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  1. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    It was awesome! I play Dystopia Rising in Texas if you've ever heard of it. Also yeah I'd love to reply and react to The Cleaver! Sorry for not getting it up yesterday. I'm catching up frantically on schoolwork rn so it totally slipped my mind. D: I'll reply after work today!
  2. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Sorry I haven't replied! I was at a LARP this weekend. D: I'll have something up by the end of the day.
  3. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    :0 Omg
  4. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    @Bone2pick Of course! I didn't even realize there was a typo. My bad for highlighting it, I definitely didn't mean to put you on blast.
  5. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    @Aldur Forgehammer OH GOSh YES YES PLEASe yES.
  6. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Anat shuffled in nervously, her shoulders hunched and eyes focused entirely on the heavy, serviceable boots she’d decided to wear for the occasion. Her skirts, unwieldy as they were, did well to hide her shaking knees. Today she’d left the glove sitting on the mantlepiece. Her dragon tell, one...
  7. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    :333 Any news to report? I'm not trying to be impatient but gosh I'm excited to see what you post.
  8. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Oh gosh I hope so too. D: Please be okay, Bone! Sending good thoughts your way~! @Bone2pick
  9. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    At what point will the story be moving forward? Like IRL timeframe. I'm not trying to pressure anyone but I feel like character introductions are pretty done. There's one person we're waiting on but they haven't posted in a good while. Thoughts?
  10. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    "Anat Amos," She introduced herself breathlessly, curtsying again. "I am originally from Banta but my uncle owns that map shop over there. I came to Groundwater a few weeks ago." Anat stopped and averted her eyes, embarrassed. They probably realize that means I've been holed up all this time...
  11. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    @Aldur Forgehammer Oh my goodness neither can I! I hope they strike up a cool dynamic. x3
  12. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Sorry for such a short and hasty post. I wanted to get one out while I had time at work in case anyone else had intended to reply today!
  13. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    “I-I suppose so,” she agreed hastily, smiling awkwardly at the space somewhere behind Malias’left elbow. “It just makes me nervous. I’m not a weapon - not really. Eucle honestly made a mistake when he picked m-” she stopped, her face turning a fantastic shade of red. Something beyond herself...
  14. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    I'm really glad I didn't make a fool of myself with the last post. :> Thank you for the reassurance.
  15. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Anat blushed and bowed her head, taking solace in the sight of her shoes. “My name is Amat Amos,” she began breathily and so quickly she nearly tripped. “I champion the dragon Eucle and I hail from that township of Banta.” She looked up, her dark eyes nervous and searching behind thick...
  16. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    The quiet scratch of quill on paper. The scent of glue and ink, slightly reminiscent of fish. A diminutive form hunched over a wide desk with neat stacks of parchment on either side. One blank, the other possessing manuscript written in a consistent, compact hand. Her wrists and fingers black...
  17. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Hey guys! I was out of town this weekend. I'm sorry for not replying as quickly as I should have. I definitely will after classes today. :333
  18. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    @Bone2pick Thank you~! :3333333!
  19. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    Name: Anat Amos Age: 23 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 5’4”//130lbs Appearance: Thin and short, little muscle to speak of. Wide boned face, strong jaw. Blue eyes under heavy brows. Dark skin and hair. Dragon Tell: From finger to elbow on one side of her body her skin is replaced by...
  20. Sharuum

    Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

    I'll definitely do one of those two things! :3 Thanks a billion~!