Kai's smile faltered slightly but he made sure to regain himself,

"I hope to meet him, and me? None. Only child." He easily lied. He needed a break from his family if he where to even mutter his sisters name she'd know where he was.


Xona pursed his lips at the myschevious Kofi,

"Some secret that is...." He muttered before undoing his braid and redoing it to pass the time. His fingers twirling with each bleach blonde strand.

Kofi laughed. A vampire boy in front of him was staring devilishly at few people's neck. "Young man, students are not food! substitutes for blood are in the cafeteria!" The vampire teen smiled, showing off his fangs and nodded at Kofi and he ran off to the cafeteria. Kofi sighed. "Well i am going to expect chaos this year as always, especially with Palastina.. She is just like her mother, devilish yet sweet."
Colt gave a faint smile. Guess he wasn't very hard to read, was he? "My name is Colt Anderson. I'm half human half demon, though I guess I would be more human. I have the powers of a demon, but I age like a human. My power...." He paused. He didn't exactly use his power very much, so he thought he didn't really need to say it. Plus, his power was just a reminder of the lies his parents fed him most of his life. "Tell me a bit more about yourself." He tried to change the subject, though he was slightly curious. May as well get to know the big people at the school.
Aisha saw his expression change for a second but didn't say anything since she knew it wasn't any of her business "I hope you meet him too, though hes not much of social person" she says and smiles back. Vincent came back to find his sister talking with a strange boy he immediately got between them in a protective stance, pulling her behind him "What do you want with my sister punk" he growled protectively while Aisha was trying to get around him "Vince stop being rude I'm not in danger!" she yelled at him and quickly flew in front of Vincent. "This is my brother Vincent and Vincent this is my knew friend Kai" she tries to introduce the two.

I gave him a quizzical look when he changed the subject, but after he said tell me about your self i laugh very hard. "Dang! You never heard anything about me? Well if ya' didn't, I hate doin these boring presentaion's every year, i don't usually wear dresses, i hate dresses. Anyways people call me black cat and troublemaker. Black cat? Because if ya' get on my nerves you just earned your self bad luck. I hate school even though i get good grades. My father ordered me like this today, social and everything. But i am very antisocial i don't have any friends.. " My voice cracked at the last sentence, putting a depressed look on my face. But i quickly returned to a smile..
Xona looked down off the stage at the still young Palastina,

"No doubt, sometimes I trick myself into thinking that's who she is but it's just false hope. I wish she could meet her mother, they'd get along so well." He stated his voice saddening, but quickly realizing the not enjoyable topic at hand he tried to perk up the mood.

"Yesterday I man thought I was a women." Xona finished braiding his hair and eyed Kofi waiting for him to laugh like he imagined he would.


Kai arubtly stood when he was confronted by the white haired individual. Eyes filled with irritation,

"Punk? Really?" He spoke, about to shove the boy back when he then heard Aisha's voice between them. And he instantly relaxed a small smirk appearing on his expression,

"Oh? Well Vince..." He use the nickname amusingly,

"Great to meet'cha, got a nice sister here."

He looked at Palastina, and the sad thought took over him. He didn't laugh at Xona's statement. To hide his almost watering eye he took our a book and read.
Colt was caught off guard when she mentioned being antisocial. It just came out of nowhere. She definitely didn't seem very antisocial from what he could tell. She must be good at hiding it. he kind of felt sorry for her, being forced to act this way just because her father said so. He wasn't too sure what to do with the information he received as his limited social experience didn't help him with these types of situations, so he coughed in his hand to change the subject. "Anyways, how do powers work in this school? Are they regulated and banned, or are you allowed to use them at your leisure? I could definitely see freedom to use powers leading to fights very quickly."
Xona sighed knowing what he had done and his hands dropped to the leather satchel which sat on his lap.

"I'm sorry friend....." He mumbled biting his lower lip prepared to leave if he didn't wish for the Teachers presence any longer.

I smiled. "We only use our powers to protect us. Also we use our powers in power training classes. Other than that, if you used it for a fight or some other thing, you will get an automatic Suspension."My voice went from using a fake cheery voice to cold and scary.


He smiled as he removed the book from his face. "It's alright, i just get to emotional... and did someone really called you a woman?" He ended his sentence with a laugh.
Colt smiled and nodded. "Okay,. Well, thanks for answering my questions. It was nice meeting you." She seemed pretty nice, well at least on the surface. At least the first person he talked to hadn't tried to kill him. He stuck out his hand for a handshake, slightly hesitant at first. 'This is what you're supposed to do, right?' He thought in his head.
Vincent was pissed off that the guy standing in front of him was calling him by his nickname "Watch it" he said as he pushed him back. Aisha was getting really annoyed by their childish attitudes "you guys need to stop, its the first day and your already fighting" she said to the both of them as she spread her arms trying to keep them separated.
Xona broke out into hysterical laughter falling back into his chair,

"Sadly yes," he removed his glasses light chuckles littering the air as he cleaned their glass surfaces.

