Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

Rosaleen wouldn't respond at first, though still a bit guilty. "Sorry.." She would repeat uncertainly, glancing over at the book. "You read?" She would ask, quite curious suddenly. She didn't acknowledge his gaze in anyway, more interested in this.. 'reading'. Rosaleen herself barely knew how to read.
Whisp would smirk playfully under his sweater ready for a witty retort. "I hope so, or else I've been staring blankly at that thing for hours..." He'd smile his eyes changing slightly as he did so, he was quite proud of himself. "Er... don't be sorry I guess I'm at fault as well. Surprisingly you're the first person to run into me. Well fully run into me, I've bumped into a few here and there, but you got my good; I must congratulate you." He'd giving a few nods here and there as he spoke, still watching her carefully. "Do you read? And if you do is there enough room in the rooms to hold lots of books?" For once Whisp is badgering someone else instead of the opposite, usually he stays back being quiet in these types of situations.
Rosaleen began to smile, a small giggling escaping her vocals as well. She'd never been congratulated for doing such a thing. "Me? Read? No. I never learned..." She trailed off, somewhat confused if it was a learning thing, or if it was something some people were given some how. Rosaleen was beginning to like this person, it wasn't every day she met someone who liked to talk a lot like herself.
Charmeine watches Whisp leave, grinning a little, "Sorry, everyone int his house is a little weird... Not me, though! I am peeeerfectly normal!" She says this proudly, her grin widening as she places her hands on her hips.
Peers at the girl searchingly for a while before speaking up, "You never learned to read? Do you know a little? Let's say if I wrote something down very simple, could you read it?" Whisp didn't realize these questions weren't exactly proper, slowly he'd move his left hand to his back, pushing on it as his pelvis moves forward to stretch his back, watching the girl still.
"Well, maybe something simple.... I don't know." She shrugged, actually quite unsure if she could read at all, or even a little bit. "I never really took any time to try learning. It seems complicated." Rosaleen finished.
Nodding he looks at her then to his book. "I learned basics when I was little, and I developed myself from there. I read book and kept a dictionary near me so I could learn what they meant, and I have progressively getting better at reading. This was a long time ago, so I think I have the reading thing down now. The school year is starting soon, right? Maybe you'll be taught there." Whisp shrugs as something comes to his realization. "I didn't introduce myself, I probably should apologize for that but you did hit me hard, probably knocked something loose up there. I'm Whispios, or Whisp... my old friends used to call me 'Four'. I'd prefer Whisp for now." He sighed as he couldn't stop speaking looking at her once again.
Rosaleen nodded in response to this idea of school and how he had been taught to read. Then she responded, "That' a cool name. I'm Rosaleen, or Rosa for short." A friendly smile came to her facials.
Thinks for a few moments before responding. "So.. There's Rosa." He'd point at her. "And there's Rose." He lifts his eyes up thinking. "And the big guy. That's all I know so far. I still don't have a room, I've been aimlessly wandering the whole time, reading."
"I met Rose. I like her." Rosa rambled with a happy smile. She loved this place, there were so many people to meet, and so far all -or two- of them were super nice as well! "Who's the 'big guy'?" She hesitantly asked, smile fading into a more curious expression.
"A big oaf, he said he's a half angel. I'm not exactly large so he picked me up and man handled me... which isn't enjoyable. He asked me a bunch of questions and he has a bag full of bugs. His name was Apollo, I'm sure you will recognize him by this description with one glance. He likes to ask what you are instantly as well." Whisp shrugged and then nodded to the girl. "I assume you recently came as well? Do you have a room yet?"
"A bag full of bugs? I hope they don't get out and scurry all over the house." Rosa mused, though at the question replied, "Yea I did, and yea, I have a room. Rose told me to go talk to Mrs.Rosewood... And yea." She shrugged. "Would you mind if I asked what you were? I'll tell you what I am." She requested, a proud tint in her tone at the mention of herself.
"He seemed like he was able to control the bugs. Not a big fan?" He'd smirk beneath his sweater at her. "I don't mind telling people what I am, he just instantly assumed it was okay but since you asked and made a deal... I'm a morpher. Don't get me mistaken with a shape shifter, though it might sound familiar its completely different. I can bend my body to change the way it acts I guess. A demonstration would be easier but I don't feel up for that right now." Nodding everyone once and a while as he spoke he maintained eye contact with her, his eyes could possibly get scary from the dead look they gave off. "I don't think I can guess what you are so I wont. But it's your turn."

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"Bugs... Eh. I could care less about them. They're kinda gross and creepy though." Rosa rambled, ignoring the gaze which she did find a bit unsettling. "I'm a shape shifter." She announced proudly, and in a blink of an eye she was a sand cat sitting on the floor and looking up at Whisp.
Nods at her statement then looks down as she changes with a smirk on his face, though it's hidden. "Hm... Animals don't really like me. I'm surprised you haven't clawed my eyes out yet. At least I known you won't get a Shape Shifter and what I am mixed up." He'd smile a bit beneath his sweater, keeping it well hidden. "Do you like spiders?"

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"Spiders? No. Eww!" The cat squealed childishly. Though, suddenly, just to be playful the small agile cat aimed to hop up onto his shoulder and sit there like a parrot. "Mreow-caw!" She would meow with a high-pitched 'caw' at the end like a bird, Only if she was successful in getting onto his shoulder however.
Whispios watches the girl jump on him not minding too much. "I think you may be confused as to what animal you are. At least the jump wasn't a long one, I'm rather short." He'd hide a smirk behind his sweater. "Can we go to your room? I would like to see the size. And since I haven't really had time to speak with Ms.Rosewood... Well I guess I have but I've been walking and reading. But I still need to see the size. Oh and do you know how much it costs?"

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"Mrrow." The sand cat would respond with a playful purr. Then she would shift into a hawk and say in a higher-pitched tone, "My room? Sure, I guess. And They're free. At least, that's what I think. Mrs.Rosewood seemed to be busy and just told me where my room was. Any-who, it's down here." She would finish, opening her tawny colored wings and then began to fly slowly down the hall in the direction of her room.
Follow her at a slightly faster speed than he is used to, but he still kept up making sure he was going in the right direction. "Really. It's free? Not bad I guess, I just thought it'd be a little bit. School must be free as well... are you excited about the new school year?"
Once reaching the door the bird with shift it's figure again, and then the human shape of Rosaleen would drop gracefully in the closed doorway. "School? I don't know. What's it like?" She would ask, slowly pushing open the door and walking inside.
Lebre walked towards the front door of the Rosewood house, whistling a tune and carrying his stuff. "Alright! I had better make a good first impression!", Lebre smiled to himself. He knocked on the door, none too gently at that. "Hello! Is anyone home!?" Lebre called, trying to get someones attention. Apparently, Lebre had skipped the lesson where you just waited for somebody instead of being obnoxiously loud.
Lebre blinked up at the lady, clearly never having seen someone like this before. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm Lebre, I'm supposed to be living here now!", he smiled up at the mysterious woman, grabbing his bags and apparently paying no mind to the comment about the obnoxious entrance. Eager to start his life down on Earth he started hopping up and done, obviously impatient.

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