be a mere commoner, but her parents have showered her with everything she desired. She has never desired much though, knowing that her family was struggling to pay the most simple of expenses. Although dressed in the drab clothing of a peasant and living on a humble farm, she has the grace and elegance of a noble (which is where her nickname, Grace, comes from). Always looking for the best in others, she is quick to accept and quick to forgive. She is a kindhearted woman who will do anything for her loved ones.


+ Her skill at horse back riding. Some say she rides as well as/better than most men.

+ Has elegance and poise.

+ She can easily pick out all the good qualities in other people.

- On the other hand, she isn't all that great at finding out the negative traits of others.

- This also makes her very gullible and prone to being harmed.

- Not too street smart, she's been sheltered her whole life.

+- Always positive. Which can go either way.

Background: Grace's parents are farmers, and all three of them live on a cozy little farm where they have chickens, a single cow, and of course, Grace's beloved companion, Zephyr. Zephyr is a stallion Grace spotted at the annual horse auction. Although her love for horses has always been with her, Zephyr was the first thing she ever asked for from her parents, and that was because she saw the poor creature was limping. Unable to watch the brown stallion's suffering, she had begged her father to purchase him for her. And when he did, obtaining a rather good deal due to Zephyr's injury, she brought him home and nursed him back to health. Then when she was sure she was completely healed, she swung herself onto the horse and galloped around the field. Because her parents could not afford Zephyr as well as a saddle, she learned to ride bareback.

Appearance: Grace is slender and willowy, almost bordering on skinny. Shining hair the color of freshly harvested wheat, often braided messily down her back. After all, she doesn't really want to deal with all that hair flying into her mouth when she's riding. Kind green eyes rest over a button nose and pretty pink lips, which are almost always curved into a smile.


I hope you guys can handle all this pundemonium.
I like her a lot, loved the pun as well, and she's definitely accepted, however if you don't mind me asking, is there anyway you might be able to add just a few things to her? Her personality doesn't talk about much about her flaws, even if her strengths and weaknesses do. If you could elaborate on those more or add in a few things such as her opinion on the nobles, how she reacts in dangerous situations, if the drought, famine or plague affected her family at all, etc. But she's definitely accepted and you can post anytime you want.
Kattz said:
Do you mind if I make quick servant character to my noble character?
So long as it is an NPC then it's fine 

grapedrank said:
So long as it is an NPC then it's fine
No character sheets necessary! She can come in whenever you want her to, but be careful that she doesn't become her own character. The only reason I say no to making a servant character is because this roleplay is meant to be pretty black and white in terms of who is on which side of the wall and the divide in class. Servants are sort of this "gray area" that doesn't really fit well into the dynamics of the roleplay since they are lower class but not nobility yet living in the High Town regardless. I simply think it would make things too complicated, so I would to remember that NPCs are more of a tool to help move plot along and create interactions with your own character and not their own character.
xXLostGirlXx said:
Do you have space for a princess? If not I can figure something else out.
Of course! Although, since we have a prince and a king, make sure your character's last name matches. If I were you, I would message the person who is playing the prince to clear up anything, but that's just my recommendation.
Name: Alice Goldenhallow

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight (Uncertain)

Social Class: Princess, Riches

Personality: Alice is charming and prone to lying to get what she wants. She can be flirty, but normally she doesn’t try to be romantic. She is outright and fierce when she choses to be. If you anger her she is quick to go from kind to forceful. She over thinks many things and is often lost in her own thoughts. Her personality is constantly wavering with her emotions, as most people do. She is brave, but she is sometimes blinded by her will to protect things that she cares about. She couldn’t let someone else who was in trouble stay that way. Even if she likes to pretend to be self centred, she cares a lot about the people around her. She cares about children more than anything. Even if she is cold around others sometimes, around children she is always kind and gentle. She could never hurt a child in any way, because her best memories were growing up. She is very compassionate, but intelligent. Her emotions sometimes overpower her ability to think, especially when its someone that she cares about. She is curious in every aspect, if something peaks her curiosity she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from gravitating towards it.

She is persistent when voicing her opinion and doesn’t always know when it is a good time to stop. She can behave like a child herself. She doesn’t like to take ‘no’ as an answer and can always see some sort of good in a person, even if theres nothing really there. She is on a thin line between behaving like a child and behaving with maturity. She considers one side of her herself ‘child self’ and the other her ‘adult self’. Her child side thinks with its heart and does things to protect others, it is filled with emotion and compassion. Her adult side thinks with its head and considers what its doing before acting, its thoughts determine all its actions and tactic is its most important strength. All around, Alice is protective of her brother and wavering in attitude.

