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Fantasy Noble High

I look at Caroline and say "you have done a great job taking care of me more than most people in my life." I have a smile on my face as I finish the sentence. And then a girl looking about 19 storms in and ask who interfered earlier. I look up at her and let a hug sigh out and say with a clearly annoyed look on my face" I believe that would be me."
Caroline smiled brightly but then was startled by the rude entrance, she glared at her as she said "Casey is in pain and needs to rest, now is not the time for any more fighting. Please leave" she stood up and walked towards her.
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The young Women look at the girl and with daggers and say's with a clear tone " oh it was that child their and you missy " she grabed her from her shirt and sat her down " do you two know what you caused to the young idoit and i don't care if that child is injured because " she goes and takes out some bandeges and with her nail she cut off his shirt and she inspected his body " tch child your lucky he loves you children to much " she starts to add some light into casey and starts to bandage him up " he broke two ribs with that love tab he gave you damn brat " she looks at Caroline with a pissed look " and you ill look after you when i am done with this brat " she said looking annoyed
While she is bandaged me up I say "Ow ow ...OW!!! Could you bandage me up a little softer or something." I think to myself that's it I have decided that I don't like this girl.


I have to go bye
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the young women looked at Caroline and finished treating Casey with a firm tight bandge she gets up and turns back to her normal form and looks at both of them " i am also a teacher and to be percise i take care of brats that break the rules and futhurmore i am going to be your Weapon's master " she looks at Caroline and looks even more pissed " i can't belive that he gave such a valuble ring to you and to make it even worse he only cares about you brats and not himself at all " she said looking now depressed
Malkavian took a drink from the goblet just before the angelic like presence appeared in the building. Gently he placed the goblet down a fire place was lit next to him giving the dark room a warm yet Erie glow. Malkavian closed his eyes" I dont have to tell you who is here do i Sebastian." He said in a calm tone. Sebastian nodded " Indeed sir i am aware of her presence." He said equally with a calm tone. Both of them looked at the door for a moment before Malkavian went back to sipping his dinner.
Caroline didn't care that She was a teacher, her rude attitude and unpleasantness was enough to make Caroline dislike her. "Is that all? if so could you please leave?" the wooden floor boards underneath the teacher ripped themselves up and wrapped around the teacher and pulled her away from Caroline and Casey placing her outside the door. Caroline walked over to the door and said as she closed it. "thank you for the bandages!" and she locked it. the floor boards put themselves back into place as if they never moved.
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The young women was about to cut the door down when suddenly Tsukiyo walked up the stairs and hit the women in the head and screamed " Yuki Sawada what do you think your doing to the school property "

Yuki: But but she is the one that you said need to be checked and treated and to make it worse she interfered with your battle damn idoit tsukiyo " she said looking all sad

tsukiyou then knocked on Caroline's door and said " caroline can i come in and apoligies to you on behalf of my idoit step sister
Yuki looked at the clouds and said " tch i hate children like her using power's to even show her emotion's " Yuki then used her ability and shut off all of Caroline's power's " now four hours you will be powerless and if you make me even more mad " she took out her sword ill kill your powers for god spoild brat "

Tsukiyo Hit yuki again but even harder " caroline i told you about your dentention well yuki my step sister is acually in charge of dentention so if you forgive her ill lift the detention and ill treat you to cake and coffee or anything you want "
A image of Malkavian appeared in front of Tsukiyo and his companion"Perhaps it would be wiser if you carried that apology at a later time it would seem the student wishes peace to be upon her." he said calmly.
ooc: She can't have that kind of ability to take Caroline's powers, besides she needs it.

