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  1. Juliet

    Love at first sight. [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Juliet

    The end ... or is it? [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi stopped and turned to Lucian. everyone in the background seems just as uncomfortable as she felt about this living together thing. "Not really...." she blushed looking down. it's not like she didn't have a house. no not that at all just.. she had an overly big house with servants. she didn't...
  4. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi stopped. that was mean. she didn't show it but she frowned a little. 'my face is-' the teach came back in. "all partners are now required to live together..." and he smiled at them all. did she hear that right? 'what? live....with another person? a guy?!' she could deal with people...but...
  5. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi pondered a minute before putting on a cold look and marching over to Abigail and Jack. "hello" she show'd no sign of care in the world.'Oh god.....other people!!... >o<"' it seem'd like might have been forced into saying hi or something. she didn't mean to act the way she did its kinda just...
  6. Juliet

    The end ... or is it?

    sure sorry im new so i didnt know i had to check this xD ill put up a sheet for you guys again sorry guys SHEET name: age: gender: history: personality: appearance: girls SHEET name: age: gander: history: personality: appearance:girls SHEET name:Alexandra (Alex)...
  7. Juliet

    Love at first sight.

    Omg im sorry i have no idea how to use this RPing website yet xD yes you can all join xD jezz!! InfinityxInsanity i need help working this outtt Dx im so behind let me post a character sheet my bad guys!!guy's SHEET name: age: gender: history: personality: appearance: girls...
  8. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi looked around the room a minute. 'I'm not very good with this kind thing' she thought. "I know lets just say hi to the closest group next to us?" she hoped he wouldn't notice her lack of person to person contact in life.
  9. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi was shocked when he switched back and as she shock her shock hadn't faded ' cute..' she stared a minute at him and then cleared her throat. "uhh ya.... " she tried hiding her embarrassment but felt like she fail. "anyways?! why don't we try meeting the others seeing as how we could run...
  10. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi smile once he full transformed into the weapon she held tight waving him to the right with a swish noise. "nice... I'm Aoi" The biggest grin grow on her face "please take care of me" then winked. when Aoi realize she was outta character she nearly dropped Lucian. "I..... I'm s..orry" She...
  11. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi smiled and giggled "sure" she reached out her hand and placed it one the boys head ruffling his hair. "lets give it a go"
  12. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi Watched as everyone picked there partners. "doesnt look like anyone knows im here" she said to herself. she sat up straight. streatched and pushed her chair back walking over to the group after listening to everything they had said. "hello...... I'm aoi..... im a miester.....I need a...
  13. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi nocied the giggling boy and thought 'how childish' when the teach left she just sat there waiting for someone to come to her.
  14. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

    Aoi walks slow and cool knowing she gonna be late not really caring. she had her hands in her pockets lollipop in her mouth as her skirt sway'd. 'wonder what kinda kids will be there' she wondered as she walked down the street. A black cat walked up to her and she couldn't just ignore it it was...
  15. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA

    Hey you can join still we have four more stops left ^.^
  16. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA

    I don't think so if it still says accepting :) Ahahahahh thank's ^.^ Your's too cute~! :)
  17. Juliet

    Hopping one of the role plays ive "signed up for" will work out they seem really good ^.^

    Hopping one of the role plays ive "signed up for" will work out they seem really good ^.^
  18. Juliet

    Our Time

    Name: Ella Blue Rose. (Elly, Ellie) Age: 17 Race: human History: ever since the demons came has been on her own. before she was loved and envied by other girls and even her own family. then the demons came and angles started killing people.. they served her up to them. thank god she got...
  19. Juliet

    The Eye of the Wolf

    Human Sheet Full Name: Alice kolt. Nick Names: Lacy Gender: female Age: 18 Species: (Human) Crush: She doesn't trust liking guys after the breakup's. so she pretends not to. right now though she doesn't like anyone. Personality: at first shes unsure and doesn't speak much and then...
  20. Juliet

    welcome to the DWMA

    MIESTER SHEET name: Aoi Yamica. age:18 gander:female history: Aoi is a very playful happy girl. though getting her mad would be the wrong thing to do. see the reason she hasnt had her weapon upgraded is because she tends to not use er weapon right at all. annoy her and shed shot you down...