Hello everyone


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm LadySurl *waves* i'm totally new to this kind of RP (although i do have experiance with RPG based rp; World Of Warcraft being the main one) currently looking to branch out a little and explore other avenues.

I'm looking for some 1x1 based rp ideally, i'm not 100% sure yet what kind of area i want to be roleplaying in so am open to suggestions and ideas.

Welcome to RpNation, LadySurl!

Hello, LadySurl! I offer you the most humble welcome I can conceive to our glorious site, RpNation! I'm sure you will find yourself comfortable with the site in no time - but to help you get accustomed a bit quicker, I have linked you to some very important threads below!

  • RpNation's Site Rules (Revised) - One of the sites most important, if not the very most, threads. Please take the time to read these if you haven't done so already!
  • Welcome to RoleplayNation - An official greeting from Staff-Chan themself! Please be sure to take a look here!
  • New Accounts - 10 Post / 24 Hour Rule - A very important thread for new members of the site to read so that they don't get confused.
  • An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing - Made by a very lovely fellow, Syrenrei, a beginners guide to roleplaying in case you are completely new to the concept!
  • Admin Contact - Got a question or an issue that you believe needs to go directly to the Administration? Go ahead and post it here!
  • RpN FAQ - A collection of some of the site's most frequently asked question, and a general concoction of information.
  • Roleplay Support - If you have a question or problem that directly connects to roleplaying, you can post it here.
  • The Chat - Otherwise known as 'The Shoutbox', this is a place for users to interact directly in real time. Drop by to say hello - we'd love to meet you!
  • RpNation - BBCode Guide - See some fancy coding around the forums, but don't know how to do it? More likely than not, you can find it here.
  • Members - Here, you can browse the names of our different users & take a good look at our Staff List!

Have any other questions? Feel free to tag me by typing @DescriptedEnd, & I'll get back to you as soon as I can! I hope you enjoy RpNation!

PS - I also enjoy WoW - at least, I did for a while, haha! Do you have any favorite class?
Howdy, Ladysurl, and welcome to the wonderful world of play-by-post roleplaying! Also, welcome to RPNation.

I'm sure you'll be able to pick it up fairly quickly, but we have a number of wonderful tutorials for you to look at, but don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. (: That said, 1x1 are a great place to start play-by-post. They're a little less demanding and a bit easier to get involved with than groups, but I really encourage you to give a group roleplay a try sometime! They can be a lot of fun.

Anyways, welcome again to the site. (:
Greetings fellow newcomer just thought I would make your welcome a warm one *throws confetti*. Anyway if you are interested in the mathematical stat based type of I would check out the Dnd section as well, it's a bit complicated at first but you'll get the hang of it.

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