The Hunted [Inactive]

" I know." Jason said suddenly looking up and smiling. " Is that it." He started to chuckle. " Acting all sincere is so hard to pull off." He said in between laughs. " This must mean I'm off of the hook," he said half expecting Flare to laugh.

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Halo climbed up the stairs and poked her head in Flare's room. "Is there a oh-" She said as she noticed Jason, "Uh, I was wondering if there was a basement I could make my room in. Also don't listen to stupid head over there." She gestured to Jason with a smile. "He didn't do anything I was being a dumbass."
Flare spoke "There is...And also, still. he should know better then to fight back. I raised him better then that"
Jason suddenly stopped laughing. "So I'm not off the hook." He said. "Man. Why do I always get in trouble for keeping these dumb asses in line." He looked disappointed. " Can Halo take my punishment? Pleeeaaassseee!" He begged.

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"Yea." He said giving Halo a hug. He then turned and went back into Flare's room closing the sliding door." Yes, Flare." He said kneeling down.

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Flare closed her eyes "Tell the next oldest person they're in charge till I wake up..."
Halo walked into Theo's room and sat on the end of the bed and threw herself backwards. "I messed up real bad today." She muttered
Halo put her arm across her face to hide the fact that she was crying. "What if I had killed someone?" She whispered.
Jason nodded at Flare and then walked to Theo's room. " Theo, Flare said...... I'm in charge till she wakes up." He smiled and walked to his room.

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Theo's expression changes to serious" this is a question we probably all ask at one point, any one with special abilities probably does. Your not alone."
Halo wiped her face and threw the nearest pillow at Jason. "You realize I heard everything right? I should be the one in charge!"

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