welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]


FOX is the name DEATH is my game
deathfox6 submitted a new role play:

welcome to the DWMA - soul eater

Welcome to the DWMA where you will learn to be your strongest control your fear and make it your weapon here you will need to make allies with class mate and forge deep bonds to become the greats weapon and mister in the DWMA now do you think you've got what it takes... good then you maybe ready to try your 1st day here at the DWMA


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It was the 1st day of school at DWMA zero was nervouse "there are ganna be a lot of people there" zero had thought to himself on the way to school this thought frightened zero he wasn't sure how he was ganna react but he knew it wasnt ganna be good death had told him that at this school he was going to have to find a partner he was hoping to god he was joking but to no avail on the walk to school zero tried to take a road he didn't see anyone on so not to run into anyone that might want to confront him
Jack was in an isolated part of death city, punching a lone tree to strengthen his knuckles. His hands were covered in callous's from over the years. He heard someone walking over to his right and looked over to see another guy, Jack then asked,"Why are you out and about so early?" Jack then came back to reality and looked around. "Oh look, the sun's up.... OH SHIT! THE SUN'S UP! IM GONNA BE LATE!" He turned, and immediately ran towards the school. "See ya later man!", he yelled back and continued forward.

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Abigail ran down the stairs and out the door as fast as her feet would let her. She grabbed her board on her way out the door and tossed it on the ground. Clamping the strap on her helmet, she out her foot on her neon green skateboard and kicked off. She looked at the watch on her wrist, she had five minutes to get there. "Tch, I can't be late for my first freaking day". She stomped the ground again, picking up her speed and getting to the school as quick as she could.

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Emory had sat staring at the clock, excitement having prevented her from sleeping though she didn't show it on the outside. As soon as the right time struck Emory got up, glancing in the mirror quickly to see if her hair was in it's proper place before heading downstairs. The smell of breakfast wafted from the kitchen and Emory hugged her father happily upon seeing eggs and bacon on the frying pan.

"Had to make sure you had a proper breakfast on your first day of school, right?"

"You didn't have to... but I love you for it!" Emory replied, bouncing on her toes. Breakfast went well and before Emory knew it she was kissing her father good bye and heading out the door. She paused as she reached the front of the school, wondering if she'd really find her true potential as a weapon there or not. She hoped so... Still, she held her breath as she headed through the entrance of the school.

"Here's hoping whoever my partner is we aren't like oil and water." Emory said brightly to herself as she held her head high and began to try and figure out where her first class would be.
a bit freaked from seeing a guy hitting a tree with his bare fists zero thought about being more careful on running into people as he looked at his watch he realized that he was late "oh no" said zero starting to freak out at this point he knew he had to start running but that would draw attention but he cant just be late so he did what he dreaded and started sprinting to school as he ran zero came to a slow stop as something caught his eye a girl riding her skate bored for some reason something seemed familiar about her as she left his sight zero realized that he was still late and dashed again heading to the school
As walking to school was too much of a drag, Lucian did the only rational thing, in his mind at least. Set up a tent outside the school doors, disregarding any trespassing laws that might be in place and looking like an absolute weirdo. But he didn't have anywhere else to stay, his parents were too cheap to buy him a place of his own and the people he was staying with kicked him out when he threatened them with his chainsaw arms. In retrospects, not a very good idea.

Like usual, he woke up to the sound of his own night terror, a reoccurring thing, but it no longer caused as much panic afterwards like it did when he was a kid. He Rubbed his groggy face and slowly arose out of his sleeping bag, he could hear the faint sounds of people walking up the stairs to the school and he quickly got out and attempted to cover up the tent, to no avail of course. The two school girls gave him a crept out look and whispered something, probably something degrading and offensive, but Lucian ignored it and held his chin up high. He did what he should've done before and properly cleaned up the tent, to cover up any evidence of his strange behavior and less than stellar idea..
Jack ran up the stairs to the academy and bust through the doors accidentally bumbing into a random girl but didnt have time to stop and just yelled back,"sorry!" As he turned down to the next hallway. He gets into class and sits down, exhausted, but on time. He then leaned forward in his chair and waited for the teacher to show up and begin. He thought to himself, 'Not the best way to start my second year, with almost being late and bumping into that girl, but from now on it's smooth sailing.' Moments later he realized something that horrified him "IM IN THE WRONG CLASS!!" He stood up and ran out to look for where he was supposed to be.

