You Must Be New Here...


New Member
...Oh, wait, nvm, that's me :big grin:. Anyways, hello people, my name is TheRook, and I have been RPing for a long time, my boyfriend just recently introduced me to this site and so I decided to sign up and give it a try, hope to have lots of fun times on here with you all!
'Lo, Rookie! Welcome to the site. I'm the resident Moge Ko, and I'll be responsible for uh... nothing, actually. But this greeting sure is cheery, huh? Anyway, I hope you have a good time.
[QUOTE="Moge Ko]'Lo, Rookie! Welcome to the site. I'm the resident Moge Ko, and I'll be responsible for uh... nothing, actually. But this greeting sure is cheery, huh? Anyway, I hope you have a good time.

Well you have to be responsible for something! I nominate you official pizza handler! >:3

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