School for Royalty (Closed to me and Solarwing123)

The Writer

Your Doom

Welcome to Royal Academy

School for Royals and other high classes

Teaches everything from fighting to math and special classes on Royalty

My characters

Flower Full Moon

Queen of Key holders

Three power's Light, Shape shifting, and opening portals

Background: Born of the Royal bloodline from the first Key Holder King and Queen. She has the crown birthmark on her neck which every Royal family member has.(For key holders that is) Her Parents took her to raise her to be homble as a farm worker. Having no idea of her bloodline she worked as hard as anyone till she was 12. On her birthday her parents were murdered by vampires and she and her older sister excaped. Later on that same day her Older sister was killed by an arrow. Flower hid out in the forest for years with her Key dog Hunter. (Key dogs can talk, turn into a human form and have poison in their teeth that kill vampires. They also live forever like Key Holders) Flower had been captured by vampires a few years after and torchered untill she was saved by a key holders attacking the vampire castle. She had whipe scars on her back from the months with the vampires. She ran away after being saved and was only rescently descovered as the last of the Key holder royal bloodline.


Hunter(The key dog) and Sky(An eagle) are her pets

Alicia Killer

Daughter of a Werewolf Pack leader

Best friend of Flower

She can call on ghost wolves

Her background isn't very interesting

No pets

(Get picture later)

Nick and Deathwish (Twins)

Princes of Vampires

Half Demons.

Nick controls shadows while Deathwish controls Blood coffin

Rather not say what their background is now.

No pets


Flower was outside under a tree reading to herself. Hunter was asleep beside her, Flower's hand gently stroking the key dogs soft black fur. Hunter looked like a wolf but also like a german shepherd. However she carried a collar with a key on it. This key gave Hunter the ability to talk and turn human. That was what made her a key dog, that and the poison in her k9s and her life spand. Flower had a chain with three keys on it hidden onder her tunic. The three keys held her powers, but she also was stronger, faster, better hearing, and a good sense of smell then a normal human. Key holders also had only three powers and when bitten by a vampire they become weak and lose there powers for a short time. Flower sighed and turned a page in her book.
Name: Leo Nightwing son of the frost king

Age: 17

Powers: Frost manipulation, summoning, and alchemy (FMA)

looks: Human: pics/Anime/anime-guy-blue-hair.jpg

Frost beast: Gallery/fa2-beasts.gif (the one with wings)

History: was born into the royal family of the frost kingdom. When Leo was about 12 he was chosen to have an evil beast sealed inside of him. This beast promised to give Leo all of his power in return Leo would have to learn to control the beast inside of him self.

Pets: Has a white fox with four tails named Kyubi

Weapons: Has a long bow and a set of long swords

Leo walked through the field. He saw a girl sitting under a tree. Kyubi walked along side of Leo. he walked up to the girl. "Hello miss." he said bowing. On his back is two long swords in a x-formation. Leo smiled slightly. "I am Leo Nightwing. I am new here perhaps you can help me." he said politely.
Flower looked up from her book and then closed it. She patted Hunter causing her to wake up. Flower slowly got up stretching out her arms and legs. She looked at him and smiled. "Hello Leo, I am Flower moon. Pleased to meet you." she said with a quick bow even though Flower doesn't always use manors. "What would you like help with?" she asked.

Hunter looked at the strange fox. She slowly walked over to sniff the fox. She looked at Flower and then sat down not saying anything yet. She looked at the fox and then at the strange guy asking for help.
Leo smiled. "no the pleasure is mine." he said. he looked at Kyubi "Be nice." he said. he looked back at Flower. "Can you just point me in the direction of the registration office?" he asked.

Kyubi looked at the dog. he sniffed as Hunter did. he looked up at Leo. "Yes sir." he said. then he sat down and looked at Hunter.
Flower nods and then points at the front door. "Through the door turn a left second door on the left." she said and then looked at him. "I can show you." she said and then looked up as a huge bird flew above.

