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  1. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    Charmeine watches Whisp leave, grinning a little, "Sorry, everyone int his house is a little weird... Not me, though! I am peeeerfectly normal!" She says this proudly, her grin widening as she places her hands on her hips.
  2. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She thinks about it, "My father...? Hmm, my father wasn't somebody cool who could talk to bugs! He was just a person. But mom and him at lease loved me ve- Er... I thought they did..." She hangs her head sadly as she thinks about this, suddenly looking up and smiling at him, "But let's not talk...
  3. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    "That is aweeeeeesooooooooomeeeeeee!" She lands on the ground, hopping from foot to foot as she watches, "How do you do that?!"
  4. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    "That is sooooooooo cool! It's like it listens to you! Can you command bugs?! You should be a SUPER HERO! YOU COULD BE CALLED BUG MAN! AND YOU COULD FIGHT CRIME WITH AN AAARMYY OF BUUUUGS!" She begins to fly around as she says this, seeming to be getting rather worked up now.
  5. TheRook

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Rook walks around the halls, whistling a tune as he sees the commotion with the students being checked by security. He decides to go over and see if he can find out what was going on. As he starts to head over, however, two other students step in his way and push him back, grinning maliciously...
  6. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    "Wooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaah! That's a lot of bugs! Why do you have so many bugs with you? Do you EAT bugs?! Ewwwwwwww! That would be soooo gross if you ate bugs! You don't do you?!" She begins to ask him questions rapidly, seemingly already having forgotten about being lost.
  7. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She thinks about this, "Dunno! Never asked! I don't usually keep pets, I had a gerbil once but it died." She continues leading him but she stops suddenly, looking around, "Uhh... I think I got lost..."
  8. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    Me she returns the hug, once he grabs her hand she begins to lead him upstairs towards Madame Rosewood's office, apparently having forgotten about wanting to go for a walk with Elise. As she leads him, she begins to hum a tune.
  9. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She seems shocked and confused, giving him a sweet smile, "I would never hurt you. And I don't know who that Samael person is, but if he would hurt you then he sounds like a bully..."
  10. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She looks at him confused for a moment before suddenly speaking rather amazingly quickly, "Oh! You're gonna be staying here?! Yaaay! A new friend!" She grabs his hand and flies in, seemingly attempting to drag him up the stairs.
  11. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    Hearing his knock she loses her train of thought, skipping on over to the front door and opening it, "Heellooooooo~" She chimes out, grinning up at the person standing there.
  12. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She lays on the ground, a large grin on her face, "I dunno! Today is just a good day!" She jumps to her feet, pulling up her hood again as she flies down the stairs, not wanting to trip again, "Want to go for a walk with me, Elise?"
  13. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    She blinks a few times in confusion, suddenly a large smile comes across her face and she flies back up the stairs, "Hi Elise!" She says this in a bit of a sing-song voice, throwing her arms around the fairy and dragging her to the floor at the top of the stairs, giggling on the way down.
  14. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

    Charmeine walks out of her room sleepily, apparently having just woken up as she starts to walk towards the door, pulling up the hood on her favorite coat, the top of the hood had kitty ears on top and she grins at them, "I love this coat. It's soooo adorable!" She puts her hands up next to her...
  15. TheRook

    Fairy Tail ftw :D

    Fairy Tail ftw :D
  16. TheRook

    Honnōji Academy

    Name: Airi Chiyo Description (Image or Description): Godrobe Base Form (Image or Description): Her Godrobe is different, as it starts out as a pink hoodie, the one she is wearing above. Godrobe Combat Form (Image or Description): Imagine something to this effect, however the white being...
  17. TheRook

    You Must Be New Here...

    Well you have to be responsible for something! I nominate you official pizza handler! >:3
  18. TheRook

    You Must Be New Here...

    ...Oh, wait, nvm, that's me :big grin:. Anyways, hello people, my name is TheRook, and I have been RPing for a long time, my boyfriend just recently introduced me to this site and so I decided to sign up and give it a try, hope to have lots of fun times on here with you all!
  19. TheRook

    Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals

    Name: Charmeine Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Angel Appearance: Personality: She is usually happy and easy-going and always tries to resolve conflicts by talking them out, you will never see her act forceful, angry, or try to fight anybody. This generally makes her a bit of a...
  20. TheRook

    Beacon Academy.

    Name: Aeolus Fouray Gender: Male Race:(Human or Faunus.) Faunus Nickname:(Optional.) Rook Story: From a young age, he grew up with a father obsessed with battle and fighting, so he started training with his weapons while he was young, he graduated top of his class from his academy and...