Father is Back Home.


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.
-God Skelly-





Religion (Religion's Name / N/A):







(The Four Horsemen are not apart of Destruction's forces, but, put rather simply, are the four gods elected to deal with emergencies first. They were named the Four Horsemen simply because "Horsemen" referred to them riding a horse, which was swift, meaning that they were to be the Four Swiftest Gods when it came to some kind of catastrophic situation)

- The Four Horsemen -

1 :

2 :

3 :

4 : @SirFlabberghaspy (The Fourth Horseman, Charles Mein, "Chaos" or "Death")

- Other Gods-







Name: Sir Charles Mein, "Chaos", "Death", "Insanity", "Magnificent Bastard"

Title: God of Fun

Alignment: Neutral

Religion: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Male

Goal: To do what he was made to do, which is have fun and enjoy the general chaos, after all, who wouldn't when they could make popcorn appear out of thin air?

Weapon: His Umbrella, which can shoot out Arcanite bullets from it's point, and also grow a spear from it's point. It can morph into a large candy-cane styled Arcanite scythe, and also a chocolate-styled Arcanite rapier. Other then that, he uses strange creations of his.

Armor: His Arcanite nano-infused clothing, providing great protection against Arcanite weapons and magic, while keeping a great look to him. Charles is truly the magnificent gentleman he would seem to be.

Other: N/A


Name: Destruction, "The Beast"

Title: The Creator's Husk

Alignment: Holy, Just, Divine!

Religion: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Entity

Goal: Vengeance upon it's former children, sons and daughters all. He wants them all to feel the suffering he had, and to pay for what they had done to him.

Weapon: His Claws, Void Breath, Tail, and the Darkness. All four are more then powerful enough to destroy a god.

Armor: Arcanite Plating, metal of the Gods, only created by the finest Godsmiths, Arcanite Plating is rather invulnerable to any man-made device (so far) and can withstand heavy blows from Arcanite weapons, which is what the Gods mainly use.

Other: N/A
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(Can this character be one of the Four Horsemen?)

Name; Morgana

Appearance; In the form of a tall, fair-skinned woman with long auburn hair, eyes are black orbs. Has a prominent and somewhat beaklike nose, has a pair of large crow's wings sprouting from back, also her lower arms from her elbows to her fingertips are scaly and black, like giant crow's

talons. She is dressed in a long dark red gown with a trailing black cloak. Her head is encircled by a large black halo, which is made of darkness rather than light, sort of like a permanent unmoving shadow around her head.

Title; Goddess of War, Anger, Wrath, Violence

Alignment; Neutral

Religion; N/A

Sexuality; Pansexual

Gender; Female

Goal; To generally cause angst and necessary or unnecessary senseless bloodshed, preferably whilst never swinging a weapon in combat herself (though the alternative could be arranged), with the hope of having quite a few corpses to feed off in the end result.

Weapon; Long bloodstained steel spear, which can cause minor earth tremors if rapped on the ground in front of an attacker.

Armour; Mostly magical, can radiate from her halo to create a protective shield which acts as a barrier against most weapons and magic. May wear a specially created magic-infused steel helmet and chainmail bodice when facing particularly violent situations.

Other; N/A
Silvestris said:
(Can this character be one of the Four Horsemen?)
Name; Morgana

Appearance; In the form of a tall, fair-skinned woman with long auburn hair, eyes are black orbs. Has a prominent and somewhat beaklike nose, has a pair of large crow's wings sprouting from back, also her lower arms from her elbows to her fingertips are scaly and black, like giant crow's

talons. She is dressed in a long dark red gown with a trailing black cloak. Her head is encircled by a large black halo, which is made of darkness rather than light, sort of like a permanent unmoving shadow around her head.

Title; Goddess of War, Anger, Wrath, Violence

Alignment; Neutral

Religion; N/A

Sexuality; Pansexual

Gender; Female

Goal; To generally cause angst and necessary or unnecessary senseless bloodshed, preferably whilst never swinging a weapon in combat herself (though the alternative could be arranged), with the hope of having quite a few corpses to feed off in the end result.

Weapon; Long bloodstained steel spear, which can cause minor earth tremors if rapped on the ground in front of an attacker.

Armour; Mostly magical, can radiate from her halo to create a protective shield which acts as a barrier against most weapons and magic. May wear a specially created magic-infused steel helmet and chainmail bodice when facing particularly violent situations.

Other; N/A

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