Sky was a huge eagle and she was looking for lunch. Sky could not speak bit she understood some English. Sky saw the fox and dove down making a loud screech. Flower looked up and put up her arm. "Sky! No!" she yelled and sky swooped just over the fox without touching it and turned landing on Flower's arm.

Flower looked at Leo. "Sorry she's hungry." she said and then petted Sky. The large bird was still eyeing the smaller fox. Flower glared at sky. "Be a good girl and no eating the fox." she said and then looked at Hunter who had sighed like a human.

Hunter looked at the fox. "Please excuse my friend...she isn't as tame as the rest of us." she said and then stood up and turned to Flower. She looked at the new two.
Leo smiled and nodded. "Thank you." he said bowing.

Kyubi looked up at the huge bird that alost ate him. Kyubi growled at the bird.

Leo looked down. "Kyubi what did i just tell you." he said. then he looked back at Flower. "that's alright Kyubi can handle himself."
Flower looked at kyubi. She chuckled an then petted sky. Sky of course showed off her large and sharp claws. Flower lightly hit Sky on the head. "You better be nice or I won't feed you tonight." she threatened the large bird of pray. Flower looked at Leo. "This way." she said and then started walking with Hunter walking beside her. Flower sighed as Sky tried to groom Flower's hair and tickling her to get Flower to stop being mad. It worked when flower started to laugh and giggle.
Leo nodded and followed. Kyubi followed Leo. 'what are you thinking?' kyubi said through leo's mind. 'I like her.' he thought. Kyubi looked up at Leo. 'be careful' Leo turned to Flower. "So what kingdom do you come from?" he asked.
Flower looks at him. "Kingdom Kira....the Key Holder kingdom." She said and then pushed her white hair behind her ear. "And you Leo?" She asked and then looked at Hunter who started growling. Flower stoped and closed her eyes. "Don't tell me."

Nick walks up wit Deathwish behind him. "Hey beautiful." Nick smiles and laughs putting his arm over her shoulder. "What's up Hunter?" He asked and Hunter growled at him showing her fangs. "I'm half demon that poison doesn't work on me." Nick smirks and Deathwish stands there as serious as ever. He glared at his twin.

Flower looks at Nick and glares. "Don't touch me." She said and then glared. When he leaned in she grabbed his arm and flipped him over. "That means...DON'T TOUCH ME!" He crossed her arms. "Pervert." She said and then looked at Leo. "Sorry about that...That is Nick...and his twin Deathwish." She said pointing at each of them. "Vampire demons.....please ignore them." She said and then started walking.

Nick gets up. "Come on show a prince some respect!" He yelled at her and then smirked.

Flower turns her head sharply at Nick. "Show a Queen respect first! idoit!" She glared and then looked at Leo. "This way." She said a bit ticked now. Hunter laughed and walked beside Flower.

Nick looks at Leo. "Firey today isn't she." He chuckles and Deathwish smacks him on the head. "Ow!" Nick yelled and looked at Deathwish.
Leo didn't really like the twins. "That Nick kid seems like a d*ck." he said looking back. Leo followed Flower. "I'm from the ice kingdom." he said looking at Kyubi.

"So half demons huh?" Kyubi asked looking at Flower. He sniffed the air. 'i smell wolf' he said to Leo in his thoughts.

Leo looked back at Flower. "So you need help with those guys?" he asked.
Flower looks at him. "No Nick was just being Nick...Deathwish isn't a problem he barely has emotions." she said and then walked into the school. "I can handle Nick no problem." she added and then looked at Hunter who was sniffing around now. Flower looks at Leo. "You'll get use to them." she said with a smile.
Leo looked at Flower. "If you say so." he said. he walked through the doors. "So what does he want with you anyway?" he asked looking back.

Kyubi looked at Leo. 'you really like her dont you?' he asked.

"No." he said flatly. then he realized that he said it out loud. "uh..." he paused.
Flower looked back at him. "Oh I'm the first girl who completely dosen't like him so he's just teasing." she raised an eyebrow and then blinks. "No what?" she asked stopping for a moment staring at him wondering what he was thinking. She looked at hunter who was also staring at Leo as well.

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