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Fandom Pokemon RP


Ruler of Twilight
Ok, so I know there's been a few threads like this one asking people if they would be interested in a Pokemon RP, but I'm making this thread to ask people what sort of system you guys would prefer in a Pokemon RP, and to explain my RP ideas in further detail.

First of all, I'd like to ask whether or not you guys would like to have a new region or if you would prefer to RP in a currently existing region/regions. If you guys decide that you'd like for me to make a new region for the Pokemon RP, I wont be adding any "new" Pokemon, or "fakemon" to the RP. I know that might sound a little strange, but if you have ever played Pokemon xD : Gale of darkness, think of it as similar to that. There would be a new region similar to Orre, where its likely that there would be wild Pokemon, but there wouldn't be any new species native to the region.

The second idea, and probably the most easiest would be to just use an already existing region/regions for the RP. We can use multiple regions, or we can have just one. The regions could be spread out through various threads, or they could be compacted into one RP thread.

The last question I'd like to ask is whether or not you guys would prefer a combat system in the game, basically some sort of simple mechanic to decide the outcome of an RP battle, or if you guys would prefer if the RP was purely text-based. There's pros and cons to each one, which I'll go into detail with you guys if you'd like.

I have loads of ideas for my Pokemon RP, and I have prior experience creating a Pokemon RP before so its no problem. Let me know what kind of RP you guys want, and I'll get it started!
It'll be great having you guys in the RP! :) Since you both seem to be fine with however this RP turns out, I'll get started creating it and in the end if changes need to be made to suit people's needs that's what I'll do. I can see this RP evolving over time, and I hope you guys will be around for the ride!
As always, Pokie, I'm interested. Let's hope it works out here.

Also, I'm fine with all the ideas, but for the sake of easing your workload a little I'd say we should just use a pre-existing region.
I have a question about starters. Does my starter have to be a starter pokemon (like charmander, mudkip, etc.), or can it be any basic stage pokemon I want?
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Your starter can be any Pokemon you want, as long as it can be found in that region and it is a basic Pokemon.

In the anime and even the games, trainers aren't limited to choosing one of the three generic starters. Think of Ash or Wally for example. Ash's first Pokemon was Pikachu, not Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle. And Wally's first Pokemon was a Ralts instead of a Torchic, Treecko or Mudkip. :)
Yeah, I know that they weren't limited, I was just curious on how it would be for this rp. Thanks for letting me know :)
Are we allowed to have specialist teams? So teams that contain a set types of pokemon, or do we have to mix it up?

Just curious, that's all:3
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Hey. Sorry for butting in. Just hear to say this sounds awesome and I want in. Also, I support the idea of using a system to tells the outcome of battles. Cuts out potential cheating and such.

Also, I think it's cool you were asking the people how they would want the RP to be.

You're welcome! :)


You can use whatever Pokemon you want on your team, you don't have to mix it up if you don't want to. :)

@Cipah and @bombs266

I care about people's opinions, and that's why I asked what sort of RP you guys would like. :)

By a system, I mean some way to determine how many times a Pokemon can get hit before they faint, and a way to determine whether or not an attack lands.
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Ah, ok. That makes a bit more sense now. Thanks.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I think we (you?) would have to be careful with it, though, so as not to tip it too drastically in another person's favor.

Oh, and catching mechanics. Any ideas about what we're going to do about that, or are we just going to play it as it goes? I legitimately don't have problems with either of those ideas.
I'm not sure about catching mechanics to be honest. I could add a dice roll to make capturing Pokemon a little harder, but I don't want to add unnecessary gimmicks to the RP.

I mean, I don't want someone writing a one line post saying they caught a pidgey (haha), but I think that the RP would be fine without having to roll a dice when you catch a Pokemon.

If we don't do a dice roll system though, I trust people would be creative in their posts when they catch a Pokemon. And of course, a wild Pokemon battle still counts as a battle so you'd still have to take the battle system rules into account.
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My good sir i am Very interested in this RP indeed....has been long since i saw one

As for the ideas i dont minde what thus you come up with,do for system i would not minde eather of to but i soport dice roll catching atleast as the last thing i would not like to see is some one catching a pokemon with one turn,i understand we can be trusted but still.....imagen a leyendary if they play a role here.

i have a question:will made up pokemons or...Fakemons....play a role? im rather curiuse if they do yet or not


I'm a girl, actually. lol But thank you for being so courteous.

I'm not ruling out dice roll catching from the RP. Really it just all depends on if everyone else supports the idea, also. If we did decide to use dice rolls when catching wild Pokemon, it would most likely work something like this:

You encounter a wild Pokemon and you roll a dice to determine whether or not you capture the Pokemon. Of course, you would still have to RP the scenario of how you did or did not catch it. To make things a bit less complicated, RP battles between other players would be entirely different than capturing Pokemon. Normal battle system rules wouldn't apply. Meaning, you wouldn't have to roll a dice to determine whether your attack hits or misses, and you wouldn't have to worry about your Pokemon fainting. The reason is, wild Pokemon are not controlled by other players. You decide what moves they use against you. So honestly, using dice rolls to capture them instead of actually battling them like you would against another player might work out really well.

And of course, legendaries would be harder to capture than your average Pokemon. Rolling the right number on the dice would be very hard.
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Yeah, I like the idea of using dice to battle. If we didn't, I'd have the feeling everyone would dodge everyone's attacks until someone godmods.
My great sorries....I dint check gender

But yes i would recommend battle dice atleast like spooky said....last thing we would whant is godmoding in battle and thus not make it interesting
Yeah there was two reasons why I wanted to have a dice roll system for battling. One reason was because in RP battles people always try not to get hit, or they try to say that they hit someone else when they didn't. It comes down to who made the best attack, and sometimes that's just not enough to determine whether or not you win or lose. Of course, if we're gonna have a system like that in the RP, we would also need a way to decide how much damage each player's Pokemon has taken. To solve this problem, I was thinking about using a hit-point system. Basically, how many times your Pokemon can be hit with an RP attack before they faint.

I still want to give people some freedom when they RP battle, mostly because I don't want RP battles to be decided entirely by how lucky your dice roll was. Flat out dodging another person's move will be impossible unless you get a lucky roll, of course. But I do want to allow people to try to counter an opponent's move with an equally powerful attack. Since Pokemon will have limited moves in this RP, you'd really have to use strategy to win. My fear is that people would still try to do the impossible by creating an "uncounterable" attack, but I would be judging battles in case that happened.
I like the idea of using dice roll when catching Pokemon and when battling. Although, as I've never used the dice roll feature and have no clue as to how it works, I may need help with it should the idea move forward xD .

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