The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game


Mysterious Destiny
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
@NoviceOfRoleplay @Moonsetter @Ghost @NisotNaiz @Ammy @MirrorBoy @Ryu kishi @Tree @GasMaskie @ValkyrieRose


[Tab=Who Are You?]
[h] Please Input First and/or Nickname [/h]
[b] Full Name: [/b] Place Full Name Here
[b]Age: [/b] Place Age Here
Appearance: [/b] Place Image of Character Here or Description.
[b] Personality: [/b] Place Personality Description Here
[b] Background: [/b] Place Background Here
[b] Hobbies/Other Info: [/b] Place Hobbies/Other Info Here
[Tab=What Can You Do?]
[b]Favorite Pin:[/b] Favorite pin goes here, note that your favorite pin is a different pin than your other three, except it is incorporated somehow into all of them.
[b]Pin 1
Pin 2:
Pin3: [/b]
[b] What Is Your Entry Fee:
Quote Your Character: [/b] Place Quote Here

  • Shinobu
    Full Name: Moto Shinobu (Japanese format of last name followed by given name)

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male



    Personality: He is a rather serious person most of the time. He will protect his friends at any cost, but will also blame himself for failing to protect them.

    Background: He grew up in Japan with his parents, who were pretty wealthy. His father was a swordfighter, hence why he became interested at a young age in the art of swordplay. His parents bought him lessons, and soon it was revealed that he was a prodigy; he defeated almost every opponent that came his way after just a few weeks of training. He was in the bank one day, cashing in on his tournament winnings when a group of three bank robbers ran into the bank. He put his hands up when one of them put the gun to his head. He tried to be the hero, but the guy noticed when he reached for his katana and pulled the trigger.

    Hobbies/Other Info: He likes swords

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  • J.J.

    Full Name: Elizabeth L. Beets

    Age: 15

    Gender: F


    Personality: I'm a hot headed narcissist. I always cannot wait for a new adventure, everyday I tried to make sure I go out- mall, park, even a museum if I have too. Sunshine is the best for your skin after all. Now, I won't say I'm cold hearted, I just believe people's business is their own business.

    Background: Grew up in New York, Dad wrote Broadway plays and Mom was an actor. Now sometimes, things aren't always a big hit with critics, when we get a bad review I know we might have to eat cereal for breakfast.

    One day, my Dad was offered a job with a theatre company in Japan. Mom was against it, but what can you do after two plays in a row flopped? So I had to get myself a Rosetta Stone and we head off.

    I actually fit in pretty nice with the Japanese kids, even believe I got popular because of my accent, or maybe I was just something strange to gawk at. One day after school, the bus was driving toward a building with a big crowd. When the bus suddenly stopped, everyone's imagination went on. Then we heard gunshots from the building. Two gunmen were running out, fighting their way past some cops, a few civilians where killed. A baby was shot, but I went to go through my notebook, stupidity-a bullet went through the bus window and lodged itself in my head...

    Hobbies/Other Info: I'm a young dancer, taking ballet for years now.

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  • Hikaru 'Hi-chan'

    Full Name: Hikaru Shinichi

    Age: 18


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/MyStyle.jpg.2bdc98600699e86277ea0dbcdc3f0a4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/MyStyle.jpg.2bdc98600699e86277ea0dbcdc3f0a4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: He is always kind to his friends and never backs down from protecting them as best as he can.

    Background: Back when he was a kid, he was kind of a bully,picking on kids younger and older from him. but once, he got into a tragic accident and died. He has woken up with no memory of his life and his bad deeds.

    Hobbies/Other Info:




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  • Slamurai Black


    Status: Player

    Real Full Name: Deon Moore

    Aliases: Slamurai Black a.k.a Elijah Smith (for the new show: Tin pin slamurai: steel warriors)

    Slamurai Blue (Season 3 of original Tin pin slamurai)

    See IMDB page or Japanese equivalent for further details.

    Age: 16



    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2572b8e2_fanart_super_sentai_powerman_by_baruttemi-d3eunmo(2).jpg.efbbcaa8f9fef5db49542a98da7ac079.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2572b8e2_fanart_super_sentai_powerman_by_baruttemi-d3eunmo(2).jpg.efbbcaa8f9fef5db49542a98da7ac079.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Righteous, creative, very confused due to his acting (and suit). Focused and level headed deep down, but also a child a heart. A small side of drama when he is in the moment.

