Hello there, friendly people


New Member
Hello to everybody. I have been looking for a good and friendly place where to roleplay after disastrous experiences both IRL and On-Line with roleplaying (from both dice roleplay and forum roleplay). You can address me as either "Seemos" or "Yantra" the same, your choice.

You could say I am looking a middle ground in between Dice Roleplay and Forum Roleplay. I love the tactical opportunities a full stat dice roleplaying system such as Pathfinder brings (it gives the sensation that, while fantastic, the world leans towars congruence and self-consistence, IMHO), but I loathe the idea of focusing everything on combat. I mean, at least for me, the idea of roleplay is to "live a life that isn't the one you have", and life (as far as I know), isn't a mass masacre of things (unless you live in a battlezone and, even then, very arguably). I love adventuring, I love seeing new sights, I love getting to know amazing people, I love learning, I love making amazing bro's and sis' and, of course, I love falling in love hard. Alas, in the 10 years I have been GMing for people IRL and on-line, all I met were people who were either wanting to have a sort of "Free-Form DOTA" or a "Themed Smuttfest". Either one or the other, but no middle ground. I grew tired of working endless hours for them and threw the garbage can out of my life. Heck, I say is time
I get the surprizes, adventures and wonders for a change, so here I am before you, hoping I can find what I look.

In advance, thank you for reading this much and sorry for all the trouble. I look forward to getting to know you all as much as you let me.
bombs266 said:
Welcome as well. I hope you have some fun around here.
Thank you, Bombs. I do hope to have fun here as well. At least, for what I read on the forums, people here seems far nicer than what I seen in other forums dedicated to roleplay, so I am thrilled to give this a shot. ( ;) )


Mayumi said:
It is, but I do not know the artist. I wish I did.
Aww, such a pitty. Then again, I have stumbled with the same problems lots of times in the past, specially when collecting pictures at Pixiv.
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