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Fantasy Noble High

Tsukiyo walked with Caroline and said to the boy behind them " you get detention especially for not even trying to help your fellow student's and that was a activity for a that student now go to your room or follow and ask Caroline the nicest and sweetest girl to show you around " he said and looked at Caroline " so will you open the door to your room so i can rest Casey in his bed " ah and you will have to wait till tomorrow its already getting late okay " he said to both of them
"de-detention!?*sweatdrop*" he shocked so much after hearing that word throught his ears. "i cant believe this.........."he slapped his face with his right arm,trying to make sure that this is a dream,but it was not.he muttered to himself a bit while he walk,following those two to a place that he doesnt know.
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Caroline looked back at Tsukiyo and the other student and said "sure.." she opened the door to let Tsukiyo in to put Casey down "don't touch my stuff.." she mumbled, leaning on the door frame as she looked down at her bare feet.
Tsukiyo set Casey down in his bed and looked at Caroline " sorry for letting you see that but if you really want to punch me you can or slap acually " he looked at her and smiled a sad smile " your just disappointed at me right " he looked at her " i don't blame you but still i need to do my job as a teacher but like i said each student needs a diffrent lesson i can't just teach all of you the same thing the same way if you want caroline you can be my succesor but you will have to master your powers and the power of the Forest Flame inside of you " he went and patted her head " you remind me of my Ex wife you know she always hated my jobs and lessons
She kept her head looking down."I can't be your successor even if I wanted to. once I Finish school I must go back to my home, its a family thing.." she said as she glanced over to her family picture.
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Tsukiyo smiled at her and said " its your decision but you have to plant your roots where ever you want it dosen't have to be were people tell you to " tsukiyo leaving to his room he stops and say's " you can always come to my room if you need to talk about anything the door is always open to all my students " he said smiling and going to his room " were he started to do all his paper work while he was half their and asleep

ooc: going to bed sorry
OOc:ok,see ya tomorrow ^^

raidou stood in front of the door after the guy walk out from the room.he look at the girl that still glanced at her family picture."so uh...is that man was one of the teacher here?"he asked the girl about that man,since he feel unsure about who those two are.
Caroline looked up at the other student and slowly smiled as she said "ah, yeah he is." she held out her hand awkwardly and said "I'm Caroline"
[QUOTE="Wanda Maxy]Caroline looked up at the other student and slowly smiled as she said "ah, yeah he is." she held out her hand awkwardly and said "I'm Caroline"

"oh...uh....."he take her hand and shake it."i am raidou,nice to meet you. i am just arrived yesterday"raidou release caroline's hand then he scratch his head,thinking about what should he say on this awkward moment."anyway, i hope your friend okay....."he want to cheer up caroline,but somehow he cannot manage to find the right word,so he just spoil what can he think of.
Caroline smiled warmly and let out a little giggle "its nice to meet you too" Caroline looked back at Casey and said "I think he's fine.. I'm sure he'll come to soon" she then looked back to Raidou and trying to not stay in an awkward silence she asked "do you need help finding your room...? do you have a key?"
"oh!........uh..........." he realize that he need to find his room and put his thing,since he always carrying it everywhere today.but,a key?he does remember that there was a room for him in the dormitory,but a key for it?that's another story."uh.....no....i dont have, those people who bring me here wasnt tell anything about it either...*sweatdrop* ".this girl had the point he think,how can he enter his room without a key?
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While being carried back to the dorm no one realized my ring was still glowing just a fainter glow then before and that i was coming in and out of consciousness only hearing a word or two not knowing what happened. When i was placed on the bed a few minutes later the pure white feather flew out of my journal and floated above me and started to glow a bright white and then it stuck itself into my forehead the ring instantly stopped shinning and the feather turned solid black and dissolved.
Caroline thought and said "well, maybe Tsukiyo would have your key.. you could try finding it in the offices but I don't know..." she looked behind her to Casey and let out a small sigh. "I don't think I can leave here just yet so... You can come in if you'd like or um.. you could find Mr Tsukiyo" she said looking back towards Raidou.
"alright,thank for the information.oh...." he take his bag,open it and take out a bottle that contain some healing liquid."i get this during travelling,i believe it can help your friend" he give the madicine to caroline,then close and put the bag at his back again.
Caroline smiled brightly and said "thank you Raidou" she looked at the bottle and then looked back up at him as she smiled "well um, I'll see you around..?"
Caroline closed the door and let out a small sigh as she looked down at the bottle and then looked up at Casey. She sat down on the side of his bed as she read the instructions. She took of the lid as she read "use one cap full... Only.. well, ok" she poured some of the liquid into the bottle cap and looked down at Casey, she hesitated when she realized what she was doing. she slowly touched the side of his chin as she panicked on the inside. She was still hesitating so much that she didn't know how to go on from there.

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Starting to come to I see Caroline sitting on the edge of my bed holding some medicine and her touching my face. I let out a small sigh and say "what the hell happened? I feel like I have been hit by a car."
Caroline's face went red with embarrassment as her eye's widened. she quickly sat back up with her back towards him and replied "You um.. were consumed by the darkness which transformed you into a.. dark being, Mr Tsukiyo stopped you before you were completely transformed." the thought of it still scared her.

" Damn really. I can't believe I lost it like that. The last thing I remember is standing beside a tree watching the fight." I say as I sit up still in pain from where Tsukiyo hit me.
Caroline tried to help him as she said "take it easy... Here, one of the other students gave me this, he said It'll help you heal" she holds out the bottle cap full of the liquid from the bottle trying not to make too much eye contact.
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I reach my hand out and take the medicine as I do I notice Caroline is trying to avoid looking at me which surprisingly made me feel bad. I down the meds and say " thanks for the help and sorry for putting you through all this."
Caroline looked up at Casey as she shook her head "No, It was my choice to go there, its not your fault because of what happened, you couldn't help it. And I'm glad to help you Casey.. I'm just not very good at it"
Malkavian Walked into the dorms the doors opening before him. His dark presence while not strong could still be felt in the building. Slowly he made his way up the stairs till he reached the top floor. The doors opened Malkavian walked through gracefully" The councils will not like my actions today...and im gonna have to put up with the fuss. " He said to himself. He passed a few rooms before arriving at a Ash black wooden door embroidered with ancient demonic symbols and a large inscribed image of death. The door opened as Malkavian walked in the door closed behind him. Malkavian was greeted to Sabastion smiling" Welcome to your dorm sir Dinner was prepared a hour ago." Malkavian sat in a royal velvet cushioned chair. He looked into Sabastions eyes" Im aware Sabastion i was held back by Mr Tsukiyo." he said calmly while Sabastion placed a ancient goblet in front of him. It was a Human skull with demonic symbols etched into the skull. A Dragons hand cupped the skull which had a hole at the top of the skull. Malkavian swished it in his hand" Fine as always Sabastion!" he said calmly.
a women with long hair walks up to their door and kicks it open and looks at Caroline and Casey with a stare that would make even demons cry " witch of you was the one that interfered with the idoits lesson today " her holding a samurai sword ready to unleash it at the culprit she felt demonic energy in the Dorms and she went to her Angle Form and with just a swip of her nails all of the demonic energy that was around them vainished " now who was the one that interfred " said the young women that looked about 19

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Neko.jpg.79211e9aac2cadc91909ee1c519ef7e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Neko.jpg.79211e9aac2cadc91909ee1c519ef7e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ooc: yup making a new teacher for you guys a women that loves to be lazy and is over protective of Tsukiyo



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