Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

Lebre looked up at Elise, obviously grateful at her, giving her a smile, "Thank you Elise!", he grabbed his bags and walked in.
She had just spent the entire time out of the house, not wanting to be there when everyone else came around. She had already been there for some time, and knew where she belonged, but she did not enjoy the fact that so many others would be coming in just one day.

Though, she could not help but smirk as she walked into the house, wearing a leather jacket and a pair of up in the sky high heeled shoes. More people meant more of a chance for war.

One smell made her lose her composure for a moment. An aura as to say. A smell and a form for energy she had grown up with.

Her shoulders tensed, leaning a little forward, the scars on her back aching, and red clouding her mind. What did an angel do in the house?

She forced herself to relax in her body, though she was alert. It was bot Michael, it was soemone of a much weaker stand. But who?

She ignored all the noises in the background, and walked directly to the living room, not stopping until she reached the window. With long pale fingers did she open it, and sat down at the frame, looking around with the eyes of a predator. The freah air helped her relax, though she also had a way to escape if it was Michael who had disguised himself.
Lebre walked around the house curiously, thinking about all the people in this house. "I wonder what people are here. . .", he shrugged and smiled, marching, a little comically into the living room, his eyes closed and humming a strange tune. Lebre was completely oblivious to the other person in the room. Without a care in the world he just kept marching a long and humming his tune, his eyes closed.
Apollo walks around the house and gathers information on ever nook in cranny from his bugs. Suddenly Apollo sensed a familiar presence, he heard a strange humming coming from living room. Apollo walked to the living room to find the small creature humming "What humming?" asked Apollo.
Lepre sat on the floor of the living room, waving his head back and forth as he hummed, his rabbit ears swaying with his head. "Oh hello! I'm Lepre, I just got here!", he smiled and waved at Apollo, going back to humming.
Apollo then glanced over at the girl and flared his nostrils as if smelling something foul, "You are angel...no, you are fallen, like father." Apollo stepped closer to her an knelt down "I'm Apollo".
Michelle looked at the boy who knelt infront of with more or less disgust in her eyes. "And I'm Michelle"

Why did someone kneel infront of her? Yes? She was an angel, but she did not like it when people knelt. That was submission. Lack of fight.

She glanced to the lunar rabbit before she placed a high heeled boot against the nephilims chest. "Do not dare call one of my brothers your father, but still kneel. A son of the angels is not to go for submission below anyone, your father would be ashamed"
Apollo snarled and grabbed her leg and pushed her to the ground. Apollo stood over her with his eyes glowing red "I am prince of swarm!" yelled Apollo as tons flies began to circle the two. "I hate angel" Apollo waved his hand, causing the Flies to swarm on Michelle. Tears started running down Apollo's eyes "You Don't know father! you don't know father! you don't know father! you don't know father!"
years past and the House For Unwanted Supernaturals was torn down and replaced by a combination KFC and Taco Bell. Apollo went on to become the worlds tallest divorce attorney but little is known about the other unwanted. Due to a couple of health safety violations th combination KFC and Taco Bell was shut down. Apollo Lyon bought the land and founded the Lyon Foundation For The Freakishly tall Who like Bugs. With over 10,000 institutes world wide the organization has helped over 780,000 freakishly tall kids who like bugs become productive member in the span of 10 years. At age 42 Apollo received a noble piece prize and went on to publish the award winning auto biography "I'm Apollo". Apollo died of old age at 90, by then he was 60'2''. His great grandson Brandon Lyon is now a world famous cross country skier and has won 4 Olympic gold metals. at age 28 Brandon was paralyzed as a result from a bar fight he now continues to coach the American cross country ski team. The orginal building for the Foundation For the Freakishly Tall who like Bugs building was converted into a 5 star hotel titled The Lyon.
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