welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Aoi stopped and turned to Lucian. everyone in the background seems just as uncomfortable as she felt about this living together thing. "Not really...." she blushed looking down. it's not like she didn't have a house. no not that at all just.. she had an overly big house with servants. she didn't want people knowing how rich she was cause you know people they'd think oh daddy got you here didn't he? It was just a whole mess. "but i have no choice.." ugh what she was saying was so mean but she didn't mean it!! 'Someone do something?!' she thought standing there awkwardly with a blank look.
Lucian looked at Aoi with a similar look, uncomfortable. "I don't blame you, this is quite sudden. So, who's place should we live at, I live in a tent if I had to be honest. And unless you wanted to be right up against each other with no space for movement I suggest we live at your place." Lucian didn't know what to expect from, maybe she lived in a tent too, but her apparel suggested she might come from a family of descent wealth. But judging a book by its cover was not the thing to do.
Abigail looked down at her neon green board. "Nope this is all I do. Well besides the sketching that is". She looked back up at him. "What about you? Any hobbies?".

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Dr. Stain

"well now that you all know ill explain quickly before schools out you see each one of you is uncomfortable and not sure about doing this and that's the problem you uncomfortable because you don't know your partner to well and don't know what it will be like so my point is doing this you will get to know your partner probably better then yourself and by doing this you will learn to trust and respect each other much more also living the DWMA has different houses around the city on your way out take a pease of paper from the box and that's your new address oh and tomorrow I will need a few......" stain almost finished his sentence when the bell rang he just looked up and smiled "I guess it will be a new surprise tomorrow then on your way out meisters I want you to write down yours and your weapons name"


dr stain was right he knew nothing of his new partner Emory but this was ganna change walking out of the class zero wrote down his and Emorys name on the sheet under team A and grabed the peace of paper with his new address looking back at Emory zero askes "ready???"
Jack replied, "No, I don't do much other than what I have to." When Dr. Stein came in and made the announcement, Jack looked over to Abigail and said, "Well it looks like we might get a bigger place." He did what he was instructed to and wrote down the name of his weapon and himself on the paper. "Well, I guess we should go check out the new place, huh?" He was already walking out the door.
Abigail grabbed up her things and followed her partner down to the front of the class. "Well there is that. I hate moving though. I guess this it the best time to ask,would you mind helping me move?". She put her pen cap back between her teeth and chewed as she followed him out of the class room.
"Sure, I don't care, how much stuff is it?" Jack continued walking and began to follow the directions to the address of their new home. "We at least don't have to worry about my things, I've got enough for me to just carry over there in one trip. Silver linings right? So where is your place? Lets get that started and get everything done sooner, alright?" Jack looked back at her.
Abigail tucked her borad under her arm and walked out of the school with Jack. "My house isn't that far from the school actually. And it's not really a whole lot. Most of it is books and sketch pads. And a few clothes. I told you that I lived in a small apartment". She shifted her bag and borad,"..this way". She had them walking near the cafe in town. "Go to your place after?".
Jack chuckled for a few seconds, "I dont have a place, ive been homeless since I was eight. I put my stuff near a tree by where our apartment is actually, ill pick it up along the way." Jack continued following Abigail, just wanting to get everything over with and sleep.

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After s bit of walking Jack asked, "How much farther till we get there?" He started counting clouds in the sky

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(Sorry got caught up in Dragon Age xD )

They arrived just a few minutes after Jack asked how much farther. Abigail looked at the house while still chewing on her pen cap. "Well this appears to be it. Thoughts?". She glanced over at him.

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Jack looked at the tiny place and shrugged. "I bet it did just fine, looks very cozy. Way better than my little sleeping hole, so I dont mean to rush but lets get packing." Jack walked through the front door and looked around for where to start.

