The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence noticed the guy that was knocking on the door. He also saw Theo. He ran over. "Um excuse me guys. I don't know how you guys are with fire. But we should get away from the house. Just in case."
Lance read the boy's lips and replied"Hello" He held out his hand "Nice to meet you my names lance, and I noticed that you have a small fire in your house"
(Can someone like bring me back into the house? Rosie and Raven brought my body out because of the fire and I can't really move)

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Halo was walking as a wolf when she saw the fire. She noticed everyone seemed to be safely outside except one. "Kodlak!" She barked worriedly before dashing into the house.
Lance decided to approached the house again, he entered, and to a sat on the couch. 
Lance saw the wolf named Kodlak and picked him up and walked outside and asked"Whose is this"
Lawrence looked over at Flare. "Good job sweetheart!" He noticed Alice laying there. He picked her up. "Alright here we go." He carried her towards the two "Nighty night Alice." Then he walked outside walking towards Flare.
Halo turned back and walked over to lance. "You got him! Thank you!" She said picking up the wolf pup. "I don't believe we've met, I'm Halo." She said holding out her free hand.
( :/ )

Flare nodded as the flames stopped and her flames worked on the house "What the hell happened!?"

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