
She looked at her dad. "Yes sir." She embarrassingly walked out with out a word.
As Colt looked from Palastina to who looked like the principle's friend mouthing something at him, his eyes widened. It was his fault. Did her father not want her talking with anyone? He stood still, not knowing exactly what to do. He wanted to stay out of it, let things resolve themselves, but he would hate himself if he didn't do something at least. An idea then popped into Colt's head. At most schools, this wouldn't seem like much of a deal, but Colt could tell that the principle held an intimidating presence, so anything that seemed like going against the grain would probably seem crazy. Colt took a long gulp, looked the principle in the eye, then turned towards Palastina and followed her out. It may have been simple, but Colt thought that under the circumstances it was better than anything else he could have done. He caught up to Palastina and turned to her. "He didn't say you had to go alone, did he? I'll follow you there at least." He smiled, though underneath he was extremely nervous. He hoped that he would at least make her feel a little better.
Clarissa saw Colt and Palastina, and decided she want to piss them off. She conjured up a snowball in her right arm and threw it at one of the two.She laughed, while throwing another one, she repeated the process for several minutes in till her arm hurt from throwing, or if she got her ass kicked.

"I WANT ALL STUDENTS BACK IN HERE AFTER AN HOUR." Kofi was furious. His claws started to grow a little from stress.. no one saw him in full demon form except for Xona and Palastina. It was not a pretty sight.. Kofi went to his office with Xona waiting for his daughter.


I saw Colt run after me and catch up with me. "Good thing my dad didn't kill ya'." Palastina was smiling a cold wicked smile. She can't wait for the daily arguments with her dad, "Look, it was not your fault, please i need to meet my dad in the office, you can sit in front of the office while i have a 'conversation' with my dad. " I finally walked in to the office and i gestured him to sit outside the office.
Colt nodded as he took a seat in front of the office. as he sat, he thought about what happened. What she said was a possibility, that it wasn't his fault. He did jump the gun, but at least he didn't do anything too drastic. Still, he hoped things wouldn't end up too bad. It was his first day, and the worst thing that could happen would be to get on the principals bad side.

He looked like he was going to explod from anger. "Palastin-" He was about to begin his sentence but Palastina interrupted him.


"I don't give a Sh*t dad! Why can't you leave me alone! WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME LIVE A LIFE, MOM WOULD OF AGRRED WITH ME!!!" Her whole figure changed, Her wings turned fully black, her eyes went cat like and red, Golden looking fire swirled around her feet. She grew very long sharp claws and fangs. She bursted the door in to flames, she walked out and said in a much dangerous and cold sounding voice. "Let's go Colt."
Colt jumped out of his seat as Palastina lit the door on fire and walked out. She looked completely different, with fire around her and claws that looked like they could cut a car in half. "Are... are you okay?" He had a very worried tone in his voice. She obviously wasn't very happy, that was for sure, but he couldn't help but be surprised by what he was seeing.
Clarissa had know clue what to do , so she pulled off her benie and sat down and blinked, she played with some snow in her hand. Flinging the snow into her hair.She didn't know where to go so she just played with the snow over and over again in the hall.
Xona was flabbergasted and truly offended by the girls outburst.

"Kofi...." He murmured,

"I've prepared the basement without your wishes. If you wish to change into your demon form and thrash around down there you may...." He mumbled before removing his framed glasses and dabbing his left eye. He never enjoyed the topic of Kofis wife, it just brought up bad things.

"And later perhaps I may speak with her, she's grown quite comfortable with me. And perhaps the lack of bloodline will make it easier?" Xona felt much pain for the principle, and couldn't imagine his emotions at the moment.

I closed my eyes and relaxed, my body went back to normal. My eyes started to water up. "Colt..I need sometime alone. My demon form can get out of hand sometimes.." I walked away, My face covered in tears.


Kofi rubbed his only good eye. Tears ran down his face. "Xona please catch up with her and explain she is too young to be-" Kofi just realized that he was controlling her life.. He was making her miserable. Kofi muttered, "I've been telling lies and giving her rules.. because i wanted her to be safe, i even told her that someone possibly killed her mother but that was a lie. I killed her mother.. I made Palastina's life miserable. Xona excuse me while i go down to the basement. Have a talk with her, tell her the.. truth.. about her mother.." And with that said he left.
Xona bit his lower lip painfully. But nodded loyally,

"Of course....Kofi.." He murmured quietly before turning around after the fleeing girl. In time to see her leaving the boy which had been part of her being in trouble.

"Palastina.." Xona called out to her as he jogged after her. His braid hopping on his shoulder, until he reached her. Noticing her tears he took her shoulders and crouched down to look at her streaked face.

"Palastina...." He restated more calmly,

"Will you follow me to my classroom? I have some things to inform you of." He spoke lightly,

"As well I have some sweets, I visits Junes bakery earlier so they should still be good." He rubbed her shoulder caringly.