"He was making a move on me until he saw my face. So it's good to know that if I where to be a girl i'd be un attractive."

I took his hand and shook it, his hand felt warm and soothing,.. different than many other kids. "Well see you later, in the classes.." I gave a warm smile to Colt. I never gave actual smiles to anyone but Xona or my dad


He laugh very hard and patted his friend's back but deep inside he was crying from sadness.
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Colt sensed something a little different with her smile. it seemed... genuine. He gave her a smile back. "You too." Was his reply to her statement. He held her hand a little longer without realizing it. ' So this is what a handshake feels like. It seems... nice.' In his thought, he realized he was hanging on a little too long, so he quickly let go. "Well, you better get going. I'm sure you have lots of other things to do."
Kai only only chuckled in response barely token back by the shove,

"Ya, chill Vince." He emphasized the name unable to hold back a devious smile. He found enjoyment in others irritation or anger, but this boy agitated him. If they where to get along it may take awhile.


Xona placed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, seeing a smiling Palastina out of the corner of his gaze. This caused him to nudge Kofi and point to the girl. That would warm any family members heart. Something Xona knew he'd never feel, any of his bloodline members absent.

I blushed as Colt held my hand a little longer than usual. "Um actually, the presentation is done so basically we have to go to class in a hour because my dad will be giving another speech. Wanna get a cup of coffee meanwhile his boring speech..?" I finally made a friend, i smiled again at him, my face still was red from when he held my hand a little longer than usual. 

Kofi looked at Palastine with a smile but then his face went to shock as he saw a boy holding his daughter's hand for too long, then the boy let go. Kofi sputtered out to Xona, "Is that what you wanted to show me?!? A boy holding the hand of Palastina Vio Thorn?!! My daughter?!?" He sputtered out angrily at Xona, when he uses full names that meant he was mad..
Aisha didn't like where this was going and grabbed her brother by the arm and flew him the corner of the room "You need to relax or else your going to get yourself in trouble" she scolds him "But-" he starts but Aisha cuts him off "No buts now go before you get us both in trouble" she says and Vince walks away still annoyed and pissed off. Aisha went back to where Kai was "Sorry about my brother he's usually not like this" she says politely.
Xona jumped closer to his both friend and boss covering his friends single good eye stuttering himself. His bag had fallen off of his lap,

"O-oh my goodness! Sir! Sir I-I apologize! You know very well I can't see the future in fact without my glasses I can't see anything! And-and and and.....and Sir!" He began to freak out for sure most likely the two of them looked like a mess of loons.


Kai chuckled collapsing back into the chair as Aisha spoke to her brother he murmured under his breath,

"Oooooo~ Little Vince is getting scolded." Once the girl returned he smiled up at her then waved the topic away.

"It's fine. Probably a puberty thing."
"Oh god" She layed in her bed groaning,"Why didn't my alarm go off...."She got up and out of her bed and went straight for her dresser. She put on a grey sweat shirt, some jeans, and a beanie. She then walked over to her window and jumped, with the grace of a cat she landed and walked to school seeing that she was already late, she would get there slowly.

Kofi calmed down he tried not to shape-shift in to a huge demon monster. "Xona. Please let me see. Don't worry i'll take care of this." He got up, his pale blue eye turned red. Everyone he passes felt immense monster energy. Everyone fell silent. "Palastina vio thorn. To my office NOW!!!!" his angered voice echoed through the silent auditorium.
Clarissa was at the front doors of the school, with a snowball in her hand, as she open the door, she threw the snowball at the receptionist and ran from the main office to her locker.
Colt nervously scratched the back of his head when Palastina asked him to go for coffee. He had never been asked to hang out before, so he didn't exactly know how to handle the situation . "Coffee? Um... I don't really drink coffee, but I guess it never hurts to try." He laughed a little nervously, still a little embarrassed by the request. He was interrupted by the principles booming voice. He sounded livid. Colt turned towards Palastina. He was worried that this was somehow his fault. However, she did say she was a troublemaker, so it could be something else. Still, he couldn't help but think it was him. He didn't say anything, just in case it was a personal matter.
Xona removed the hand slowly and picked up his satchel setting it lightly on to his shoulder as he trailed semi-close to the fierce principle. He was quite fearsome when angered. Xona looked over at the black haired boy she had been speaking to and silently spoke in sign language saying 'shame on you.'

Before giving a small smile.


Kai rose an eyebrow at her statement,

"What do you mean by hard?"

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