Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

Apollo quickly pulls away and stares at his hand "...you are angel!" Apollo takes a step back, "please don't hurt. I not like father" Apollo starts sweating, "Y-you work for Samael?"
She seems shocked and confused, giving him a sweet smile, "I would never hurt you. And I don't know who that Samael person is, but if he would hurt you then he sounds like a bully..."
Apollo gives a sigh of relief "My father is fallen angel Abaddon" Apollo kneels down and hugs her "I sorry, I know not all angel bad" he stands back up and grabs her hand again.
Me she returns the hug, once he grabs her hand she begins to lead him upstairs towards Madame Rosewood's office, apparently having forgotten about wanting to go for a walk with Elise. As she leads him, she begins to hum a tune.
She thinks about this, "Dunno! Never asked! I don't usually keep pets, I had a gerbil once but it died." She continues leading him but she stops suddenly, looking around, "Uhh... I think I got lost..."
"Wooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaah! That's a lot of bugs! Why do you have so many bugs with you? Do you EAT bugs?! Ewwwwwwww! That would be soooo gross if you ate bugs! You don't do you?!" She begins to ask him questions rapidly, seemingly already having forgotten about being lost.
Apollo chuckles a little, "bugs are friends, not food." Apollo opened the bag a little and took out a lady bug, and let it fly off "Nephilim used to crush man like man crush bugs." Apollo made a strange clicking sound and the lady bug came back and he put it back in his bag. "I am not monster."
"That is sooooooooo cool! It's like it listens to you! Can you command bugs?! You should be a SUPER HERO! YOU COULD BE CALLED BUG MAN! AND YOU COULD FIGHT CRIME WITH AN AAARMYY OF BUUUUGS!" She begins to fly around as she says this, seeming to be getting rather worked up now.
Apollo smiles big, "you want see?" Apollo sets down his case and it comes open and the bugs come rushing out and start circling Apollo, he move his arm in a wavy motion and the bugs move wherever Apollo points. "father is king of locus, I am king of all"
"That is aweeeeeesooooooooomeeeeeee!" She lands on the ground, hopping from foot to foot as she watches, "How do you do that?!"
Apollo lets the bugs disperse so he can talk "It is gift from father, I always talked to bugs, even when baby." "who is your father?"
She thinks about it, "My father...? Hmm, my father wasn't somebody cool who could talk to bugs! He was just a person. But mom and him at lease loved me ve- Er... I thought they did..." She hangs her head sadly as she thinks about this, suddenly looking up and smiling at him, "But let's not talk about that! My father was just a normal person!"
Whisp was continuing his leisurely strolls as he always has, walking at his normal slow pace with a book in his hand. As he'd turn the corner he'd see the large man, being rather short he'd look at him for a few moments before walking to him inspecting his size as he set his book into a small satchel he carried around. Standing at a short 5'5 and being extremely thin, Whisp feels quite short. "Who fed you what... you're a giant."
Apollo looks down at the little thing that was talking to him "I'm Apollo, I am nephilim." Apollo picks him up and tilts his head "how you get so small?"
Moves around in the big oafs arms, struggling until he would set him down. "I think the proper thing to ask before picking someone up is asking their name, and their preferences. As well... the other thing you should ask is how you got so big, at least people are usually small, you are a giant. Now please put me down." His blank-dead eyes looked into Apollo's until he'd let him go, sometimes if looking into Whisp's eyes for too long it could start pushing your mental health limits.

"I understand you were probably raised in some barn, but don't just go picking people up. Because of the barn, I'll let it slide this time." He would look away quickly knowing he had very few things he could threaten him with, maybe empty threats will work?
Apollo's face gets very red and he sets him down "sorry, I half-angel, I grow big." Apollo tilts his head at the angry being, "what is your name? what are you? you like bugs?"
Whisp shakes his head looking at the guy. "One question at a time. I guess you can call me Whisp or 'Four' if we get closer. Whisp is good for now... As for straight forward asking what I am? That's not the most polite thing to do. Bugs are okay I guess, spiders are the best but they aren't really classified as bugs." He shakes his head once more eying him up and down. "Half angel, huh?"
Apollo nods his head "son of Abaddon" Apollo makes some bizarre clicking noise and the bugs come rushing back to him and begin to circle him and whisp and fly back into Apollos suite case "Hungry"
Shrugs watching the bugs. "You eat them? I guess that's resourceful?" He'd smirk beneath the part of sweater that covers the lower part of his face. "I'm a Morpher, there probably aren't a lot in this house, don't get me mistaken with a shape shifter, because I'm not one of those... Animals. What I do is completely different. I will not get into detail about it though, I apologize since this is my first day in this house. Now, I must get going, I've been wandering around reading all day and I still don't have a room... I need to know where to put my future book collection. Have a good day... Apollo." He'd nod as he'd turn and begin walking around aimlessly again, taking his book out of his small satchel, he probably won't find his room tonight.
Rosaleen left the living room to begin skipping down random halls, humming to herself.
Whispios would continue reading his book as he walked aimlessly around the house, turning corners without even looking, he could easily run into someone, or have someone run into him. He wasn't very thoughtful in these types of cases.
Rosaleen was't paying much attention either, except for when someone came around the corner and Rosa crashed into him with a childish squeal, "Sorry!" Quickly the shape shifter would aim to regain any balance she had lost and step back, awaiting a response. Her eyes were still wide, apparently the crash had surprised her greatly.
As expected her turned the corner running into someone, though it wasn't just a normal bump they hit hard. Whisp's short stature may have helped with the impact a little bit. As he would hit his book would go flying landing closed without remember the page number. "Ah... crap, oh well. You really shouldn't be moving fast in these halls. You could really hurt someone." Slowly he would get to his feet, wiping the knees on his sweat pants for appearances as well as readjusting his sweater that may as well be a piece of him. "I guess I'm sorry for reading and walking." With a quick shake to his head, he'd peer at the girl, his blank-dead eyes looking at her, though it may produce a different feeling than he is intending.

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