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  1. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    Well conveniently the only two royals remaining are the two who want to make lots of trouble with the Yellow Crows so for now that seems... fine. The way I look at it that was basically the purpose of the royal family, anyway. Providing a source of conflict. Hewyn has a history of disappearing...
  2. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    Gotcha, thank you for explaining! So for now we're just waiting to see if Church is staying or not before Hewyn comes out and demands Daniel go see Cadmus?
  3. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    Church did tell me last week that he had two big exams and had been studying hard. Sorry, I thought I already posted that here, I must've started typing it and then closed the tab without sending. I was hoping we'd see him over the weekend since the tests would be done by then, but maybe there...
  4. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    Guuuuuuys :(
  5. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE RED KNIGHT COMPOUND :: TRAINING YARD @Church418 @QuestingBeast @raspberryrose A small smile twitched at the corner of Alorei's lips as the spar began in earnest. She loved this -- had always loved this. While she wrapped herself in the finery of the palace...
  6. Irianne

    Futuristic The Want Hierarchy

    No problem, thank you for clarifying :)
  7. Irianne

    Futuristic The Want Hierarchy

    Hey there @Sunbather, I was just wondering what the status was on this RP. It's been over a month since we were originally supposed to start and while I don't mind waiting, I did notice that you've been back around RpN and recently put up a new interest check for a different RP. If you've lost...
  8. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    @Church418 @QuestingBeast While you guys are sparring don't worry about waiting for me in the posting order, just have at it. I know combat tends to take a lot of talk for not a lot of time, and I doubt I'll have anything interesting to add in the meantime if she's just watching. I'll...
  9. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE RED KNIGHT COMPOUND :: TRAINING YARD @Church418 @QuestingBeast The usual sounds of steel on steel were, for the most part, uncharacteristically absent as Alorei approached the training grounds. Here and there a few knights continued in their usual...
  10. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE ROYAL PALACE :: DINING HALL @Archie @Prudentia @Semblance "I shall bring them to you at once, Father," Alorei answered, turning her attention back to the king and dipping into another curtsy as he made his commands. As interesting as she found the Red...
  11. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    @FloatingAroundSpace Oh, I hadn't even noticed our names were in the OOC thing now. You've got Alorei and Hewyn listed with the last name of "Ryan" instead of "Rayn" D:
  12. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    @QuestingBeast I'd assume Alorei would be familiar with at least all the Shields and maybe the more outgoing Helmets/Swordhands. She likes going down to the Red Knight barracks and she loves to hear their stories. From what RP's already happened, it sounds like Bernard likes to tell stories, so...
  13. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE ROYAL PALACE :: DINING HALL @Archie @Prudentia @Semblance Alorei smiled, taking the proffered napkin from her father and thanking him quietly. She couldn't help but watch Hewyn under the king's gaze; his stiff posture and obliging tone would have been...
  14. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE ROYAL PALACE :: DINING HALL @Archie @Church418 @Prudentia @Semblance Alorei quirked an eyebrow at Hewyn. "Weapons?" she echoed. Between this bizarre line of questioning and a rare display of proper table manners, her brother was acting oddly indeed. An...
  15. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    Jeez that is a long day O_O And yeah, no worries, that works fine for me at least. Assuming we're in the same time zone (I'm EST) I'll have a couple hours overlap with you every night, and I'm on much earlier than that to read whatever happened after I went to bed. And I'll also be around a lot...
  16. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE ROYAL PALACE :: BANQUET HALL @Archie @Church418 Alorei flinched at the sound of the doors slamming together, giving a long, slow exhale before turning to see who had caused such a racket. Prince Hewyn -- she should have guessed. Few others behaved so...
  17. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

    ALOREI MIRALISA RAYN THE ROYAL PALACE :: BANQUET HALL Alorei chewed thoughtfully on a dried strawberry. She had always been partial to strawberries, though they were out of season now and she would need to wait for the winter to come and go before she could have them fresh again...
  18. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    You got me, that is precisely the NPC I'm wanting to have a chat with :P Don't worry, I won't even yell at him. Probably. Okay, cool!
  19. Irianne

    Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

    So now that we're getting started I have a more general RPNation question rather than a specific this-rp question. This is actually my first RP here that's managed to get beyond character sign up, so I just wanna clarify :3 I know we should never control another player's character, obviously...
  20. Irianne

    Thanks! It's some art by the incredibly talented Chiara Bautista. You should check out more of...

    Thanks! It's some art by the incredibly talented Chiara Bautista. You should check out more of her stuff, it's all gorgeous: :3