welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"Not a whole lot else to do when you live alone". Abigail took the pad back and flipped back to where she was. She glanced over to her partner and shook her head. "You don't sleep much do you?", she asked as she went back to sketching.

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He chuckled a little and replied, "No, not really. Dont have a lot of time to between training, the academy and I guess you could call it 'scavenging' for enough food for the week." He tilted his head slightly up and continued, "So I have to fit it in wherever I can."

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"Hmm, fair enough. Well I shall shut my lid then and let you sleep". She stopped sketching and looked over and handed him her hoodie. "Here, this might be more comfortable. Just...don't drool on it too much". She chuckled.

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"That sounds simple, just say "hi". I'm am not the greatest around new people, I'm trying my hardest to stay confident, so just saying "hi" shouldn't be too hard.. right?" Lucian tried to rub off any social anxiety that might be showing, and tried to look calm and confident. "Um, who's the closest I wonder hmmm? Well there's them, but maybe those guys are closer, what's your call?" He pointed to two nearby groups, both pairs on their own and he had quite the puzzled look on his face, as if this was a very important choice in his life.
Jack chuckled and sleepily replied, "Oh this thing'll be drenched by the end of class." He said lightly, "wake me up if anything interesting happens plsease." He then yawned and quickly fell asleep

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Abigail gave him the hoodie anyways. "Don't worry about it, I can wash it when I get home. And yea, I'll wake you". She kicked her feet up and went about her sketching.

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Aoi pondered a minute before putting on a cold look and marching over to Abigail and Jack. "hello" she show'd no sign of care in the world.'Oh god.....other people!!... >o<"' it seem'd like might have been forced into saying hi or something. she didn't mean to act the way she did its kinda just how she worked. inside she was freaking and crying over the fact that she even said hi at all.
Abigail looked up and seen the glaring girl standing by them. "Hi. You know, if you don't stop that, your face might get stuck that way". She gave the girl a smile. "I'm Abigail by the way. You're..uhm...Aoi, right?".

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Dr. Stain

nearing the end of class stain came rolling back in "I hope every thing went well cuz I have a grand surprise for all of you" Stain got into his usual place in front of the chock bored "do to lord death believing unity and perfect sync between weapon and meister" stain at this point stood up knowing that this was ganna shock a lot of people and wanted to see just how everyone reacted "all partners are now required to live together..." stain smirked as he continued "and only the partners are to live together"


hearing this zeros eyes widen 'im suppose to live with her' zero thought of course being around her was no problem hell he just hugged her not to long ago 'I have no idea how to live with someone does this mean I have to buy extra groceries and what about rooms I live in a single bed room cuz I thought I only had to live on my own wait do I have to start a bathroom schedule...' these thought went on for some time while zero just stood there jaw open and mind fucked
If it weren't for having found her Meister Emory would have backed out of this whole thing then and there. Not live with her father anymore? Why would they do that? Her father was all she had ever had and he, her... and Dr. Stain and Lord Death were going to tear that apart. Emory turned to look at Zero, biting her bottom lip.... He was her Meister now, she supposed she should start putting him first. Now was the question of where they were going to live... and if the school would be supplying funding or if they expected their students to get jobs alongside school now.

Emory took in a deep breath and let it out in a gust. "We can definitely do this, right Zero?" Emory asked, trying to catch her Meister's gaze and figure out how he was feeling about all of this.
hearing the voice of his weapon zero snapped out of it and looked at her anyone else he would have given up but for some reason she gave him hope "yeah of course we can" then at that moment zero notice some kind of sadness in her eyes what was she sad about zero decided to figure that out later tonight just in case it was to personal
A wave of dread flew over Jason, he didn't have a partner while everyone else did. Perhaps if he stood up here and looked around someone would notice him and be in the same predicament as him. He smiled to the others from before as they now all had a partner and he was left alone, again. Nervously has stood up taller and turned to look at the crowd of people, hoping, needing, someone to be a weapon without a partner.
Jack woke up from all the commotion and looked over to Abigail. "Whats going on? Something happen?" He asked tiredly

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When the professor told them that they'd be living together with their partners, Abigail had to do a double take. "What is he insane?", she asked herself. She hadn't lived with anyone since...since...the accident. The only reason she had lived with him was because he wanted to get her away from her unsupportive family.

Being so deep in her thoughts, Abigail jumped when she heard Jack's voice. Quickly covering up her slight panic, she looked over yo him. "Oh, it uhm seems that we have to live together now". Abigail awkwardly looked away and down at her feet.

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His ears were definitely working alright but Jack couldnt believe what he had just heard. His thoughts started contemplating the pros and cons of this. After a while he looked over to Abigail and said, "Oh, umm, thats...neat I guess. Really odd but who knows, it might turn out all right. Oh and heres your coat back." He checke the hoodie for drool real quick and was satisfied that it was still just as dry, he then handed it back to her.

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Aoi stopped. that was mean. she didn't show it but she frowned a little. 'my face is-' the teach came back in. "all partners are now required to live together..." and he smiled at them all. did she hear that right? 'what? live....with another person? a guy?!' she could deal with people...but living with a GUY was diff! I mean it's not like she didn't wanna be near the boy but what if something happened! or she was in the shower! or something?! she couldn't do it. She turned from the girl that insulted her with her mouth in a tight line and simply said "No." then turned around to say. "nice to meat you Abigail...and others" and headed for the door.
Abigail gave Jack a small smile as she took her jacket back. "Uhm, yea...maybe it won't be too bad. Hope you don't mind small houses". She turned back around and laid her own head down on the desk and hid in her hoodie.

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Jack laid his head down too and said, "I dont really care, I havent lived in a house since I was little so any house is fine with me." He looked over at Abby and asked, "Why do you keep looking away? There something on my face?" He began rubbing around his mouth to see if anything had clung to him.

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Abigail peeked her head out slightly. "No. Just my last roommate sort of.... well let's just say that he isn't here anymore. And I've been kind of gun shy about the who thing since". Abigail took a deep breath and took the hoodie off her head and sat up. "If I look at you and laugh, then that means something is on your face". She chuckled and tried to break the tension.

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Jack looked over and said, "Ah, alright, no big deal. I dont plan on going away anytime soon so no need to worry about that." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "And if it makes you that uncomfortable, we can just say I live there but ill just continue on how I already do." He stretched and just stared up at the ceiling.

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"No, I'm not saying that you can't live there, it's just something I'll have reacquaint myself with again. Besides, now that we're partners, I can't let you go back to your old way". Abigail gave him a bright smile and a giggle.

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Jack put on a faint smile and said, "Thanks, its greatly appreciated. I'll try not to be a hassle."

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As Dr. Stain brought up he had to live with his new found female meister, his heart stopped. The first thought that came to his head was of course on how they would fit in his little tent, but maybe she had a place of her own? And when he meant live together does he mean share tooth brushes, sleep in the same bed. 'No no,' Lucian reassured himself, that would be ridiculous! He looked over to Aoi, who seemed a bit troubled by all this and went over to talk to her. "So um, are you okay with all this?"
"As long as you can deal with the fact that I'm a messy cook, I'm sure we'll get along just great". Abigail gave him a reassuring smile.

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"I dont mind at all, warm food is always good." He pointed at what he assumed was her skateboard. "Thats yours right? Is there anything else you do?"

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