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    Fandom Pokémon: The Sinnoh Region (Work in progress!)

    Name: Esper Marlowe Age: 16 Gender: Male Region: Sinnoh Personality: Has lapses into a very serious state, but otherwise, tries to find the comedy in things, and is all-around a pretty good person. Takes a while to trust people, though, and distrusts people even more if they trust him...
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    Fandom Pokemon RP

    I'm going to take an educated guess and say she dropped making a new region due to the sheer workload involved. Not that I'm calling you lazy, god no, but I'm saying that making a new reason takes a lot of time, and coupled with finishing the combat system, that's a lot of time and effort.
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    Hey Saru, fancy meeting you here :) .
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    Fandom Pokemon RP

    Ah, ok. That makes a bit more sense now. Thanks. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I think we (you?) would have to be careful with it, though, so as not to tip it too drastically in another person's favor. Oh, and catching mechanics. Any ideas about what we're going to do about that, or...
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    Fandom Pokemon RP

    A system? Can I ask you to explain what you mean by that?
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    Howdy. Welcome.
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    Well, there's a metaphor I haven't heard before!
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    The beginning of a man with a story to tell

    Hey. Welcome to the site, hopefully your few words are as good as another's many words
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    Hello Mortals~

    Hey. My name's Bob. It's actually not, but after you two had your big "Gods among us" introductions I had to do that. Welcome all the same.
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    Fandom Pokemon RP

    As always, Pokie, I'm interested. Let's hope it works out here. Also, I'm fine with all the ideas, but for the sake of easing your workload a little I'd say we should just use a pre-existing region.
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    Hello there, friendly people

    Welcome as well. I hope you have some fun around here.
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    Well hey there Pie. Fancy meeting you here.
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    Thanks. A bit of humour always helps, too, so I use it when I can.
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    I suppose I should actually post one of these, instead of just lurking in the background and reading other people's. I don't really know what to say. I've always been bad at introductions, anyway. To the point though... well, I'm a person who will pretty much RP anything original and most...
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    The sky is actually purple

    I though it was yellow, but I'm always willing to be proved wrong. I'm newer than you are, but I welcome you anyway.