The Hunted [Inactive]

"You said hacking and stabbing? Then maybe a battleaxe with a spike at the end.... Anyways take a look on that wall over there." Halo gestured to the wall on the left before grabbing a trench knife and walking out of the basement. Halo walked over to Jason and held out the knife. "Here." She said. "I won't take 'no thanks'. You're keeping the knife." She growled
Jason looked at Halo. "Can't hear you speak up." He said. He realized he couldn't hear himself. He turned around and looked at Lance. "Fix it!" He shouted still not hearing himself.

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(How do ether of you know his power, im not sure if lance told halo but im sure lance didn't tell jason.. 
Lance snapped again stopping Jason from not being able to hear."I'm going to go for a walk"
Alice sat up from the coach, dizzy and weak. She stood up slowly, rubbing her eyes, yet again she was in a daze. She tried to walk towards the stairs to pick her room so she could sleep, well atleast try to sleep. Stumbling and swaying towards the stairs, it was a slow process.

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Theo walked to Halo " I could help if you need it, but can you make a Chain scythe?". 
( well Jason never said anything about your power til after you used it on him.)
Halo handed the trench knife to Jason. "You're gonna keep it with you at all times got it?" She ordered. She then turned to Theo. "Yeah I will get started tomorrow." 
(Nothing stays secret in the house, lets leave it like that.also I gtg)
Once she reached the stairs she realized someone was there to help her. It was the newest guy, although she never did catch his name. She simply just smiled kindly.

"Thank you" she said sheepishly.
Alice looked up the stairs and realized she hadn't picked a room yet. Although she was too tired to care. "I don't have a room yet" she said with a smug look on her face.

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She waved weakly at Lance as he walked away to his room. Alice looked at the hallway and decided to take a right, she opened each room door and all were taken with bags on the floor of other people.

A door at the end if the hallway was the only one left, opening the door slowly Alice saw more stairs. She climbed the stairs and she saw an empty room with walls that leaned in(the attic). Such a strange room thought Alice, but she didn't question it since it was the only open room. She found a box in the corner and inside was lucky a blanket and pillow. At the bottom of the box was a few scraps like buttons and ribbon that Alice couldn't find any use to.

She set the pillow down and hugged the blanket instead of using it to keep her warm, but it was comfortable to her. Once her head touched the pillow she instantly fell asleep, a peaceful sleep.
Lance, decided instead of playing his guitar, he would go to sleep, So he grabbed his black Sleeping bag from his Duffle bag and layed it out on the floor, then grabbing the pillow from his bag, he crawled in the bag then grabbing his pillow he placed underneath his head and past out.

(Want to skip to tomorrow?)

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