Honnōji Academy


Junior Member
WhiteJester submitted a new role play. @WhiteJester, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Godrobe Application (Must be very detailed if you wish to be one of these. Prove to me you're a good Rper and you might get it)


Description (Image or Description):

Godrobe Base Form (Image or Description):

Godrobe Combat Form (Image or Description):



Spot (Group Leader or Student Council President):

Life before Transfering:

Three-Star Application


Description (Image or Description):

Base Form (Image or Description):

Combat Form (Image or Description):

Weapon (Must Pertain to Uniform):


Alias of the "God General" (Nickname or Title such as, Monkey, Snake, Crazy Eyes, etc.):

Council Chair (Athletic Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Non-Athletic Committee, Information Committee):

Two-Star Application


Description (Image or Description):

Ultima Uniform (Image or Description):

Weapon (Must Pertain to Uniform, Image or Description):

Club Name (Name of the Club you run, Uniform must pretain to Club):

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Name: Airi Chiyo

Description (Image or Description):

Godrobe Base Form (Image or Description): Her Godrobe is different, as it starts out as a pink hoodie, the one she is wearing above.

Godrobe Combat Form (Image or Description):
Imagine something to this effect, however the white being pink and the blue being white, and slightly more deep cut on the front.

Weapon: She has multiple, she has a katana that can cut through life fibers and throwing knives with the same ability.

Personality: She is very easy-going and modest, talking to her you wouldn't even believe she had any kind of suit as she never mentions it and when people try to she merely brushes them off, preferring to just do what needs to be done instead of talking about doing it. Although when she is in a fight she is often cold and ruthless, not being afraid to go to the utmost extremes to win.

Spot (Group Leader or Student Council President): Group Leader

Life before Transferring: Before transferring, her home life was a mess, her mother and father had issues and constantly fought and her brother was a drug addict. That is why she had originally transferred to Honnouji, to get away form all of that. However, when she saw the poorly state of the Academy, she felt she had to do something about it.
Name: Jacques Clarent

Description (Image or Description):

Base Form (Image or Description):

Combat Form (Image or Description):

Weapon (Must Pertain to Uniform): A single Conductors Baton, it emits sound waves that can tamper with a Uniforms Life Fibers. Due to this, it is possible to the Life Fibers in a uniform to become disrupted and lose it's powers. Though it's easy for this to be avoided it has several other tricks in it such as being as being sharp enough to be considered a dagger, though it is not it' main form of attack.

Personality: Jacques is manipulative to put it simply. He enjoys toying with people, though he can come off as calm and friendly, to most people he is not. Music is his life, ever since he was young he enjoyed music and it always calmed it down. So when he finally moved to the artificial island, Honn? City, he was inducted to the Non-Athletic Committee Chair.

Alias of the "God General" (Nickname or Title such as, Monkey, Snake, Crazy Eyes, etc.): Black Knight

Council Chair (Athletic Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Non-Athletic Committee, Information Committee): Non-Athletic Committee
Three-Star Application

Sayuri Tamashiro



Base Form: (Above)

Combat Form:


Weapon: She mainly uses multiple ribbons that may stretch to almost any length. These ribbons are also able to light on fire. When they are in fire, neither Sayuri nor the ribbons are effected. However, her opponent's uniform will begin to turn into ash. She is also skilled at hand-to-hand combat. When fighting hand-to-hand, she can make her gloves set on fire, which does that same thing as her ribbons.

Personality: Sayuri is a cold person who rarely opens up to anyone. She doesn't smile often and tends to scare people off by her constant glare or emotionless expression. However, to certain people or animals that she feels comfortable with, she will become an almost completely different person. She smiles happily and acts a bit childish. But no matter who she's with, she will always have trust issues.

Alias of the "God General": Demon

Council Chair: Disciplinary Committee
Name: Masahiko Naganohara

Description: Here.

Base Form: Above.

Combat Form: Here.


Masahiko carries a long sword, made of a very tough material. However, the sword itself is simply for show. In a display of the self-control it takes to master swordsmanship, she instead uses the sheath to strike people. The sheath is constructed of a material capable of disrupting Life Fiber activity at the point of impact and, coupled with her speed, Masahiko is capable of stunning one with a Life Fiber based uniform for a time.


Masahiko has a very serious personality when it comes to doing work, but she can be intensely warm and friendly any other time. She opens herself up most to the weak and those in need, feeling her sword was meant to protect them. While a firm believer in giving someone a fair chance in a fight, she has no qualms with absolutely destroying those that refuse to improve or worse, cheat.