Background: Alice was born into riches, but not everything came easily for her. She was a neglected child, less important when her brother was around, and for that she envied him. She could never hate him though. He was the person she loved the most, even if he was the one who would take the place on the throne. What bothered her was that he never seemed to want it as much as she did. He never seemed to care as much as she did about it, but she knew that she would be there to help guide him if he needed it. That she would stand beside him when times got tough. She grew up craving for the attention of her father and her peers. She learned how to lie and smile. She learned quickly that anything could become true if she repeated it enough times, that people were easily fooled and that with enough charm she could have anything she wanted. She focused her time on trying to charm her way out of her problems. It was the most powerful tool that she had.

Although she wanted to learn how to wield a weapon with her brother since the age of five, she had been told countless times that she would be better off learning sewing, painting and language. She didn’t care and kept persisting that she would be good at it if she tried. She wasn’t allowed, but instead she agreed that she could learn how to ride a horse if she focused on her other lessons. She was quick to agree, learning how to write, paint, sew, dance and read as best as she could. She would often sit outside and paint pictures of the fighters as they trained or go to the highest window of the castle and paint the city in shades of gold mixed with black. She spent her childhood devoted to her lessons, slipping her way out of trouble whenever it came.

As she grew up and matured, her relationship with her brother withered away. They became distant as she became occupied with her studies and keeping relationships inside the courts. Her brother seemed to get busier and they hardly saw each other. He became a stranger to her, someone she longed to be friends with again, but she knew that time would only make their distance grow. She blossomed into a young woman as the time passed and her friendships only grew. She had a trail of admirers, but she was too blinded by her thoughts to notice any of their advancements. She spent hours reading books that told stories of the world and never actually having a chance to discover it for herself. She craved adventure, but knew it was just beyond her reach. It more ways than one she was still a child, even as she grew to have the appearances of a woman.





+Artistically inclined (Dancer/painter/writer)


-Lost in her thoughts

-Blinded by emotions


-Overly protective


-Childish (Sometimes)

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Name: Luis "Naga" Serpiente

Age: 25


Sexuality: Straight

Social Class:

Personality: Cocky in his abilities and quite the extrovert. When it comes to doing his job though, he is able to put on any role. He even sees it as a game sometimes. He does his best under pressure, and much like sherlock holmes, seems to be able slow time for himself to think.

Background: He is the youngest son of Julius Serpiente, of House Serpiente. They are known for founding the Secret Police for the nobles and for the crown. They investigate, infiltrate, and assassinate mostly. His father is the General. Luis only has the rank of 1st Lt. Luis believes in his family's duty and honor above all else, however tends to slip up on nights that concern intoxication. His weakness is women, and drink. He likes to be secretive to keep an air of mystery to him. Being the youngest of 3 brothers of high rank, he works hard in his missions to surpass them. Being the youngest however, causes him to make more mistakes. He has done well in the field though for the past 4 years. He has gone undercover and assassinated a couple major players in the black market. He sometimes sympathizes with the commoners however. Being the youngest he knows how it feels to be ignored, and placed to the side. Usually when he catches someone he lets them off with a warning if its something not major


Strengths/Weaknesses: He is large and built, but prefers to be light and quick. He sees every part of the city as a route and calculates it like a game of chess. He knows when to run from a fight. He can free run and blends in well with the crowd. He can be easily distracted with fun or women. He's a gambler.

Appearance: 5'10" 175 pounds

"Are you an angel... or am i just in heaven?"
Please summarize :3<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/YAYAYAY.jpg.beb60f53310ec5dcc4e85f5640226f75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/YAYAYAY.jpg.beb60f53310ec5dcc4e85f5640226f75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ASSASS.jpg.9a79b34c03e2565666840e4f178981a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ASSASS.jpg.9a79b34c03e2565666840e4f178981a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I had Sean's character posted here, but it felt a little forced (and untimely) so I took it down.

(Why no delete button, why?)
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BrownBear said:
Name: Luis "Naga" Serpiente
Age: 23


Sexuality: Straight

Social Class:

Personality: Cocky in his abilities and quite the extrovert. When it comes to doing his job though, he is able to put on any role. He even sees it as a game sometimes. He does his best under pressure, and much like sherlock holmes, seems to be able slow time for himself to think.