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I hugged Xona, sobbing on his chest. I nodded "Okay.." I walked to the classroom with him, it was empty and i sat in one of the desks, i looked down at the desk, seeing tear drops fall on it.
Xona took a seat in front of her handing her a small tissue, beside a box full of the fluffy tissues.

"Palastina, first you must know that your father is very protective over you since your all he has for family." He bit the inside of his cheek, he hated to see the young girl crying.

"He just doesn't want you getting hurt, and since your small outburst he has learned that you're not as young as you where long ago. And that you should be able to make some of your own decisions. Just be reasonable..." He informed her,

"And he has given me permission to speak of you about who had killed your mother...." He took a small breath, dammit how do I let Kofi just drag me into these positions he thought.

"Kofi, your father is a great man and he was the one who had ended your mothers life...He believed that you should've known." He whispered his eyes burning with tears.

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Colt watched as Palastina walked away. It was probably a good idea to just leave her alone like she suggested. He had just met her, so he wouldn't know exactly how to handle it. He wasn't very used to these situations, and by that he meant situations involving other people and their feelings. He walked back to where the speech was before and plopped on a chair, thinking. Should he really be friends with her? He never talked much before, and it was obvious she had some family issues, so he didn't know if he could help her. Not to mention that form she took. A demon, through and through. Colt wasn't very sure if he would be able to stay comfortable knowing she could become that, a monstrosity that represented the lies his parents told him when he was younger. Was he really part demon himself? Was he capable of such things? Sure, he had seen other demons before, and fought a couple as well, but nothing like that. He was so overwhelmed by these thoughts, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

I took the tissue and blew my nose, while he was talking the thing that caught my interest was about my Mother's death. "HE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!? PLEASE TELL ME!" I pleaded to Xona, But then sudden shock got me. "HE KILLED HER?!? WHY?!.."My voice cracked.. my hands were shaking..
Xona had been tugging at his braid this whole time, this a clear sign that he was nervous or felt guilty.

"Please don't raise your voice Ms. Palastina..." He whispered staring at his shoes, before grabbing a tissue and dabbing his eyes.

"And please understand that her death was partly my fault as well." He started letting out a small sigh,

"Your mother and father due to their large quantity of strength caused themselves to become others targets. For people felt threatened by them. And I hadn't seen your father in a while and thought it would be fun to drop by surprisingly but was followed to their home unknowingly. When they answered the door we where attacked and during this fight your mother was injured. It was nothing I couldn't fix, I couldn't easily bandaged her up nice enough for her to live. But Kofi was frantic frightened so he killed her imagining that he was putting her out of her misery. Please Ms. Palastina understand that he feels a ping of guilt each day as well as I. He thought he was doing what was right." Xona concluded his voice had never risen from the quiet tone.

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My face had darken. I gritted my teeth with wet tears dropping off my chin, my tone changed to quite and frustrated. "I.. I understand sir." A cold feeling crawled it's way in my heart, i felt like i will never be the same. My eyes changed back to red glowing and creepy. My heart ached and it felt it was crumbling.. crumbling to pieces. Then i started to here slight whispers in my head, i was going crazy and i knew it. I smiled

wickedly and walked out.
Xona stood walking after the girl,

"Palastina?" He questioned confused about the sudden new persona which took over the girl. It was clear that the story could have gotten to her, but..

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"I'm alright sir." My voice almost sounded demonic like. I laughed as i walked through the hall way.. I needed to calm down but the story replayed in my head.


"AARRGH!!!" Kofi yelled. His eye was red and his claws were longer than four feet. His fangs were sharp and long too. Immense monster energy was around him, The dead obeyed his orders so as the ghost forms float up, kofi was throwing a table at them. His horns and tail grew, He had ice flowing through his vains so as Fire. In to different hands he both held different elements. He kept throwing his ice spears and fire slashes at the ghost in til he couldn't do it anymore.
Xona sighed guiltily having lost his hair tie within his room his white hair now hung down on his shoulders.

"Talk to me or your father if you need anything." He called to her as he halted before returning to Kofi's room in search a new book off of his high shelves.

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Colt looked down the hall from where he sat, noticing Palastina. He got up from his chair and walked over to her to see if she was better. As he approached her, he noticed she seemed different. "How are you feeling? better now?"
After what seemed like a correct amount of time Xona retreated downstairs to the hidden room. He awaited any signal that perhaps Kofis rant had not ceased but it was quiet within the room so raising a nimble hand Xona knocked on the secure door.

"Are you alright now?" He questioned his other hand holding a new text book securely.

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I walked right past Colt, I was deep in to thought of the story, i thought about my dad and mother... why were they both so powerful? Who was there mom and dad? i asked myself.


"I'm alright.. you can come in.." Kofi was calm now, he just sat on the ground,.. Ice was covering the floor and a small fire was sparking in his hand.
Unable to find a hair tie Xonas long hair still was draped over his shoulders. When he entered the room he shut the door softly behind him before tossing the principle a bag which held a new set of clothes.

"In case you've ruined another suit," he murmured.

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"How is she? Is she.. okay?" kofi said as he took the suit in the bag. He inspected his own suit thoroughly.

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