The Hunted [Inactive]

"You can make marbles fly around?"He stared at Lawernce with amusement. 
"Thats a wonderful power"Caleb laughed.
"That's not all." He made the marble expand then contract. He then made it into a blade. Then he made the blade spin around and around. He then made the blade go through the floor. He looked at Lance. "You see my friend I control metal."
"Well your not going to hear anything for a while"He Snapped, Lawrence could no longer hear. 
Lance clapped several times He yelled" Can you here anything"
Lawrence couldn't hear anything. He looked around absolutely horrified. He yelled but he couldn't hear what he saying. He looked at Lance. "What the hell." At least what he thought he said.
Lawrence didn't noticed that Flare walked in. But he had a feeling that somebody was here. He turned around. He waved at her.
Flare looked at Lance "...If you are to live in this house, you do not use your powers on the other people here."
The pain was unbearable, it was building up inside of Alice. Her eyes shot open and screamed a high pitched scream in which she let out one of her powers, the psionic blast. Everyone, except for Lance, in the house could hear the deathly scream, overloading everyone's mind with thoughts, hearing only a loud 'beep' which rang throughout their eardrums

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