Background: He is the youngest son of Julius Serpiente, of House Serpiente. They are known for founding the Secret Police for the nobles and for the crown. They investigate, infiltrate, and assassinate mostly. His father is the General. Luis only has the rank of 1st Lt. Luis believes in his family's duty and honor above all else, however tends to slip up on nights that concern intoxication. His weakness is women, and drink. He likes to be secretive to keep an air of mystery to him. Being the youngest of 3 brothers of high rank, he works hard in his missions to surpass them. Being the youngest however, causes him to make more mistakes. He has done well in the field though for the past 4 years. He has gone undercover and assassinated a couple major players in the black market. He sometimes sympathizes with the commoners however. Being the youngest he knows how it feels to be ignored, and placed to the side. Usually when he catches someone he lets them off with a warning if its something not major


Strengths/Weaknesses: He is large and built, but prefers to be light and quick. He sees every part of the city as a route and calculates it like a game of chess. He knows when to run from a fight. He can free run and blends in well with the crowd. He can be easily distracted with fun or women. He's a gambler.

Appearance: 5'10" 175 pounds

"Are you an angel... or am i just in heaven?"
Please summarize :3
If you're still interested in roleplaying, so far the characters have all chosen their stances on the announcement that the wall will be torn down and a masquerade was held in which there was an assassination attempt. After that it was announced that peace negotiations would be had and some other events that I have yet to catch up on occurred.
So the masquerade is done? Ok... ill try to fit in somehow... thanks for letting me know lol
BrownBear said:
So the masquerade is done? Ok... ill try to fit in somehow... thanks for letting me know lol
looking foreward to the new face ^w^

ps- after rereading your character, ive realised he's probably either a long time rival or friend (your choice, if you want to work together) of Seraphim, seeing as they share similar interests and skills. My other character's a thrill seeking thief/assassin, so their families probably have a love hate relationship.
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Really? Lemme read up on your guy then ill let you know. Rival families sound cool though 
Definitely! I'm totally down... imma wait longer though since idk whats happening exactly at this moment... is your guy drawing his sword at the party?
BrownBear said:
Really? Lemme read up on your guy then ill let you know. Rival families sound cool though
take your time. sean hasnt been posted as a character yet, but he was the first one i thought up, so im planning on posting his discription soon, though. 
no, he got separated from it looking 4 somone, then got attacked... we should probably take this to the ooc thread if you wanna continue.
If you want, you can be friends/rivals with my character's family. The Beaumont family used to be powerful in both wealth and connections but kinda had a fall from grace in the wealth department after they stopped doing so well in the black market. So if you want you character could also be neither and just look down on the Beaumont name instead.
I'll just post this... my original disc. for Sean~ Allonsy.

Nefrilink Knave

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Un-Interested

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Nefrilink will never admit anything about his past, if he’ll talk to you at all. Usually he speaks only to his brother, unless it’s necessary to talk to others. Then his speech is riddled with sarcasm and horrible jokes. To the uninitiated his speech patterns seem like a cocky lowtown thief. The initiated hear a voice filled with disguised disdain for others, as well as a cocky low town thief.

He hates fighting, going out in the sunlight, and interacting with people in general. He communicates to people he doesn’t trust through actions, placing some objects in important places or taking them without anyone noticing. Contrariwise, if you have a job for him he's your best friend, just check your pockets every time you meet him. Sean is as elusive as a night mist, a master of legerdemain and stealth, he'll do anything for money from pick-pocketing to assassination, even jail-breaking is on his job description.

He's not without his own redeeming, sometimes social qualities, luckily. Sean hates to see people upset, especially small children. If he sees somebody in true need he'll drop everything, even important missions, to help them. Little children he will also stop to give a treat or a bit of pocket money, it was they who kept his hope up and inspired him to his job, after all. If asked where they got their new toys from, they would always say "the giant raven” or “The ghost-priest.” His other redeeming quality is his abhorrence of corruption. Ironic for a thief, yes, but he believes that if anyone has a job, they should do that job to the best of their ability, thieves should steal, guards should guard, lords should exercise dominion and craftsmen should craft. While it keeps him neutral on most subjects, he’s quick to exercise his own punishment on those he think step out of bounds.

Background: Sean was fifteen when he fled town, having been caught many times filching food as a child, then small trinkets as a teen, he was always punished by a night or two in the barracks. It quickly escalated when he developed a taste for the rush that came when he was on a job, as well as when he discovered he could easily escape his prison if he knew how. What made him flee when he was thirteen, though?

He was on one of his nightly strolls when he overheard an exchange, the details of it never came to light, but he followed one of the men home to discover they were a corrupt lord looking to usurp the throne. The boy did the first thing he could think of- he killed the man. The servants heard, however, and without any evidence he was forced to flee. That was the first bounty he ever had on his head.

