welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Abigail sighed and looked around in boredom. She didn't mind getting a partner or even looking for one. Her problem was she was afraid to have a partner. After everything that happened to her last one, she was gun shy about the whole thing. She sat back in her chair and rubbed her forehead. "Well it's now or never", she thought to herself. She stood and sighed, folding her arms over her chest and looked around the room.

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Jack stopped just before he ask Mr notes and Decided to just calm down and wait for the prime moment. He went back to his deat snd brgan to try to take a nap.

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zero looked around not exactly knowing who to talk to 1st then he saw no one else could tell who was a weapon or meister perhaps he could do something but then he realized that would mean interacting with the whole class then he notice a girl at the front she seemed nice so he walked down to here and shyly said "um no one can tell weapon from mister but I have an idea" looking at the ground nervous as hell of what this girl was ganna say
"What's your idea?" Emory asked in interest, glad that someone had come to talk to her. She was usually pretty good at talking to people she understood the situation but she was out of her comfort zone. ... but this guy, he seemed pretty cool. And she was curious as to what solution he had in mind to figuring out who was weapon and who meister.
"well if we give all the meisters a peace of paper with and M on it and all the weapons a W then people will know but I don't really like interacting with people so I was wondering if you cold get people to do this" zero was confused for some reason it was so easy to talk to her but he didn't know why it just seemed natural
"We'd have to be careful about how we do that since an M is an upside down W." Emory replied brightly. She smiled at the boy, offering a hand. "Hey, I'm Emory by the way.. Weapon." Emory tried to hold her enthusiasm back at least a little... people would a lot of the times find it annoying instead of endearing. Still, it was exciting getting to know someone new. "So... would we like have them hold up W and M or... hmmm... how would we do this? What if we got post it notes and stuck the letter to their forehead!!? Ok.. I'm joking... but like seriously, what if we did something like nametages with W or M?" Emory said, chattering away as she tried to figure out how they would go about doing this- her hand still extended towards the boy who spoke to her.
In the subtle act of eavesdropping, Lucian heard a boy mention something behind him about partners. He got out of his seat and stealthily walked over to the group of people. "Hey.. uh, what is this about partners." Lucian looked the opposite direction to avoid making eye contact and to hide his embarrassment. "I kind of got here late. Also don't mean to intrude but maybe put a line over the W's so you can tell that they are not M's, just a suggestion."
"im Zero meister" he sat there lisening to Emory when another boy walked up and started talking as he brought up his idea zero carefuly hid some what behind Emory out of shyness
"You are a genius!" Emory said cheerfully. She turned to get Zero's opinion but noticed that he seemed to be in a different position then he was earlier... A little confused by this she shrugged... That Zero was a meister was really cool! Perhaps he could be her partner... but she wouldn't hold out hope that it would be so easy. "What's your name, genius boy?" Emory asked as she got out her notebook and began writing down M and W, putting lines in the proper places. "Also, I'm Emory and I'm a weapon. Also Also, the whole thing with the partners is Professor Stain... he said that our job today was to find our partner and that if we didn't by the end of the day we wouldn't be able to go on any missions or anything... he'll be back at the end of the day to see how we did. And... well Zero here and I were trying to figure out how to tell Weapons from Miester since there's no obvious way to tell." Emory explained, speaking quickly without tripping up too much.
Jsck sat bolt uprught wiyh a line of drool down to his chin and blurted out, "Weapon!" He then looked around and remembered he was still in class. He hid his facr in embarrassment.

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Lucian flustered red and began to smile. "Genius, hehe, that's a new one. Um, well my name is Lucian, my friends called me Lucy... they weren't very good friends. Oh and you're a weapon too, me too." Lucian looked down back on the class, according to what the girl said he would need to find a meister if he wanted to have any fun. "So who all here is a meister? I am a pretty versatile weapon if I do say so myself and I am pretty open to meisters." Lucian let out a little chuckle and smiled, these people seemed to be alright.
Abigail chewed on her thumb nail as she looked around. This is a very painstaking task for her. She leaned against the wall and looked around more. She noticed a group of students talking among themselves. She jumped slightly as a boy yelled out in his sleep. She couldn't help but let out a laugh and shook her head at him.

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Jason didn't realize what was going on until he wrote it, they had to find partners...today. This was his first time interacting with people since his parents died. He looked around frantically, searching for something or someone to give him the answer on what to do. He decided he would make his way down to the front middle so he could look up at everyone and talk to the group down there. "H-hello" he said as he got close to the group at the front.
Zero stayed behind Emory thinking to himself 'why am I hiding behind her do I feel safe... I-I do actualy that's new maybe she could be my partner I guess I could ask her later' another guy walked up and zero clanged to Emorys leg as he said hello 'not another one'
Jack decided he would start looking again and started walking down the stairs, but after a second he heard someone say 'versatile weapon' and he just couldn't resist seeing what that was about. He sat down next to the group with a smile. "So whats going on over here about weapons?"

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Abigail groaned and pushed off the wall and decided that might as well go be friendly. She shoved her hands in her pockets and walked down the steps and over to the group. Clearing her throat, she spoke up. "So uhm hi, I'm Abigail. You can me Abby. I'm a weapon...so yea". It wasn't a great introduction but it was what it was.

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Jacks head turned so fast it should've broken his neck. "Hi, Im Jack and Im a miester. What kind of weapon are you?" He tried not to seem annoying since he really needed a weapon but it was difficult for him.

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"Allow me demonstrate," Lucian said with a prideful tone. He pulled up his shirt and a bright glowing from his left arm lit up the area as it soon transformed into a large and heavy looking chainsaw with a sharp blade on the other side. However the sheer weight of the weapon weighed down Lucian's left side which could be seen by the tilt of his body. "Um, It's not as heavy as it looks, I'm sure it's easier for a meister to wield a weapon." He said as he let out a small chuckle and he raised his limb which was now a chainsaw on his shoulder.
Jason gasped as he watched an arm turn into a chainsaw. That looked cool but it wasn't his style, he needed something a little less brutish with more finesse. "Well I'm a meister, and I need a weapon."
"Sweet!" Javk said excitedly. He turned to the girl who had just walked up a moment ago and asked, "What about you? What kind of weapon are you?" Jack didnt even try to hold back his excitement anymore. He wanted to find a weapon and get training immediately. He reached out his hands to shake with the two weapons.

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there were so many people pilling up zero couldn't handle it he just sat the frozen in fear unable to move hoping someone would save him finally when jack yelled he snapped running out of the class in a frantic fear panting and running he was so scared finally he found a quit place to calm down and he sat there knees to chest trying to catch his breath
Jack looked at the door where the guy had just ran out and cluelessly,"What was up with him?" He then turned back to the weapon girl.

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Abigail nodded to the apparent weapon. "Impressive. You're not that bad. A bit big but not that bad". She turned to the boy who was asleep in the back. "I'm a double bladed bow staff I guess you could say". She shook his hand and then shrugged,"...I could show you if you'd like. I'm not the showy type but if you'd like to see..".

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Emory was beginning to feel rather crowded and was about to drag Zero out from among the group when Zero bolted from the class. Wondering if he was ok she followed after him, slowing when she lost sight of him. It was probably for the best since he probably needed a moment to calm down on his own... Emory glanced back at Lucian and his weapon form before continuing out the door to hunt for Zero. It took a little while but she was able to pick up heavy breathing... and besides that something seemed to be pulling her in the proper direction. She felt worried upon seeing him and took a deep breath before going to kneel down next to him. "Hey... you ok? Um.. if you want me to leave I can but I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

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