    Black Slamurai personality:

    Actor, Voice-actor, Ramen chef assistant for his father (technically an internship)

    Raised in Japan from a very young age Deon the ways and culture felt natural to him. He got along with his classmates. He even excelled at martial arts and track. Being a minority in terms of the physical department as an american had its advantages and disadvantages. He was a foot taller than the other kids his age giving him an edge in sports, however he also was tall. Being part of theater on the side, he one day thought to try out for the part of Slamurai blue as the magazines he read told them they were looking for a child to play the part. Being both the rare racial minority as well as a talented actor, he landed his way to stardom living the dream as a child star. It was not all fun and games being an actor in a highly competitive industry, but Deon Aced his way through it perfectly imagining himself as his character and immersing himself. Years passed roles come and gone, when Deon's agent called him for a role on a show that would bring him close to his acting origins. The Slamurai Black on the show Tin pin slamurai: steel warriors. A combination Sentai show that had secondary tin pin elements, much like it's predecessors.

    Accepting the role Deon's fame rose to greater heights as a returning character on one of the most popular kid shows on television. It did not last, as Deon Died in a horrible accident on set. When the pyrotechnics guy got distracted by news of his bank account being emptied due to larceny. Deon was hit by a minor explosion, sadly some shrapnel from a nearby prop got into to his heart killing him near instantly, in what may be (if he fails the reapers game) the saddest episode of Tin pin slamurai to ever air.

    Black Slammurai Background: Not yet fully explored

    Hobbies/Other Info: Acting, Martial arts, Tin Pin slammer, Kendo, attending conventions, occasionally anime, games, and receiving gifts from fans.



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  • The Amazing Amaya
    Full Name: Amaya Ono

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female



    Personality: Amaya is caring and almost a bit motherly. If she sees someone hurt, she will do all that she can to help them. She level headed and calm in all situations. However, she isn't a push over. If someone tries to threaten her then she isn't afraid to fight back for sure.

    Background: Amaya was born and raised in Japan. There she started her small career as a Singer/Songwriter/Artist. Her performances were world known and her artworks were beyond beautiful. She felt as though both were forms of expression that she worked hard to show those who came to see her. After completing her first world tour, she finally felt that she could make a difference with each tune she sang and each art show she attended. She wanted to make others happy.

    Hobbies/Other Info: Singing, Drawing, Painting, and Telling Bad Jokes


  • Kacchan

    Full Name: Ruri Kakesu

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Status: Player


    Kakesu is rather short, standing at a height of five-foot. Her smooth skin is pale and tends to burn instead of tan. Her hair is long, falling to her mid-back, and with small hips and a flater chest, is one of the most feminine things about her. The bangs are cut shorter, but tend to fall in front of her pale yellow-green eyes.

    Before entering the game, her usual clothing consisted of dark colors and plain, causal, neutral clothing. Maybe occasionally a hair clip in her black hair, but nothing super girly.

    As a result of her entry fee being taken, her clothes at the start of the game have been transformed into a neon pink tank-top with cut-out sides, a dark red handkerchief that's tied around her waist, and neon yellow shorts. Her hair has also turned an electric turquoise color.

    All the clothes she tries to wear will become colored in a similar manner.

    Hobbies: Petty thievery, exploring abandoned buildings, reading, baking cookies.

    • Loud or friendly would not be words typically used to describe Kakesu. She's aloof and distant, not caring much for small talk, or really any other kind of talk with other people. Quietness is what she prefers, and she sees no reason to seek out companionship beyond material gain. Even then, Kakesu tends to stay away from her peers. She can get what she needs without them.

      Despite not liking unnecessary interaction or the rest of her species in general, when addressing other people she tends to be respectful and polite even if she doesn't mean it. It would take a lot to gain her actual respect.

      Her insults tend to be phrased in a way that the insult might not be readily apparent without any thought.

      Kake likes to hold herself to high standards, and to try to be the best at anything she can be, and as a result is competitive. Averageness scares her.

      She's rather proud of how quiet she is, and how it's easy for her to go unnoticed and sneak around without detection.

      Her own fears are unbeknownst to her, and she doesn't know herself as well as she thinks she does.

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