The Order of Shadows

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Nicholas de Levive

The Lord of Lies and Half-Truths
Name: Something Outta This World

Race : Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Demon, Angel, Valkyrie, Fallen Angel and Humans( Any half will do)

Profession: Something suitable for a steampunky magical world

Backstory: Just optional. We can make it up as we go

Appearance: Hair,skin color, height(maybe weight?)

Clothing and items : Anything you can carry

Personality: Anything ya want basically.
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Name: Niva Sterling

Race: Elf

Profession: Seamstress

Backstory: A mysterious girl, Niva does not give much away about herself. She has been on her own quite some time, only recently settling down.

Appearance: She is tall and slender with an angled face. Her skin is an olive tone and her hair is a vibrant white. Her eyes are gold colored.

Clothing and items: Most of her clothes are worn day dresses, and her most valuable items are the family heirlooms she has locked away in a box within her satchel.

Personality. Niva is a warm and friendly person, treating everyone with kindness. While she shares little of her own story, she enjoys hearing other people's tales. She's dependable and honest, all the while being consistently cheerful. Often times, she acts impulsively and does things before really thinking about them.
Name; Hinso Jedditch

Race; sort-of angel; basically just the same as an angel but with enormous sparrow wings rather than white wings, and no halo (is this okay?)

Profession; Dealer, scrap merchant, engineer (also a thief, but hotly denies stealing anything)

Appearance; Untidy brown hair, brown eyes, pale complexion, skinny frame, lopsided smile, crooked teeth. Habitually wears a faded brown waistcoat with a shirt underneath, coupled with tattered brown trousers, leather toolbelt, dull red neckerchief and fingerless leather gloves. Wings are identical in shape and markings as those of a European House Sparrow, only much, much bigger. Clothes are usually caked in a mixture of grime and engine oil.

Height; 5 ft 9.5 inches (177 cm)

Personality; Cheerful, laid-back and easy-going, but a bit of a rogue; while enthusiastic about more enjoyable aspects of his work, he would generally much prefer to find the quickest way to get paid and be done with it. A prankster with an eye for valuables and money-making, the archetypical dodgy dealer; a clever businessman, but probably not someone you'd want to trust with your own money or precious possessions. He's also a little reckless and has a habit of doing things spontaneously-luckily he is almost as good as getting out of trouble as he is getting into it.

Other items and weapons; Carries a rusty penknife as well as a simple utility knife, as well as multiple spanners, sprockets, nails and other random tools and objects in his toolbelt.


Gernot Rothschild

Race :





Gernot grew up in the lowest class in poverty and hunger. His father (The as also was able to give his family barely maintenance) gambled the little money he has gotten. In order that they do not starve, Gernot work in the mines. But the work was hard and there was little reward. Then, when the boss wanted to pay less, Gernot organized a strike. This was put down with an iron hand by paid thugs. Gernot was beaten half to death and even fired. From hate and revenge Gernot sneaked into the house of the mine owner and stabbed him. Somehow, however, came the guard behind it, grabbed him and threw him into prison. He should be publicly Executed for murder. But it didn't come to it. He instigated a revolt in jail by he managed to steal the prison keys and freed all the prisoners. He broke out and fled from the city. He finally saw how people suffered. Not only among the businessmen but also under the crown. Every war was not caused by the people but by the nobility for a piece of land. Each poverty was not caused by people, but by the waste addict nobles. But what if the people could decide? What if no longer just a man governed with one goal but many more?

The People?

He had a goal. He wants a democracy.


Blonde hair and brown eyes. Gernot is white with a slight tan. He is moderately large, but strong. He is quite slim (which is probably also because of its 'budget').

Clothing and items :

Gernot wearing a brown Square hat, a black coat with wise shirt, brown trousers and brown shoes.

He has a cutlass and a pistol.


He is otherwise nice but quite extreme liberal. He taught you and do again and again incite riots (even if he does not really leading a rebellion). He hates sneaky people who take the people the little money out of the pockets. He also hates the nobility. He is a hot-headed one who has often transformed small disagreements in small revolts. He does not like bloodshed if it is not knitting serves for his cause. He does not like people who bother with their fate. He does not like to interfere in disputes (if it does not serve his cause).


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