The Hunted [Inactive]

"Because of Halo." Jason said. Time suddenly unfroze. " I thought Halo would replace me with you." Jason said.

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"you try not living with any people at all and then knowing how to deal with them!' Theo yelled. It was true as he had nt really had any friends except for Blizzard and a wolf formed Halo
"I'm sorry jason if its bothers you that much maybe i should just leave well in the meantime i am gonna so what stores are near by" Theo said"i need to clear my mind with a walk, but does anyone want anything?"
Halo looked at Jason and then to Theo, and back before she laughed. She bent her knees to be at the same height as Jason. "Replace you with him? Not a chance in Hell, kiddo! Don't you remember me telling you I got abandonment issues? I wouldn't wish that on anyone!" She looked up and tossed her wallet to Theo. "Buy whatever snacks look good, and some sodas. I'm paying." She said
"I'm sorry, OK." Jason said. " Is that what you wanted to hear. How dare you come to my hotel, hit me, and knock the closest I have to a sister out cold. Do you really think an apology can make up for that. I meant what I said. STAY AWAY FROM ME. If you ever come near me again. I will kill you. Trust me you won't be the first." He said shaking Halo off of him and walking to his room.

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"Jason... UGH! Humans are so damn moody! I'm debating going back to the wolves!" She said before stalking off to the basement.
" Look," Theo made eye contact with Jason "when halo loses control she goes into complete chaos, it had to be done" *leaves for store*
Jason turned around at the sound of footsteps. "What do you want." He asked through a clenched jaw.

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"Why are you all treating me like a kid? I'm 13." He walked into his room slamming the sliding door behind him.

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" Nobody truly truly changes," Theo said opening a chocolate bar " That's just the way people work" 
Theo tosses Rosia her cookies."here you go"
She walked back into the house and went upstairs into a random room 
She scread so loudly that the could hear her "Trying to kill someone nice joke......"
Halo pulled out her bag and opened it up. She glanced at the door to the basement. "Close that will ya? Don' wan anyone snooping. If Flare found out she'd probably skin me alive."

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