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  1. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    well ,being guildless sure is hard ==d
  2. raidou kuzunoha

    fairy tail or soul eater might work...too bad i am not that detailed to join in>

    fairy tail or soul eater might work...too bad i am not that detailed to join in>
  3. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    alright,i am quite understand the story so far,so..perhaps i will join the rp as a person who "search the same purpose" during the arc,like when natsu meet gajeel at the first time.pretty logic i think...but may open to any of suggestion.i cant think any possible joining-scene so that's my...
  4. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Noble High

    raidou walk into his room after taking his key at tsukiyo room,luckily that nobody in there and the door was left open.when he arrived,he quickly put his thing and put his sword on the wall,then he sit at the bed."'s really a bad day...."he mumbled,then sigh."this cant be more...
  5. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    raidou regain his consciousness and replied the girl "no...of course not.."he wake up and sit,then he take a deep breath before he continue."you dont see that creature?.......-!" He look at the girl before he turn his face and shocked to see somebody..or a creature maybe,that suddenly appear...
  6. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

    ((o_o sorry,already changed ><a))
  7. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

    raidou put his stuff at squad's barrack,then he went to the roof to get some fresh air.after he arrived,he took a deep breath to calm his mind and heart,seems like the condition on the weave base put him stress. " i guess i should familiarizing with my current home." he sigh,then walk to the...
  8. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    "ngh...i...guess......."raidou open his eyes slowly and see a girl,the voice that he heard was from the girl who looked at him.he hold that girl hand and say "i...what happen?".the pain was slowly dissappear as he speak, "where is....that creature....?"his words stammered,since he not fully...
  9. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    raidou conscciousness slowly regain.he heard someone voice but he cant clearly tell what or who's the one that talking."ngghh........"his head feel so heavy and painfull,he cant even think straight nor even awake.he put his hand on his head,trying to relieved some of the pain.
  10. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    done,like that?i do bold some of the word to show where is the origin of his power,but of course i have made some change on the bio-story.feel free to tell me which part that still doesnt sounds correct ^^ @Midnight Phantom
  11. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    yatta!! thank you !! >_<
  12. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    raidou sitting in the park,enjoying the sunset before A strange white creature approaches Raidou and looks him in the eyes.he stare at it confused, trying to figure out what it is, A cat? A raccoon? Before he can determine what it is, it Speaks to Raidou. "I can grant you one wish, and in return...
  13. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    alright,magic and guild ...i hope my character sheet wasnt bother you,it will be messed up since there's too much skill and picture that i need to show so it wont become sudden-appear skill(got it?) anything else?
  14. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Noble High

    raidou smiles,then he walk out of the door,heading to tsukiyo room to take the key. ((gtg,be back later o_oa ))
  15. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    alright! thanks
  16. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    alright,i'll try to edit it later,mind if you specified on what should i change?other than magic.
  17. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Noble High

    "alright,thank for the information.oh...." he take his bag,open it and take out a bottle that contain some healing liquid."i get this during travelling,i believe it can help your friend" he give the madicine to caroline,then close and put the bag at his back again.
  18. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

    done,like that?
  19. raidou kuzunoha

    Fantasy Noble High

    need to sleep,i'll see you tomorrow, @Wanda Maxy @DeathRising @kenchin
  20. raidou kuzunoha

    Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

    Character Sheet Character Statistics Name:raidou kuzunoha Alias:raidou Age:18 Gender:male Sexuality:straight magic:take over magic guild:guildless(take some time in rp to enter a guild) Physical Characteristics Height:175 Weight:52kg Hair:black Eyes:black...