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  1. Nia Fallmore


    Clarissa had know clue what to do , so she pulled off her benie and sat down and blinked, she played with some snow in her hand. Flinging the snow into her hair.She didn't know where to go so she just played with the snow over and over again in the hall.
  2. Nia Fallmore


    Clarissa saw Colt and Palastina, and decided she want to piss them off. She conjured up a snowball in her right arm and threw it at one of the two.She laughed, while throwing another one, she repeated the process for several minutes in till her arm hurt from throwing, or if she got her ass kicked.
  3. Nia Fallmore


    Clarissa was at the front doors of the school, with a snowball in her hand, as she open the door, she threw the snowball at the receptionist and ran from the main office to her locker.
  4. Nia Fallmore


    "Oh god" She layed in her bed groaning,"Why didn't my alarm go off...."She got up and out of her bed and went straight for her dresser. She put on a grey sweat shirt, some jeans, and a beanie. She then walked over to her window and jumped, with the grace of a cat she landed and walked to school...
  5. Nia Fallmore

    The wold of the mysterious and unique.

    Name: Clarrisa Valentine Age:90(looks 16) Occupation: Cashier History: Clarrisa was born to the parents of a Neko and an ice demon. She never knew them. She was raised by two "loving" humans. She hated them both, they abused her the hit smacked her and whatever else that involves hitting...
  6. Nia Fallmore

    Tales of Atlas

    Name: Sarah Luft Age:1,351 Gender:Female Human or Myth:Myth Race (myths only, wizards are human):Fairy Power (Myths only):Flight, Can change to the size of a human but rarely does, she likes to stay 6 inches tall,Immortal.Can grant wishes to those who catch her, but be careful when you...
  7. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    (Ok then)Rosia scared for the girl on the couch,ran inside and tried to lift her.But Rosia wasn't strong enough to lift her, so instead Rosia grabbed onto the bottom of Alice's feet and tried to drag her it was a slow process, Rosia also grew some plants under neath Alice's head to make sure it...
  8. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    (We just got to this house)(Just a little bit after that..)Rosia felt something that shouldn't have been, a heat, it was next to Rosia's Rose bush on the left side of the house, but when she arrived it was to late, the man had all ready caught the house on fire, she flicked her wrist upward...
  9. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    Rosia exited from her room, and went down stairs her legs making booming sounds as she ran down the stairs,As she walked towards the door, she noticed the girl on the couch, she past the girl ignoring her and ran outside. (What happened when i was gone,I lost my phone)
  10. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    she went outside and And climbed to the top of the roof and pasted out
  11. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    "close the door your selves you buzzards" The door was now covered in thorns as she left the room.
  12. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    She slammed her foot into theo's place that sees no sun but her foot was covered in thorns"Goodbye halo" She began to walk out of the basement.
  13. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    "Yah garden scissors,haven't heared that one before,just because im 75% plant doesn't mean you can say that bitc*"She was a bout to puch theo.
  14. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    " how could i have seen the door was closed i was upstairs after all"She said sarcasticly
  15. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    Rosia body was fully immersed in some sort of plant that she used for easy travel, then a second one appeared in the basement then it bloom showing Rosia
  16. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    She walked around the upstairs till she found jasons room" Hello"
  17. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    She walked back into the house and went upstairs into a random roomShe scread so loudly that the could hear her "Trying to kill someone nice joke......"
  18. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    "these are peanut butter cookies i'm allergic to peanuts you idiot...." she threw the box at theos face
  19. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    She stormed downstairs seeing theo " Did you get me those cookies i asked for?"
  20. Nia Fallmore

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    "i just wanted to make sure you were alright......I'm sorry" She began to sniffle a little bit