Alias of the "God General": Sword of Justice

Council Chair: Athletic Committee
Three-Star Application

Name: Alastair Kendra

Description : Alastair has long black hair that he throws about, mostly to shade his face, and behind the shadow it puts over his eyes are two cloudy gray eyes with bags below them. He has a fair complexion, and a few freckles scattered around his cheeks. A taller person he leaves a looming shadow upon his lessors almost as if to say "You will never be as good as me so just give up." He has a nearly careless manner and does what he wants to on a whim. He doesn't care for the ideas of those less intelligent than him which for the majority of the time makes the room around him feels almost devoid of emotion. He wears sunglasses everywhere as to disguise himself further

Base Form : he wears it in its base form as a trench coat, making sure when walking to keep the tails behind him. The trench coat is merely a exterior, and covers a chest protector that appears to be made of Kevlar.

Combat Form : in combat form the trench coat will stay but his interior clothing becomes a pitch black body right almost wet suit like material, that allows extreme mobility and is incredibly hard on the outside.

Weapon : he keeps two taser's with disposable wires holstered around his waist that are fashioned after a typical pistol but have a magazine of wires instead of one wire.

Personality: With a less than emotional composure Alastair makes sure he is understood and seen as superior to underling and hose of the same tier as well. He keeps himself together and never over extends into things past the point he needs. His stone cold gaze makes him almost loose his sense of singularity at times and will function for extended periods without the slightest sign of compassion or regret. The select few whom he lets actually speak with him in the information council are those whom he models after himself, and whenever a new person joins whom he sees as a possible mold he shapes them as fast as possible. Most people who hope to survive longer than a week on the information committee find themselves acting like him and dressing in his manner as well, lacking the sunglasses, which he reserves as his personal indulgence.

Alias of the "God General" : Zero

Council Chair : Information committee
Name:Noah Chuuibukai

Description: Noah has medium length black hair that is always uniformly kept combed to the side. He has green eyes with jet black pupils. He always has a bored, or somewhat tired expression on his face. Often giving him the demeanor of 'I''m bored of this conversation and I don't care." He is moderately tall at 5'10 and is skinny with not much muscle. Noah is very analytic and can make accurate observations.

Ultima Uniform: Noah's Ultima Uniform is a white robe several black eyes imprinted on it. The eyes have white pupils that turn black once it's shield is used up. The uniform can produce shield but must recharge every 45 minutes before it is used again. The uniform also gives Noah extremely heightened senses.

Weapon: Magnifying Glass. It can amplify light or sound waves that pass through it amplifying their power. Focusing light through the glass can generate a strong, and rather hot beam of light.

Club Name: Information Committee (Foreman)

Personality: Noah is very analytic and always observe the area around him. With his heightened sight, he can see things that most people overlook and use it to his advantage to make inferences. He does this with his other senses as well such as smell. Noah is condescending upon those less than him, but completely changes around those who are higher than him. He becomes quite respectful, albeit he might say some things to himself. With his abilities to make inferences as well observe, Noah can easily gather information and spy upon others to gain more information for leverage. Noah enjoys the feeling of having someone squashed under his foot when he extorts them. Whilst Noah can be powerful with information, he is rather weak physically. He would not be able to beat much people in a fight, so when fighting does occur, Noah tends to run away.

Any comments or issues are gladly appreciated .
Name: Cher Collins, Cher meaning darling, or loved.

Description: Cher is small, standing at 5'2 and weighing 107 pounds. She has large eyes the color of bleached blue jeans with some splashes of green thrown in here and there, and lower back length blonde hair often worn down or in waves. People often underestimate her size meaning she is weak an not powerful in any way, shape, or form. However Cher is extremly intelligent and has read more books than imaginable.

Ultima uniform: Cher's uniform is white with shimmery gold vines running along the sleeves and sides. Her uniform enables her to find knowledge that she already had stored in her mind. It also enables her to think quicker and concluded whether or not something will work. Overall it gives her increased brain power as well as making her senses more sensitive and alert.

Weapon: Cher's weapon is her mind and cleverness. When she is in a 'sticky situation' she can easily use clever charming tactics to twist the thoughts of another person.

Club name: Knowledge committee

Personality: As her parent's instructed her from the very beginning, Cher was a child who rarely ever sinned, and if she did, it was an accident. She is caring, bubbly, intelligent, put sometimes has a hard time keeping her mouth shut when it comes to secrets. She is curious about almost everything, like a golden retriever puppy for the first time outside. Cher is also modest, naive, innocent, and empathetic. Even if she is not physically strong, Cher is not afraid to stand up to anyone who so much as looks at her loved ones in a disrespectful way. She can be jealous and extremely protective.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime-girl-braids.jpg.1d774c1650b19918f8ce418946bccb9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime-girl-braids.jpg.1d774c1650b19918f8ce418946bccb9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Godrobe Application

Hannah Phoenix Coriander


Description (Image or Description)


Base Form (Image or Description)


Combat Form (Image or Description)


Appearance: Hannah is a rather sleek figure. She is tall, standing at about 5'11". She has long red hair that reaches just past her waist, and bright green eyes. She is almost always seen wearing warm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow.