Caroline yelled from the room "What he said! And I'm not going to accept the apology unless it comes out of that rude old woman's mouth!"
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Tsukiyo luaghed gently " hahahah yea your right Malkvain so how's dinner going " he said smiling at him and then he heard Caroline " ah about that yuki is well kinda of a tsundere she say's one thing but dosen't really mean it

Yuki looked at Malkvain and smiled " hellow their Malkvain its been a while a few thousand years or so if i remember corectly she said to him and she heard caroline and said in a low very low voice " sorry for yelling at you"

ooc: Yuki's power is to Seal anyone's power for twenty four hours max she is a composive liar to scare the people but she can control how long she can stop the power in the twenty four hour mark she can do max two people seal 12 hour's each i am making her character right now
ooc: well I don't like it, you can have detention rooms that keeps students powers down, Caroline needs her powers to talk to her mother, change her powers -.- AND THE WEATHER IS LINKED TO HER EMOTIONS!

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kenchin said:
Tsukiyo luaghed gently " hahahah yea your right Malkvain so how's dinner going " he said smiling at him and then he heard Caroline " ah about that yuki is well kinda of a tsundere she say's one thing but dosen't really mean it
Yuki looked at Malkvain and smiled " hellow their Malkvain its been a while a few thousand years or so if i remember corectly she said to him and she heard caroline and said in a low very low voice " sorry for yelling at you"

ooc: Yuki's power is to Seal anyone's power for twenty four hours max she is a composive liar to scare the people but she can control how long she can stop the power in the twenty four hour mark she can do max two people seal 12 hour's each i am making her character right now
Malkavian tilted his head in a formal gesture of greeting" Pleasure to see you again too Yuki if that is what you go by these days." he said calmly. He turned his gaze to Tsukiyo" I was rather enjoying the meal before it was interrupted by a sudden disturbance." he said in the same calm tone.
tsukiyo smiled at malkvain " ahh sorry for the disturbens it won't happen again after all " knocking out yuki with a simple chop " ill take care of this little girl and i didn't know you knew yuki haha what a small world " he said smiling " caroline ill see what i can do about my sister later okay

yuki knocked out her power was realesed from Caroline

ooc: hmm i really wanted a sealing power ill think about something
ooc: Yes please!!!

Caroline felt over whelmed once they left, she rubbed one side of her arm with her hand as she bit down on her lip to keep herself from crying. "this is one of the worst first day's of school ever.." she said silently. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked away from the door and over to Casey. "are you alright..?" she asked him.

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I look up to Caroline and say with a smile " I am good and thanks again for all you have done. And sorry for causing you all this trouble it just seems like trouble follows me."
she smiles warmly "I'm glad you're alright" she lets out a sigh as she shakes her head and continues. "its not you it's... Anyways, It seems we have detention tomorrow or something... god I hope its not with that old crow" she squints her eyes staring at the door.
raidou walk into his room after taking his key at tsukiyo room,luckily that nobody in there and the door was left open.when he arrived,he quickly put his thing and put his sword on the wall,then he sit at the bed."whew...today's really a bad day...."he mumbled,then sigh."this cant be more bad,right?"he questioning himself,then spacing out for a sec.

he decided to take a bath ,since his clothe was covered with some dust.after he finished,he change his clothes and take his sword at his waist.he brought a map in his pocket that taken from teacher room."i guess i should take a look at the school area,maybe i can find something interesting and rise my luck."he went outside and lock his door,then take a deep breath before he start to walk,his current target now is to get some fresh air and clear his mind,so he dicided to go to the park.
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"Detention damn that sucks. And if it is with that old bat i wounder how much trouble we would get in if we skipped it?" I say with a devilish smile.

occ: Now that things have calmed down your character might notice Casey's eyes are no longer red but are green.

@Wanda Maxy
Caroline laughed and said "I don't know" She looked at Casey's eyes noticing they have changed to a green colour. So pretty... such a lovely green. Lost in thought she kept staring.
Realizing that me and Caroline have been staring into each others eyes for a minute or to. My face turns a bright red and I say " well at least tomorrow or should i say later today can't be as bad as what we went through earlier."
Caroline turned away quickly hiding her face as she said "yes, I agree um... right, I um.. should go take a shower" she quickly got up to grab her towel, a change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste and dorm key from her side of the room. Then hurried over to the door, "I'll be back in a little bit. I um.. Ok!" she said and quickly shuts the door.

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