
The Silent Z

Just Here
I have come to learn of this Forum from a friend here that's apart of another Rp site I am apart of as well.So though I am not great at personal intros,I figured I best do so anyhow.I am a fan of the creative arts and being able to Rp and explore the lands of creation is a awesome experience and is a great way to use your own creative mind and use your ideas for characters and such.So with that said,it's good to be where the Rpers wander and look forward to jumping in and getting started here.

So with a yo and pondering of which Rp's to check out first.Thats my intro
Hey ! I'm mako and I am as well new here ^.^. It would be great to rp with you and if we exchanged ideas is would be superb as well. As I said earlier, I am new as well, but I'll do all I can possibly to help you \^.^
Makothepanda said:
Hey ! I'm mako and I am as well new here ^.^. It would be great to rp with you and if we exchanged ideas is would be superb as well. As I said earlier, I am new as well, but I'll do all I can possibly to help you \^.^
Yo,what's up Mako and good meet ya.Thanks for the offer of help and yeah it would be great to Rp and exchange ideas.

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