The Hunted [Inactive]

(How did your character notice the scream when they're deaf? Not saying that what you did was bad I'm just asking out of curiosity :) )

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Lance then used his powers to block the sound from Alice's mouth 
(lance can see you and how flares acting she looks like shes in pain from the screams....)
Alice finally stopped screaming, she breathed heavy grabbing onto her head. She was light headed and the world was spinning.

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She curled into a ball, hands still holding onto her head. Tears ran across the side of her face since she was laying to the side.
Flare only looked at Lance, not sure what he was saying since her hearing was bad right now
Alice released her hands from her head after feeling a tap. She looked at the man in front of her with a dazed and tears in her eyes. She was shaking, she put both her hands which were in loose fists in front if her mouth.
Halo pulled her red bag from under her bed, where she carried her best swords and brought them to te living room. "Flare, seeing as you can't yell at me right now, I make and sell swords." She said prepared to run. She opened the bag to show some of the swords. "It started as a worse case scenario and became a backup to earn money." She said looking down at the swords.
Alice used the hand that was in front and waved shyly. "It hurts.." She said muttering under her hand, unable to see her mouth.

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Jason walked in and sat next to Flare. "How long was I asleep?" He asked rubbing his eyes and laying his head on her shoulder.

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She removed both hands from her mouth and whipped away the tears. Her head still throbbed and her body aches but she tried to get past it. "Why does it hurt?" She asked him

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Lance went over to his Guitar and began to play Royals. 
Lance barely caught what the girl said. He only saw her from the corner of his eyes."What was that?"He asked Alice this time looking at her
Halo stated at Flare for a moment. "Wow, I was expecting an asskicking or something. I wanted to give anyone who doesn't have very offensive powers a weapon of some sort. Im stil spooked by what happened at the old house."

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