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Abigail skated up to the school and stepped on her board to flip it up. She grabbed ahold of it and tucked it under her arm. She seen some guy picking up a tent next to the school's steps. She cocked s brow at him then shrugged.

She made her way up the steps and into the building. She looked around to find her class in a nonchalant kind of mood. She found her class and sat near the back and put her feet up on the desk waiting for it to start.

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zero ran up the steps to the school finally making and on time too when he reached the top he walked into the school avoiding eye contact with this odd man playing with what seemed to be a tent he walked into the school not sure where to go he stopped and looked at a map of the school which was on the wall in the middle of the hall way after several moments he finally found his way and entered the class apon entering he saw the girl from the street the one on the skate bored she interested him for some odd reason but to shy to sit next to anyone he sat in a corner of the room by himself glancing at her ever so often wondering what it was that made him carious
Jason had arrived at the school exactly 15 minutes early so he could be at class on time. He barely made it to his class on time however because he took every opportunity to avoid talking to anyone on his way to the class. He also got lost on his way so he was glad that he decided to get to school early. He chose a seat at the back of the class where he hopefully wouldn't be noticed. But he noticed the girl next to him had her feet on the desk, it was very disrespectful and he knew he should ask her to not do that. He also knew however that if he told her to put her feet down she would probably just give him a dirty look. Deciding it was best not to draw attention he settled to let her be as he looked to the front of class, waiting anxiously for it to start.
Jack finally found his class and walked in after double checking he was right this time. When he walked in he was disappointed to see all the front row seats were taken. He went and sat in the only seat available, right next to the kid from this morning on the street. He didnt say anything to him since there really wasnt anything that neee said, but it felt rude so he turned to him and said, "hey, hows it going?" And left it at that. He turned back towards the front of the class to try and make the day a good one.

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Emory watched from a front row seat as other students filed in. She was glad to be born a morning person, easily waking up at times that a lot of other people would have trouble waking up in. Though, she had to admit, it was extremely hard to drag herself from bed but once that was accomplished then everything went smoothly and with an excess of energy.

She couldn't help but shake her head at those students in a rush, the ones who had been lazy or had trouble waking up which caused them to be close to being late. She just couldn't help but be amused as they ran in... at least they had made it mostly on time, right? And it was the first day so she had no reason to really criticize. She looked from side to side, wondering who was meister and who was weapon... she had never really interacted with others like her so she didn't know if there was a tell or not. Excitement flooded through her as she waited patiently for class to start... Emory couldn't wait to learn how to really be a weapon.
after awhile zero ended up staring at the strange girl and loosing focus in anything else but he was brought back by a male voice it was the tree man his face turned red as he realized he was talking to zero he looked down hoping he would go away but to no avail he was still there so he just sat there hoping he wouldn't have to talk

Dr. Stain

doctor stain entered the room on his chair face as bored as every he looked around at the children talking amongst them selves "ok ok quit down class is about to begin my name is Doctor Stain that is my name and my only name you may not call me by anything else"
Abigail flipped a pencil around her fingers as she watched all the other students pilling in to the class. She looked around the room and took note of every student there. She noticed one kid kept glancing in her direction and she raised a curious brow at the fact.

She was about to say something to him when she heard their teacher enter the room. She turned around and tilted her head at him. He looked interesting, she gave him that much. Taking her feet off the desk, she sat up and paid attention to class.