Weapon: The bow Hannah possesses is only activated by Hannah's touch, and her touch only. When in her hands the arrows and the bow itself burst into flame, but do not burn her skin in any way. When in use Hannah's appearance is modified slightly. Her hair turns from it's natural dark red colors to bright, vibrant orange and red, and yellow colours, but the colors soon fade and her hair will return to it's natural state within time.

Personality: Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time making friends. She's convinced herself that being alone is best for her, and because of her odd demeanor she is often made fun of, but she doesn't take it to heart. She is very avoidant of people, and upon meeting an unfamiliar face she tends to become rather uptight. She has a soft side, which is revealed when she warms up to someone, but rarely does that happen.

Spot (Group Leader or Student Council President): Student Council President.

Life before Transferring: Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. She longed to meet someone like her, someone that would understand her, and that day had yet to come

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Two-Star Application

Name: Sung Oh

Description/Ultima Uniform:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf103f247_img-thing1.jpg.e00bbfa24fec780d380be0d8de7720f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf103f247_img-thing1.jpg.e00bbfa24fec780d380be0d8de7720f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wears gray camouflage pants and black combat boots

Weapon: Specialized high-tech gauntlets and greaves. Made out of Reinforced Titanium, Kevlar Fibers, and a bit of "donated" Life Fibers. These materials makes them nearly impossible to destroy and a good form of defense against powerful attacks. Increases his body's abilities by ten percent, even without his Ultima Uniform on him. Uses them for close quarters combat and other "questionable" activities.

Club Name: Fight Club

Personality: Sung would be described as weird and extreme by other students. He tends to do things that would usually gets him in trouble most of the time, since he doesn't care about punishments and the rules. Doesn't really have any close friends due to his strange behavior, but he uses his club members as his personal partners-in-crime. Or punching bags in some cases. But there is a good reason why he's known to be "crazy" in the academy...



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Name: Levi Daniel Starr

Nicknames: Le | Danny | Dan | Mr. Quiet

Mr. Quiet

He stands 6'1 inches tall and weights 125-130lbs though he looks more thin, he actually have a nice toned body under those clothing. His hair is a short, dark black color with a hint of brown in them but it's hard to see since the brown is also very dark. His eyes may seem like the same color as his hair but they're actually a dark shade of purple that he got from his mother's side, if you look closely or in some kind of light source, you can see that they're actually purple.

His usual clothing are either metro or chic kind of style but when he's in some place he is more comfortable in, he tends to wear sloppy clothing when he gets the chance to but most times he just wears his uniform since it's more comfortable and not too stylish like his other clothing. He only wear such clothing because he was teach to as a child so it became more of a habit to be dressed proper and stick with the fashion senses.

Ultima Uniform (Also a little info for his weapon): Uniform

A black shirt and tight dress pants with a long cloak-like jacket. His armor may seem light but it helps him be quick and quiet on his feet without much noises like how a heavy armor makes banging noises every time you . On his waist, he has a sword holder to hold his sword in place whenever he needs to pull it out quickly if ambushed or is in need of it.

Weapon: His weapon may seem like it is a sword but his main weapon is his gloves. Surprising it may seem, but it's true. His gloves can be either claws or even a gun-like weapon. In the knuckle area, there are hidden shooters that he can use to shoot down his enemies.

In the inside the palm area, there a place where he can extract claws and slash at his enemies if he is out of bullets. His gloves can't hold many bullets, it can only hold about 4 bullets per shot and he only brings about a stack of 8-12 bullets with him so he only has 3 shots to shoot down his foe.

Club Name: The Secret Club

The name is cheesy but the club is really interesting. There not many members yet but it's fine with Levi since it more easier with few people. What do you do in the Secret Club you may ask? Well, there a reason it's called a secret club, in this club, you are able to tell rumors or secrets of whatever/ whoever and it wouldn't matter. The members who join are to make an oath to never tell and if they do tell, they'll get something harder than rocks to hit them back.

The Secret Club don't play around and will come at you if any secrets are told beyond the club. Even if you try to hide, they will come after you. Joining such a club as this cost your reputation and maybe even your life, maybe the reason why most people stay out of it and the reason why there so few people in it. If you wish to join this club than you better know how to keep your mouth shut or you'll be next on their list.

Personality: He a quiet fellow, the reason why he was given the nickname, "Mr.Quiet" because he rarely ever talks. Some even think he is mute but he isn't mute, he just doesn't speak much and not sure how to say his words. No, he's not shy, he just doesn't like speaking much, his words are short but his actions mostly show what he's trying to say. Most times when he doesn't want to speak, he uses paper and writes what's on his mind or use his hands.

He mostly a carefree person and has no worries for anything unless it involves with his club, he'll become more active and more...
creative. He is an honest man who says no lies unless it's needed to but he knows how to be quiet so he's one of the few people you can trust with anything. He's also may seem dumb to others but he knows how to manipulate his words and can get his ways with others if needed to.

Other than that, he's friendly so befriend as you wish but just don't do anything stupid around him or you'll face his wrath. Note, He's pretty scary when angry.


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