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  1. Flamane

    Number of Yozi

    That dead gods/exalted thread is one of the least explored in the game. The Guide to Meru thing is just too short and a real tease. I admit it doesn't make much difference for Second Age playing, but what about pre-history? I think all we have to do is either ignore it or make it work the way...
  2. Flamane

    Number of Yozi

  3. Flamane

    Gaia's final move

    One Primordial is most definetily enough to create a "Creation". Just look at Autochtonia... by the way, where's that 2nd edition Alchemical's book?
  4. Flamane

    Gaia's final move

    True, it was huge, I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist to it. But just to clarify a few things, all that i wrote in my previous post wasn't supposed to work with the mechanics or anything. It was just a burst about the metaphore I feel the Games of Divinity is. I felt like sharing my views, not to...
  5. Flamane

    Number of Yozi

    About the other Exalted thread I had missed, I don't really like it. Nothing against the concept of other Incarnae. There's at least one of them who sided with the Primordials (Nox, the Maidens brother). That they could have their own Exalted is a good idea too. The thing that I don't like is...
  6. Flamane

    Gaia's final move

    I like that idea. I always thought of the Games of Divinity as a metalinguistic element (not sure if that exists in english) in the game. I mean, an element in the game referring to the game itself. The players and the ST are the same as the incarnae, in some way. Just like a Solar's player...
  7. Flamane

    Number of Yozi

    Reviewing my notes, I believe there are 24 Yozis. Still, I can't seem to find where this information came from (possibly some first and second edition mixing). Anyway, I constantly try to update that kind of thing in my files, and I admit I could have lost count after new Yozis were introduced...
  8. Flamane

    Yu-Shan And Creation

    The only problem I see with a Primordial creating the artifact is: back before the big war, Malfeas and the Underworld didn't exist. How could they create an artifact that could do something unconceivable? After they were locked up in Malfeas, I don't think they would be allowed by the terms of...
  9. Flamane

    Yu-Shan And Creation

    Never read anything like it. Still, it kindda makes sense for me to think that piercing a hole from Creation to Yu-Shan would be more difficult than other combination. Yu-Shan is the refuge of the Primordials, far away from the eyes of those lowly beings, such as the Incarna. The wall and dome...
  10. Flamane

    The identities of the Deathlords..

    The way I see it, none of the canon ancient Solars turned into Deathlords. All those Solars had exaltations as old as the Primordial War, except the Hierophant (who, even though, was THE Hierophant) and Contentious Sword. It simplifies the canon characters and still make them important enough to...
  11. Flamane

    Hauberk of Bells

    I still haven't read most of my Infernals book, but now I'm inclined to. If it's so unbalanced, I might reconsider throwing in a Infernal nemesis (too much trouble browsing and correcting everything I don't like). About the Hauberk of Bells, I would most definetly halve the DV bonus.
  12. Flamane

    Ai and the Crimson Bow

    "Love"... well, that's a nice quirk I can most certainlly use. Thanks!
  13. Flamane

    Dealing With Finances

    It's completely off the topic but... king?!?! She's not THAT ugly!
  14. Flamane

    Ai and the Crimson Bow

    One of my character's decided he wants the Crimson Bow, as he's an archer. He claims that he wants his previous incarnation to be Ai, wich would give him some insight where to find the weapon. That's fine by me, except there's very little information about both (exalted and artifact). I could...
  15. Flamane

    There's a thing about Ayesha Ura...

    Wow... One of the greatest disappointments I had as a child was never watching the final episode of Dungeons & Dragons... But seeing that Diana is doing fine and well, I can sleep peacefully again.
  16. Flamane

    Back on the subject of Movement... You can't every tick

    I used the speed as if the horse was a human with wolf's pace (+2 to move) and the three points fleet of foot merit (+6 dash). The horse, thus, moved 6 yards and dashed 16 yards. Gazelle's Pace and Cheetah's Pace only adds to long distance speed, allowing the character to move as a horse and a...
  17. Flamane

    Back on the subject of Movement... You can't every tick

    As promised, I'm back to report on my experiences with the "move every tick" rules. I used a hex grid as visual support with some lego to make the landscape (it was my favorite toy as a kid, and I still have lots of it). The characters learned pretty easily how to work around the new system...
  18. Flamane

    Back on the subject of Movement... You can't every tick

    I like hex boards too. Will change the number of assailants, thanks for the tip!
  19. Flamane

    Scroll of Heroes

    I honestly like "Scroll of Heroes". I always liked to start a game as mortals and then exalt my players, and the book answered to those needs very nicely. Starting as mortals allows them to get a feel of the character and change things they don't like. Liked the god-blooded also, they now can...
  20. Flamane

    Back on the subject of Movement... You can't every tick

    I believe you're underestimating our athletes... About all the rest, it's clear to me the rules are too confusing. Maybe they're supposed to be that way. It's a storytelling game, not a bookkeeping game. Each group should use what they like better, doesn't matter what the core book or other...