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Jason paid very close attention to the teacher, writing every word he said ok ok quit down class is about to begin my name is Doctor Stain that is my name and my only name you may not call me by anything else was already written in his notebook. He decided that if he copied down everything he could study the words and learn faster.
Jack sat quietly listening to DR.Stein but soon began looking around st the other students. He wondered if any of the new weapons would be compatible with him. His last weapon 'quit' because she said he was too extreme and hardcore towards training and she was sick of it.

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Aoi walks slow and cool knowing she gonna be late not really caring. she had her hands in her pockets lollipop in her mouth as her skirt sway'd. 'wonder what kinda kids will be there' she wondered as she walked down the street. A black cat walked up to her and she couldn't just ignore it it was to cute. so she stopped to pet it."meow" 'sooo cute'. By the time she got to the school she was a half an hour late. as soon as she got to one of the classes she bumped into a boy trying to She looked about the room. a girl had her feet up. 'not sitting in front of her stinky butt' looking around again she saw a the boy in the corner who seemed to stare at the girl with the feet up and noticed a shier boy glared at her. 'girl seems popular huh?' she turned to a seat and sat down putting her chin in her hand acting as bored and as mean as possible so no one bothered her and acted like class hadn't already started.
Emory's eyes followed the girl who walked in worse then late, gaze following her until she found a seat. She tore her stare away after a long moment and returned to scribbling down notes in an almost illegible hand writing style. She glanced up at Dr. Stain, wondering what kind of professor he would be... she was hoping to get on the best side of the man just for the reason of having another teacher on her side. It was just all too pleasant when teachers recognized those ready to work hard. But then, Emory just liked when people liked her and having her around. She smiled a little as she doodled in the margins of her notebooks, excited to see what the rest of her classes would be like.
When the girl came in late and sat down Jack chuckled to himself, he didnt know why, he just thought it was funny. After about a minute of this he finally contolled himself and stopped. He then continued wondering about the new weapons.

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Dr. stain

"now then 1st things 1st lord death has asked me to note all of the weapon and meister parings meaning by the end of the school day you absolutely must have a partner or no mission access so for the whole 1st day you will spend it finding your match inside the school"


no zero thought this is to early I need time to get use to being around these people but sadly he could change this so he had to think on how he would find a weapon suited to him better question is what weapon was suited to him he sighed then again im so shy and small even if there was someone suited to him who would want to be pared with him

DR. stain

"I wish you the best of luck I will be back at the end of the day" Dr. stain said leaving the class
Jack bolted up and started scanning the room, anxious to find his new weapon.

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(Sorry >.<)

Noticing he was slightly late, Lucian sneaked his way through the school hallways and finally made it to his classroom. Upon entering he did a super sneaky maneuver by shuffling againist the wall and creeping across the walls, sort of like a spider. 'Great....' he thought to himself in agony, 'everyone who's seen me thinks I'm a creeper and/or a truant person, how lovely.' He tip-toed to the nearest seat next to a sick girl, who was blowing her nose and had a pale complexion to her and some guy, he looked pretty nice. To Lucian's luck, he was not seen by the teacher and hopefully not by one of the students.
Aoi nocied the giggling boy and thought 'how childish' when the teach left she just sat there waiting for someone to come to her.
Jack was now glad he was in the back of the classroom. He now had a full view of everything and a big smile spread across his face. 'Time to start looking.' Jack then started asking everyone if they were a weapon or not. He eventually asked the guy he saw writing nonstop notes.

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Emory felt her eyes widen... they were expected to find their partners by the end of the day? What... could they really not learn without a partner? She understood not being able to go on missions but... well would they be kicked out of the school if they didn't find a partner? This sent a jolt of worry through Emory but she pushed it back. She instead turned her perspective to excitement of getting the chance to find a soul that resonates with her's. She glanced around the room... again wondering how she was supposed to tell a meister from a weapon.

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