Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

Somehow Rosa's smile widened even more and she even giggled softly before exclaiming excitedly, "Wow, that's cool! We have almost the same name! Well, my nickname I mean. But oh well." Apparently the girl liked to ramble and be overly-friendly.
"Yes please! How many other people are there?" Rosaleen would say, her smile never fading.
"Ooh! I can't wait to meet them all, I love meeting new people." Rosaleen gushed, her gaze soon beginning to drift around as she waited for the tour.
Rosaleen followed after, gazing around at her surroundings curiously.
"I love it! Do I get a room too?" Rosaleen asked before suddenly asking nervously, "I don't have to buy anything right? I don't have any money."
"Oh, of course. Where is her office?" Rosaleen would then quire, curious though at the same time nervous.
Rosaleen would nod then begin heading down in the direction of the office. Once reaching it if there was a door Rosa would knock, awaiting some sort of reply.
Charmeine walks out of her room sleepily, apparently having just woken up as she starts to walk towards the door, pulling up the hood on her favorite coat, the top of the hood had kitty ears on top and she grins at them, "I love this coat. It's soooo adorable!" She puts her hands up next to her mouth as she mutters this to herself, stretching a little as she suddenly slips on the stairs, falling down the entire flight noisily.
Elise heard loud banging from the stairs. It was that klutz Charmeine. She was honestly surprised she hadn't killed herself there, but since they were all supernaturals, they had a bit more endurance than everyone, "Wow, Charmy, way to go," Elise smirked, "you're so smooth and good on your feet."

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She blinks a few times in confusion, suddenly a large smile comes across her face and she flies back up the stairs, "Hi Elise!" She says this in a bit of a sing-song voice, throwing her arms around the fairy and dragging her to the floor at the top of the stairs, giggling on the way down.
Elise giggled, "Charmy, are you okay? You seem intoxicated. What are we doing?" she smiled at her.

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She lays on the ground, a large grin on her face, "I dunno! Today is just a good day!" She jumps to her feet, pulling up her hood again as she flies down the stairs, not wanting to trip again, "Want to go for a walk with me, Elise?"
Apollo stands at the front door with his large red suitcase. His mother had told him that this would be the place for him. Apollo proceeded to knock on the door. and peer in through a window.
Hearing his knock she loses her train of thought, skipping on over to the front door and opening it, "Heellooooooo~" She chimes out, grinning up at the person standing there.
Rosaleen walked down a hall, dumped her bag off in a room then skipped merrily out into a living room to curiously gaze around.
She looks at him confused for a moment before suddenly speaking rather amazingly quickly, "Oh! You're gonna be staying here?! Yaaay! A new friend!" She grabs his hand and flies in, seemingly attempting to drag him up the stairs.

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