The Hunted [Inactive]

Caleb walked back to the house with Alice in his arms hoping she'll survive. 
He entered the house leaving Alice on the couch he then went into his room.
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(One of the disadvantages of having the power of healing is that when Alice gets hurt, her body tries to heal itself but with a cost. When healing the feeling of pain is amplified)

Alice breathed slowly and peacefully, although in her mind she was screaming because of the pain. Her feet were sore like she stepped on glass and her head was throbbing, as of about to explode. Everything hurt.

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Alice's heartbeat skyrocketed, making it harder for her to breath. She started to sweat and her breathing was uneasy.
Rosia exited from her room, and went down stairs her legs making booming sounds as she ran down the stairs,As she walked towards the door, she noticed the girl on the couch, she past the girl ignoring her and ran outside.

(What happened when i was gone,I lost my phone)
(We just got to this house) 
(Just a little bit after that..) 
Rosia felt something that shouldn't have been, a heat, it was next to Rosia's Rose bush on the left side of the house, but when she arrived it was to late, the man had all ready caught the house on fire, she flicked her wrist upward, sending a giagantic rose stem covered in thorns from the ground into the man's heart.
(Ummm Two new people, including me, joined the household. Caleb broke down some walls. My character has amnesia and in pretty much an innocent child. She went to look for her cat in the forest at night, slipped, fell down a cliff, hit her head, sleeping on coach. That's pretty much it. Lawrence and Flare were making out in her bedroom, he tried to take it to the next level, she said no. She didn't really say no, she yelled at him)

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(Ok then) 
Rosia scared for the girl on the couch,ran inside and tried to lift her.But Rosia wasn't strong enough to lift her, so instead Rosia grabbed onto the bottom of Alice's feet and tried to drag her it was a slow process, Rosia also grew some plants under neath Alice's head to make sure it didn't fall.It took her a while to fully get her out of the room. the two were were out just as the fire reached the couch, she hoped the others could get out by them selves.
Raven was jostled awake by a sudden commotion surrounding the couch. He only had a few seconds to take in what was going on. His thoughts ran something like, "Alice, hurt, couch, people, noise, fire, FIRE!" He jumped up, not sure what was going on, but he did the best he could to help get Alice out of the burning house. Then, he thought "There has to be more people in the house than this!" Despite his fear of fire, he grabbed his lantern and a nearby blanket, throwing the lantern into the straw in his chest, and the blanket over his head, charging through the door to get back into the house, using the blanket as a momentary shield, making his way to the up-stairs.
Lawrence woke up and noticed something warm. He yelled. "Oh shit! FIRE!" He ran into the house pulling out a marble. He controlled the marble to dome shape. Then he put it over the fire. He looked around. "Is everyone alright?!"
Lance was walking down the side of the road were the house caught fire.Lance let his guitar rest against his left leg then placing his hands in his pockets, he just stared at the flames wondering what was happening.
Lance Grabbed his guitar, and began to head to the front door of the house that was in flames.Lance knocked on the door.
Alice felt her body being dragged, part of the body felt heat but she didn't know of the source. Within minutes she felt a cold breeze, crickets were chirping and the wind made the trees sway, making a swishing sound. She was healed completely, though she was completely weak. Her body was sore still from the healing process but of corse she didn't know that.

She opened her eyes barely and saw darkness with white dots scattered around, she turned her head and saw a bright yellow glowing light, what was it?

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Flare sighed, hearing commotion as she went towards the house on fire, she instantly started knocking out the flames with her fires and stopping the fire from spreading

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