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"Ready." Emory replied... she scratched at the back of her neck though, wondering how she was going to break this news to her father. She wondered if Zero would mind allowing her to stop at home first but she didn't want to trouble him so she decided that she would just wait and call him later (that she would need to pick up her belongings did not cross her mind). "I'm uh... really looking forward to this." Emory said, attempting to cover up her uncertainty with enthusiasm... an age old trick of her's... if you became excited enough about something eventually it would become not such a bad thing... most of the time.
Abigail walked in behind him and straight to her room. She opened various dressed drawers and took out clothes and stuffed them into bags. Walking back into the living room, she dumped them in front of the door. She grabbed a few boxes she had left over from when she moved in and handed one to Jack. "Start putting books and movies into those". She took her box and began filling it with sketch pads and other various items.

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"um hey I have to go pack some things and ill be at the place later tonight or do you need any help" said zero walking out of the school looking up at her "oh and heres the address" zero handed her a peace of paper
Emory shook her head a moment, feeling stupid... of course they wouldn't be heading there straight from school. She wondered if her father would let her out of the house if she went home first... she was pretty sure his anger might lead him to attempt to force her out of DWMA. But that wasn't important at the moment. She looked at the address, memorizing the street and relevant numbers before nodding. She was hopeless with directions... but could memorize numbers and letters with ease... so here's hoping that her father would allow her to make her own decisions and also help her find her way to her new home. "I... I should be fine. I'm pretty sure." Emory said, trying to push her worry to the back of her mind. "I'll see you later tonight, partner."
"... ok whats wrong ever since stain said we would live together your soul has been... down" zero stopped to talk to her seriously "we resonated remember that mean I can see your soul and you can see mine so you can trying faking a happy smile around me" zero was actually pretty happy he was never able to tell what a person was like or feel but ever since the resonation he could see Emorys soul and see how she was feeling this was a lot easier then trying to figure it out
Emory glanced away in shame... it was strange having someone see through her happiness and she wasn't really sure how to react. The truth would probably be the best, so that's what she went with. "I've just been living with my father for the longest time... he's all I've had and I'm all he has. He didn't want me to pursue being a weapon in the first place and now I'm expected to leave him to live somewhere else and I know it's going to break his heart and I don't want to be away from him... but you're my meister and I refuse to abandon you now... but I feel guilty because it's like I'm choosing you over my dad... and I just... it's a lot, you know?" Emory said, feeling lighter after she had finished speaking. She gave Zero a grateful smile, glad that she knew someone who could see through her now... that was already a huge step in the direction of being really close partners.
Jack started to load things into the box, one by one. "So I guess we'll drop these off at our new place and then I'll just go and grab my stuff real quick and then we can unpack." He said plainly. He was glad he was going to have a roof over his head for once, but was worried about how him and his new weapon would do. He kept thinking as he packed more books into the box, just hoping she wouldnt end up like the last one.

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zero thought about this for a bit then realized something "hey whats your dads address" zero knew this was an odd question but soon she would understand why he asked hopefully she would notice already so he didn't have to explain but if need be he would
Abigail closed up the box she was working on and slid it over to the front door. "Yea that actually sounds like a great idea. Is it just me or does it feel weird to say 'our house'? Maybe just me, I dunno".

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"Uh..." Emory said as she thought back to her dad's address... she rattled off the numbers and the street name and then looked at him, curious as to the importance of the information. She rocked on her heels as she waited to see what was important about where her father lived.
"Nah, that doesnt sound weird at all, its not like only one of us owns it." Jack picked up the box and started walking to their new house. "Its nice out today, the farmer should be bringing out blueberries to sell this time of year. Could probably nab some from him without him even knowing." He said mainly to himself.

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Zero face palmed hearing this walking in the exact direction of Emorys dads house "im guessing your not good with directions" he said smiling at her knowing everything will be ok
"I... uh... yeah, know. It doesn't take very much for me to become lost... and I'm really very hopeless with directions, even with a map." Emory admitted, grinning sheepishly. As many short comings a she had her inability to know geography was probably one of her best. "Why? What did I miss, Zero?" Emory asked, realizing that there was a reason he had brought it up... she was also amused that her own inability to realize whatever he had had caused him to face palm. Even though she felt pretty dumb at the moment, and she absolutely hated that feeling, being with Zero kind of made her feel better about being an airhead.

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