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    Wonderland Asylum {Sign Ups, Positions, Ooc chat}

    Name: Leo Grave/The Hatter Age: 27 Gender: Male Position: Mad Hatter Personality: Split personality. one his calm and kind. the other is twisted. Other: can change between Leo and The Hatter Bio: Leo was sent to the asylum when he was convicted for the murder of his wife and...
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    Welcome To Your Nightmare: A Hellsing RP

    Name: Leo Graverobber Appearance: Stands at about 6'6" and is 250 lbs. he has long black hair, he also has crimson red eyes. he carries a combat knife and hand gun. What are you: New Blood (just turned) he has been turned not to long ago. Personality(Optional but preferred): Dark. only...
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    Akira pulled up to school late...again. he got out and smiled at the school. "Hello wonderland." he said walking into the bulding. he walked into science. "Sorry im late." he said ashe walked to his seat. he saw a new girl sitting down. he smirked a bit. 'she's cute.' he thought. he lifted his...
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    Out of View(Highschool RP)

    Leo smiled. "Waltz huh?" he asked. "of course i know how to waltz." he said looking at Aria. "So how do know how to dance like this?" he asked startng to move.
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    School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

    Leo looked at Flower. "If you say so." he said. he walked through the doors. "So what does he want with you anyway?" he asked looking back. Kyubi looked at Leo. 'you really like her dont you?' he asked. "No." he said flatly. then he realized that he said it out loud. "uh..." he paused.
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Leo turned to the boy sitting behind him. "Nice reference and sure." he said handing him the sucker. "Hope you like cherry." he said smiling.
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    School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

    Leo didn't really like the twins. "That Nick kid seems like a d*ck." he said looking back. Leo followed Flower. "I'm from the ice kingdom." he said looking at Kyubi. "So half demons huh?" Kyubi asked looking at Flower. He sniffed the air. 'i smell wolf' he said to Leo in his thoughts. Leo...
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    School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

    Leo nodded and followed. Kyubi followed Leo. 'what are you thinking?' kyubi said through leo's mind. 'I like her.' he thought. Kyubi looked up at Leo. 'be careful' Leo turned to Flower. "So what kingdom do you come from?" he asked.
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Leo walked into the auditorium. he looked around. 'this place is huge' he thought he sat down next to a girl with her ipod in and blasting. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cherry lollipop. he started sucking on it. He smiled at the taste. He looked over at the girl and smiled...
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo looked at the piece of paper. "A wish huh?" he asked. "I don't trust you. how does this work?" he asked
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo smiled. "pleasure to meet you, and yes." he said looking over at him. "We've met." he said looking back. "So you're an android huh?" he asked looking at Mia. "I've never seen any Androids before." he said looking her over.
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo smirked. "I use more than just these." he said as the swords melt and disappear. "I can make anything." he said as a girl walked into the room. 'who's she?' he thought. "Hello." he said waving.
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo walked down the hall to the dark room. "Study Hall" he said. then he opened the door. He saw Akuma sitting in a chair with a dagger in the desk. "Nice dagger." he said sitting on a desk. He snapped his fingers and two ice swords appeared on his back in an X-formation.
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    School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

    Leo smiled and nodded. "Thank you." he said bowing. Kyubi looked up at the huge bird that alost ate him. Kyubi growled at the bird. Leo looked down. "Kyubi what did i just tell you." he said. then he looked back at Flower. "that's alright Kyubi can handle himself."
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo watched as Akuma wrote down his information. 'How did he know that?' he thought. then he sat there. he ate his lunch. the bell rang. "lunch is over already?" he asked.
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo was taken off guard when Akuma started to shake him. "No i dont poison my claws. that's just frost bite." he said softly so none of the humans heard him. "I dont need poison." he said. then he pulled away. "Oh and never growl at me ever again i wasn't talking to you." he said looking at the...
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo flew back. "oof" he let out a breath. The bell rang. He walked passed a guy in the door way. "If you want to see what i can really do come to study hall." he said walking to lunch.
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    School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

    Leo smiled. "no the pleasure is mine." he said. he looked at Kyubi "Be nice." he said. he looked back at Flower. "Can you just point me in the direction of the registration office?" he asked. Kyubi looked at the dog. he sniffed as Hunter did. he looked up at Leo. "Yes sir." he said. then he...
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    Eclipse - Info and S.U.

    Name: Cole turner Age: appears 19 but is really 115 Race: Demon Bio: rather not say Personality: sadistic Strengths (Up to 3) : Speed, demonic strength, and a power called hell fire Weaknesses (MUST LIST ONE WEAKNESS FOR EVERY STRENGTH) : Sun light, his anger, and angels Role...
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    Hidden Talents!

    Leo smiled. "Study hall it is." he said taking a wolf like battle stance. "ever fight with a beast style fighter?" he asked looking at Akuma. He looked him over. 'he is a real good fighter.' he thought. He growled slightly before he jumped up and swung with his hand in a claw formation.