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  1. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    That is true stronger imagination does allow for that much like how Conductor can carry some power to the RG. I guess he was just really focused I can't find any other explanation for it. Neku always was really talented being able to use Rhymes reaper class pin, suprising Konishi leading to...
  2. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Wiki says reeper creeper says its enabled through frequency modulating symbols on the board similar to shops as for the telekinisis im not sure.
  3. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Wait I just realized something and have a question. If most pins don't work outside of the noise frequency which players fight in. How was Neku able to strangle shiki via telekinisis (or psychokinesis) is it just using the same pin that allows them to move the thing when people play the game...
  4. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    If I have to i'll switch my bio and go over to reaper the nihilistic black slammurai makes a good reaper as well lol
  5. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Wait I just found out that although Black slammurai is the rival in the game world , The Dead Slammurai is the main character... kind of Ironic. (sorry kind of excited at coincidence... helps my...
  6. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Sounds good but would it be the same for reapers? Given their power house wings, some of them can create their own minor pins and all can create noise, and the stronger ones can do transformations and other reality shifting weird stuff hmmm
  7. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    So I guess the base ability could just be a specialization or extra powered unique pin the person uses? Since I assume noone is going to die and immediately figure out how to shift reality and create jesus beams...
  8. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Yeah especially since she said she could only do it with Mr. Mew as I recall at least xD
  9. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Hmm seems weird given how mr. Mew "acts on his own" and beat is just hitting things with a skateboard
  10. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    I just assumed you meant you could hurt noise with your blade and use it like dante, or zoro or something ( I thought it was special abilities now im not sure)
  11. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Holy crap I did not realize this was a thing... hmm that was unintended when creating my character. I guess i makes me a well immersed writer or something. I don't know.
  12. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    I went through the secret reports, i'm pretty sure he gave it to Neku for psychological rehabilitation, and thus increasing of his standard imagination over a long period of time. However I do not believe we are witness to any partner battles other than Uzuki and Kariya so it is impossible to...
  13. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    I'll make some changes now trying to pick pins and ability among other things, will have much more time to do so tomorrow since today is the last day of finals at my college.
  14. NisotNaiz

    Hello everyone

    Greetings fellow newcomer just thought I would make your welcome a warm one *throws confetti*. Anyway if you are interested in the mathematical stat based type of I would check out the Dnd section as well, it's a bit complicated at first but you'll get the hang of it.
  15. NisotNaiz

    This is an Introduction.

    ^ what he said but im a different person... Hello
  16. NisotNaiz

    The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

    Slamurai Black W.I.P. Status: Player Real Full Name: Deon Moore Aliases: Slamurai Black a.k.a Elijah Smith (for the new show: Tin pin slamurai: steel warriors) Slamurai Blue (Season 3 of original Tin pin slamurai) See IMDB page or Japanese equivalent for further details. Age: 16...
  17. NisotNaiz


    It's a new people party Yay!!!
  18. NisotNaiz


    Thank you Thorn if I need help I will do so. :)
  19. NisotNaiz


    Hello my name is Nisot Niaz currently its been awhile since I rped I am very into Dnd 3.5 and pathfinder as well as other dice systems. Although my grammar is quite liking, I have been told my characters are good... At least in the fact they are somewhat interesting and not Mary Sues. But...
  20. NisotNaiz

    Fandom The World Ends with You RP

    I do have a question since I can't PM people yet are we allowed to determine our characters cost for entering the game?