welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"I think im ready to go back to class" said zero turning and walking back to the room "thank you I don't think I could have found anyone more perfect to help me" we they got back he saw that almost everyone was partnered up "wow"
Well its nice to meet you Abigail. Warning though, im hardcore towards training and wont let anything stop me.

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Aoi Watched as everyone picked there partners. "doesnt look like anyone knows im here" she said to herself. she sat up straight. streatched and pushed her chair back walking over to the group after listening to everything they had said. "hello...... I'm aoi..... im a miester.....I need a weapon...." she stood there awkwardly not meaning to but glaring at everyone. she was hoppig she wasnt to scary.
Emory followed after him, nodding. She was glad that they were able to go back to class and it amazed her how many people had partnered up... but it looked like Lucian still didn't have a partner. She felt sympathy towards him... hoping he was able to find a miester soon. Emory could see the blade chainsaw and herself being friends quite easily... she could truly see herself being friends with anyone but she knew his name so that cemented him more in her mind.

Emory stayed at Zero's side, knowing and accepting that as Zero's weapon her life was forfeit over his... it was her job to protect him. Not that she had to really worry here but it was good to practice staying near him regardless. She took the words he said to heart and couldn't help but smile... at least the person her soul resonated with was kind and he seemed to be a really good guy.

"Time keeps moving even when you're not there to personally witness it." Emory said enthusiastically.
Jack got irritated by the girl glaring and decided to glare back, he thought that would show her he wasnt going to be intimidated.

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As Lucian heard Aoi's voice he looked to the girl and quickly ran up to her, "Well then, it would seem I need a meister, would you like to give it a whirl?"
Aoi smiled and giggled "sure" she reached out her hand and placed it one the boys head ruffling his hair. "lets give it a go"
"Good cause I am too". Abigail took notice of the new comer and raised a brow at her. She didn't look overly enthusiastic about being here. "And I thought I could have a bad attitude sometimes", she thought to herself. Shrugging, she went back to flipping the pen through her fingers, unsure of what to do next.

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Jack sat there for a minute and said to the group, "well if you dont mind, im gonna excuse myself to the back of the class," he looked over to that shy kids partner, "you also might want to get to handing those post its out to anyone whoo needs 'em." Jack then stood up and started up to his old seat.

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zero looked at the group that originally formed around zero and his new partner Emory a blushed a bit thinking he could go say hi kind of but he remembered all that had happened with his parents and shuddered instead looking up at Emory as though she could give some of her own amazing confidence
Lucian turned cherry red as she put her hands through the strands of his hair as he was not used to this kind of treatment from a girl. But he soon covered his confusion and blushed skin up with a determined smile and looked her in the eyes."Lets give it a go... oh yes and I am Lucian." He said bravely and on that note he slowly reached for her hand, grasping it gently and turned into his full weapon form, a chainsaw.

"Oh yeah!" Emory replied, remembering about the post its once Jack had mentioned them. "I don't think I actually need to anymore though... it seems like they kind of figured out partners on their own." She said, more to herself then to anyone else. She shrugged before turning to grin at Zero. "So partner, shall we go make some friends? I bet it'll be more fun to go on missions in groups, right?" Emory said, easily taking Zero's hand and leading him towards the group. She looked between pairs, trying to guess who was weapon and who miester... every now and then she could figure it out but most of the time she still couldn't tell. "Look, look! Lucian may have found a partner!" Emory said excitedly upon seeing the chainsaw blade once more. "I'm so happy for everyone who has found partners!" Emory said, enthusiastically... she realized she had been talking a lot and turned to Zero once more. "Hey, if I start talking too much and it bothers you or anything don't be afraid to say anything, alright? Because sometimes I just don't realize..."
Aoi smile once he full transformed into the weapon she held tight waving him to the right with a swish noise. "nice... I'm Aoi" The biggest grin grow on her face "please take care of me" then winked. when Aoi realize she was outta character she nearly dropped Lucian. "I..... I'm s..orry" She blushed quickly and then put her cold face back on. " You're descent....I guess.... Better then nothing" Turning her head away from him with a facked frown.
When Jack got to the back of the class he contemplated dleeping again, training or eating. After a bit he decided to just eat and observe everyone else. He took some poki out of his back and put it in his mouth and nibbled slowly.

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Abigail took a page from her partner and meandered back to her desk. She propped her feet back up on her desk and pulled out a sketch pad out of her messenger bag. She uncapped her pen, kept the cap in her mouth to chew on and began sketching out random things.

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After a few minutes Jack looked over to his partner and called over to her, "Hey, wany some?" He held out an ectra piece of poki, "might taste bettef than a pen cap."

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Lucian felt highly dizzy from all the swinging around she was doing to him, so much in fact that he didn't quite catch what she said. "Ex-excuse me, no more waving me around like that please..." He said with a cluttered and stuttered voice as he switched back to human form. He looked her in the eyes, still waving his body around from dizziness, but soon getting a hold of himself. "Well then, it would seem we resonate, Aoi, now as long as you don't swing me around in that specific motion we should get along just dandy!"
Abigail looked over her shoulder at hearing her partner's voice. "Sure", she replied putting her feet down and walking over. She sat in seat next to him and took the treat he offered. "Thanks", she took a small bite. "I mostly chew on pen caps as a nervous habit. And toothpicks, strings on my hoodie and my ear bud cord". She named all that off as if it was a normal everyday kind of thing.

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"That makes sense I guess, everyones got something that keeps them sane." He looked over at her sketch pad, "You draw a lot? Can I see a few?" He asked lazily.

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Aoi was shocked when he switched back and as she shock her shock hadn't faded 's...so cute..' she stared a minute at him and then cleared her throat. "uhh ya.... " she tried hiding her embarrassment but felt like she fail. "anyways?! why don't we try meeting the others seeing as how we could run into them on the job or have to work with them at some point" she shifted feet awkwardly like she was annoy'd but felt her and Lucian would be great together. shed never say it out loud but she liked the boy. she was glad she found someone who could show her kindness over her ruff outlook.
Abigail blushed slightly for the first time in awhile. She was a bit self conscious about her work. "Uhm...sure". She handed him the sketch pad and looked down embarrassed for once.

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Lucian nodded at her, he couldn't quite get a good grasp on her, but she seemed like a good hearted person, so he digressed. "Friends? Sounds like a good idea, we'll need to find people we can trust, you never know when someone might go evil." Lucian chuckled for a moment, "just joking! So uh, have any idea on who to talk with?"
Jack flipped through the pad, looking at every picture for a few moments. After a few minutes he handed the sketch pad back saying, "These are good, you have quite some talent in art." He layed his head down on the desk lazily and yawned.

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Aoi looked around the room a minute. 'I'm not very good with this kind thing' she thought. "I know lets just say hi to the closest group next to us?" she hoped he wouldn't notice her lack of person to person contact in life.

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