Disowned from the Tordjas family and chased out of the high town for his criminal activities, Sean Tordjas, now Nefrilink Knave, developed quite a name for himself as a mercenary thief and assassin. he moved into the steeple of an abandoned church, the owner having died of the plague, and used the draught-dried well as a hiding place for his treasures. A short while after he moved in, the well became a well known wishing well- if you tossed a coin in and voiced your wish aloud, the ghost of old priest would grant it as best he could. Apart from starting this myth, Nefrilink became secluded from others, mistrusting anyone but his brother, who would smuggle supplies out to him and others in need, as well as provide hiding places while Nef’ was in high town.



+Master of sleight of hand

+Connected to a powerful smuggler

+Skilled escapist

+Keeps a collection of wanted posters, bounty letters and assassin contracts, mostly for him. Some are for others, those he uses as his own contracts.

+/- Escaped most jails already, people don’t keep him imprisoned for long, nor do they want to.

-Known criminal, known haunt


-Lacks many necessary social skills

-Goes out of his way to help others, whether they trust him or not.



I thought up ten puns to find which one would fit... no pun in ten did.
Nightfang said:
I'll just post this... my original disc. for Sean~ Allonsy.

Nefrilink Knave

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Un-Interested

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Nefrilink will never admit anything about his past, if he’ll talk to you at all. Usually he speaks only to his brother, unless it’s necessary to talk to others. Then his speech is riddled with sarcasm and horrible jokes. To the uninitiated his speech patterns seem like a cocky lowtown thief. The initiated hear a voice filled with disguised disdain for others, as well as a cocky low town thief.

He hates fighting, going out in the sunlight, and interacting with people in general. He communicates to people he doesn’t trust through actions, placing some objects in important places or taking them without anyone noticing. Contrariwise, if you have a job for him he's your best friend, just check your pockets every time you meet him. Sean is as elusive as a night mist, a master of legerdemain and stealth, he'll do anything for money from pick-pocketing to assassination, even jail-breaking is on his job description.

He's not without his own redeeming, sometimes social qualities, luckily. Sean hates to see people upset, especially small children. If he sees somebody in true need he'll drop everything, even important missions, to help them. Little children he will also stop to give a treat or a bit of pocket money, it was they who kept his hope up and inspired him to his job, after all. If asked where they got their new toys from, they would always say "the giant raven” or “The ghost-priest.” His other redeeming quality is his abhorrence of corruption. Ironic for a thief, yes, but he believes that if anyone has a job, they should do that job to the best of their ability, thieves should steal, guards should guard, lords should exercise dominion and craftsmen should craft. While it keeps him neutral on most subjects, he’s quick to exercise his own punishment on those he think step out of bounds.

Background: Sean was fifteen when he fled town, having been caught many times filching food as a child, then small trinkets as a teen, he was always punished by a night or two in the barracks. It quickly escalated when he developed a taste for the rush that came when he was on a job, as well as when he discovered he could easily escape his prison if he knew how. What made him flee when he was thirteen, though?

He was on one of his nightly strolls when he overheard an exchange, the details of it never came to light, but he followed one of the men home to discover they were a corrupt lord looking to usurp the throne. The boy did the first thing he could think of- he killed the man. The servants heard, however, and without any evidence he was forced to flee. That was the first bounty he ever had on his head.

Disowned from the Tordjas family and chased out of the high town for his criminal activities, Sean Tordjas, now Nefrilink Knave, developed quite a name for himself as a mercenary thief and assassin. he moved into the steeple of an abandoned church, the owner having died of the plague, and used the draught-dried well as a hiding place for his treasures. A short while after he moved in, the well became a well known wishing well- if you tossed a coin in and voiced your wish aloud, the ghost of old priest would grant it as best he could. Apart from starting this myth, Nefrilink became secluded from others, mistrusting anyone but his brother, who would smuggle supplies out to him and others in need, as well as provide hiding places while Nef’ was in high town.



+Master of sleight of hand

+Connected to a powerful smuggler

+Skilled escapist

+Keeps a collection of wanted posters, bounty letters and assassin contracts, mostly for him. Some are for others, those he uses as his own contracts.

+/- Escaped most jails already, people don’t keep him imprisoned for long, nor do they want to.

-Known criminal, known haunt


-Lacks many necessary social skills

-Goes out of his way to help others, whether they trust him or not.



I thought up ten puns to find which one would fit... no pun in ten did.

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