The World Ends with You: The Reaper's Game

I'll make some changes now trying to pick pins and ability among other things, will have much more time to do so tomorrow since today is the last day of finals at my college.
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
I thought they already did?
Don't they have that at the start, after they make a strong bond.
Im not sure :o
For the harmonizer pins used for fusion, I think Hanekoma had to give it to Neku and Shiki. Uzuki and Kariya have one too, but I'm not actually sure if they're things typically handed out in the Game.

I'm checking the wiki now, but it doesn't say anything about it other than the fact that Neku, Shiki, Uzuki, and Kariya were the only ones seen in the game to have one. Which might mean they're unusual to have...

However since this takes place after TWEWY and it's a new Game, things can change! So, whatever the GMs decide I guess?
I went through the secret reports, i'm pretty sure he gave it to Neku for psychological rehabilitation, and thus increasing of his standard imagination over a long period of time. However I do not believe we are witness to any partner battles other than Uzuki and Kariya so it is impossible to determine whether the pin is easy for players to get ahold of.
Oops, I kinda forgot about the secret reports. Probably should've checked those too. Hanekoma giving it to Neku makes me think it was something special, but I agree that there's no way to know for sure either way.
omg. That's a pretty neat coincidence
Ghost said:
Oops, I kinda forgot about the secret reports. Probably should've checked those too. Hanekoma giving it to Neku makes me think it was something special, but I agree that there's no way to know for sure either way.
I think we found a way to work it into the story.. no spoilers though :)
Cool! :D

I'm pretty excited for this rp. TWEWY's one of my favorite games and it's hard to find other fans.

But *clenches fist* I have so much schooling *tear runs down cheek*

I'm thinking about my Player though and trying to plan it out while I'm doing this horrendous paperwork. Soon... I hope I'll have it up soon...
Ghost said:
Cool! :D
I'm pretty excited for this rp. TWEWY's one of my favorite games and it's hard to find other fans.

But *clenches fist* I have so much schooling *tear runs down cheek*

I'm thinking about my Player though and trying to plan it out while I'm doing this horrendous paperwork. Soon... I hope I'll have it up soon...
Awesome, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

And yeah, school sucks. Good luck!!

Also @NoviceOfRoleplay in the CS it says "ability", is that like another 'special' ability? Did I do my character wrong? lol

And @Ghost if I count your character and @NisotNaiz then we have all of our players (unless someone else joins) :D
I just assumed you meant you could hurt noise with your blade and use it like dante, or zoro or something

( I thought it was special abilities now im not sure)
NisotNaiz said:
I just assumed you meant you could hurt noise with your blade and use it like dante, or zoro or something
I gave him the Masamune pin for that reason haha. :P
Ceros said:
Awesome, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
And yeah, school sucks. Good luck!!

Also @NoviceOfRoleplay in the CS it says "ability", is that like another 'special' ability? Did I do my character wrong? lol

And @Ghost if I count your character and @NisotNaiz then we have all of our players (unless someone else joins) :D
I thought of the ability as base power, mayber a speciality weapon you have or special power. Then I thought of pins being used in conjuction of the power. I was thinking as like my Swan Lake pin can create ice, but in conjuction with my duplication, it can create ice clones. Though I wasn't really good of describing it.
I think the abilities of Shiki, Beat, and Joshua were all psychs that came from pins. (Except Josh's jesus beams, which are probably from being Composer.)

Like Shiki had indirect control of Mr. Mew, but she used a Groove Pawn pin to do it. I think Josh's being able to psychokinetically move cars and signs and whatnot was from a similar pin, but the wiki doesn't say. I do remember reading that in the Japanese manual it said what pins Neku's partners used though. Beat uses the Respect pin to attack with his skateboard.

Unless you're referring to some other kind of ability? ( ' w '
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Ghost said:
I think the abilities of Shiki, Beat, and Joshua were all psychs that came from pins. (Except maybe Josh's composer powers/jesus beams? Not sure, I'd have to check.)
Like Shiki had indirect control of Mr. Mew, but she used a Groove Pawn pin to do it. I don't remember what kind without looking at the wiki but I feel like it was similar to one of the ones that Neku can use to move objects around. Same with Josh's being able to telekinetically move cars and signs and whatnot. I don't remember what Beat's was.

Unless you're referring to some other kind of ability? ( ' w '
Hm, that does make sense.
Ghost said:
I think the abilities of Shiki, Beat, and Joshua were all psychs that came from pins. (Except maybe Josh's composer powers/jesus beams? Not sure, I'd have to check.)
Like Shiki had indirect control of Mr. Mew, but she used a Groove Pawn pin to do it. I don't remember what kind without looking at the wiki but I feel like it was similar to one of the ones that Neku can use to move objects around. Same with Josh's being able to telekinetically move cars and signs and whatnot. I don't remember what Beat's was.

Unless you're referring to some other kind of ability? ( ' w '
Well the Base Power, could just be a starter Pin you combine with other pins? Give me a sec,

Well Joshua God Beams are just part being a Composer

Do you all want to take away ability? Or replace it with like favorite pin and have the pins show how you use it in conjuction?
(Edited the last post with updated info. I need to stop looking things up and get back to hw omg)

I'm not saying it has to be taken away, I just wasn't sure what sort of abilities were being talken about/if everyone knew how they worked, since I'm sure not everyone spends a ridiculous amount of time on wikis after they finish a video game xD .

It was stated in the Japanese game manual which pins they used, and it's on the character's wiki pages. Except Josh's, unless I missed it while skimming.
"Shiki's one psych involves her animating Mr. Mew through psychomancy... While Shiki seems to be able to command Mr. Mew, her control is indirect at best; she states that he "does his own thing".... Shiki uses Groove Pawn, a Psychokinesis-type pin, to animate and command Mr. Mew...."

"Beat uses Respect, a neutral-damage Shockwave-type pin, to attack using his skateboard."

Since I'm already on the wiki, this is the explanation they give... And while some of Mr.Mew's explanation might be interpretation, the pin part is from the manual so I don't really question it. I wonder why they wouldn't have that in the English manual...

It does seem kinda weird, though.
Yeah I think she could only use it on him.

Maybe she just really sucks at psychs? Lol
So I guess the base ability could just be a specialization or extra powered unique pin the person uses? Since I assume noone is going to die and immediately figure out how to shift reality and create jesus beams...

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