
Sienna Mayne

New Member
Akemi stretches out her arms, Rising from her sleep, she lets out a yawn. She draws back the curtains of her window, the Snow has frosted at her window making it hard to see anything clearly. Akemi lets out a sigh and walks over to her cupboard, She gets changed and checks her clock. "I've still got time" Akemi grunts and drops her clock on the bed. Her eyes shift from both sides, cautious that no one can see her, she Pulls her Archery bow from under her bed and strokes the fine wood with the tips of her fingers, If only she could use it, But of course, Girls being archers is STRICTLY forbidden. She loads the bow with an arrow and holds the bow aiming at her wall, the disruptive sound of her alarm, causes her to let out a faint scream, "Oh time for school" Akemi speaks to herself, Akemi sighs and swings her bag over her right shoulder. Lacing up her boots she walks out the door great school, another way to get picked on for doing absolutely nothing she thinks to herself as she opens her front door, and steps onto the icy porch

((Okay, im New at this, But lets try it out. Make your own Characters, Lets get this story line rolling))

Akemi; ((My Character))
Akira rose from a deep sleep to the alarm on his phone. "Five more minutes." he said with his head in his pillow. Akira rolled over and flipped open his phone and shut it off. He looked around his room. the whole place was a mess. Being 17 he didn't really care much about cleaning seeing that he never had anybody to clean for. Akira had been alone for the most part his entire life. Akira got up and looked out his window. "More snow." he said flatly. He lifted his hand and large ice shards floated out of the snow. He smiled slightly. he then realized that he was late. "CRAP!!!" he yelled and quickly got dressed and ran out to his car. He opened the door to his black mustang and drove off to school. 'another day in hell' he thought. 'wonder who ill meet today.'
Akemi hustled to school, in the cold snow, pulling her thick Parker to her ears to keep her warm, Breathing out, he could see the coldness in her breath. She made her way to her locker at school, Pushing through the large crowds of people, "Is there no-one decent around here?" Akemi muttered under her breath. The noises of outside make her head turn, "Oh great, the Archer boys are practicing" Akemi shrugged her shoulders with envy. The Bell chimes for class, and she rushes to grab her books, Akemi rubbed her temples and heads off past storming school kids, heading for class. hopelessly trying NOT to knock into anyone this time.
Sora rose from his bed eager to start the school year. He woke up and got dressed. Sora ran to school after getting ready as fast as possible. He looked at the large crowd surrounding the Archer boys and shook his head. The bell rang and the herd of highschoolers ran into the building. Sora joined the crowd and began running along. He enetered homeroom and saw a pretty girl. He sat next to her smiling. "Hi I'm Sora! 18 years old." Sora was excited to meet new people in his senior year, all of his friends were gone and left early or moved away. He ran his hand through his yellow hair and sighed. (How Sora looks, ignore the little girl...

Rin sighed as she woke up, "Rin! Time for school get dressed!" her mother called. "I'm on it!" she grumbled. She got up and took a nice cold shower. Being 17 and all was hard, everyone expected you to look pretty, or atleast reach the borderline of pretty. She drew a rose onto her face and colored it in. Rin put on a top hat and a cute blazer. She smiled sheepishly and took her gun and stuck it into her pocket. Rin strutted down the stairs and waves good bye to her mother. She walked out of the door and strutted once more to school with her friends. Once she got to school she entered home room and sat down next to a yellow haired boy.

Akemi waited to be called on " Im Akemi 17" She let out a pleasureful smile, Waving her hand as she introduced herself to the class. Akemi hasnt really been one to have friends in school, she was always the outcast, Never a good healer, nor a Mage. She blushed for a moment, and opened her book to distract her from all the eyes staring at her, She hardly noticed the people siting closest to her. Hopefully she will be able to make some friends. seeing there is some new people here today,
Sora stood up and introduced himself to the class, "Sora, 18 Level Five Mage." He smiled sheepishly and waved. Some girls whispered, "Hot!" and Sora sat back down with his face flushed red. He looked at the girl with the odd rose outfit on next to him. Must be a gunner...he thought smiling grimly. Sora rubbed his temples and ran his hand through his silky golden hair once more. He adjusted his black outfit and looked over at the other girl next to him, who's name is apparently Akemi. She was a lovely looking girl. She kind of looks like Kimmy. he thought smiling to himself.

Rin was called on next and smiled. She stood up proudly and said, "Rin Ootori, 17 gunner. And if any of you try to step in my spotlight," she pulled out her gun and deviously continued, "Let's just say that isn't a thing you want to do." Rin sat down and shoved her gun back into her pocket. She looked at 'goldie-boy' and he was looking at her gun. "What are you looking at goldie?" she smirked. The boy just turned his head in the other direction. She laughed and waited for the next person to introduce themself.

[MENTION=2969]Sienna Mayne[/MENTION]
"Wow a gunner and a Mage, And what am i good for?" Akemi sighed to her self, not noticed she had a locked gaze with The New classmate 'Sora', Akemi rested her head on her hand, She was out of focus the whole lesson, and didnt get one note the whole class, "Class dismissed" She heard the teacher call out when she Snapped from her trance, "Crap" Akemi sighed, picking up her books, She quickly hid her empty book, and rushed off back to the lockers, trying to get away from all the distractions, oh and the Girl with the Gun, she is certainly not one to mess with. Akemi tied up Her blue her out of her face, and flicked back the wisps of hair from her eyes, She found a nice quiet seat, where she sat to read her book for the break.
Sora stared at the rose girl as she left. "Creep." he muttered under his breath. He stood up and took his notebook with him. "Fill class notes." His notebook began to float. A pen appeared, and the notebook opened to a blank page. The pen began writing notes on what the teacher taught. Sora sighed in relief once it was finished. He grabbed the notebook while it was in mid-air and took it over to the Level 5 hallway. He put in his locker code, and opened his locker. He put in his notebook and pulled out his wand. His wand was disguised as a TV remote, Sora pointed it at his locker and clicked command. "Shut Locker." he said quietly. His locker shut and Sora smiled. He put his wand into his pcket and strolled out of the level five hallway. He walked to the 'nothing' area, as the level fives called it and sat next to Akemi. "Boo!" he said playfully pushing Akemi off the bench.

Rin was in a happy mood as she walked to the level Three halllway. She took out her gun and spun it around. Rin opened her locker and stuffed her notebook inside. She smirked when she saw a bunch of level one mages break a pot by accident.
Akemi didnt know what hit her when the fell to the ground, She looked up in confusion "Oh ,Uh Sora is it?" Akemi asked, brushing down her skirt and taking a seat back on the bench," You're in my home room arent you?" Akemi let out a cheasy Smile waiting for his reply, She glared Of envious at All the talented people in this School, too bad Akemi hadnt found hers yet.

(Sorry for little writing, Im kinda tired so Ill be going to bed, Ill continue this later though :D )
(Okay :3)

Sora nodded and laughed. He said, "I was going to give you a gift but you had left so soon." He waved his hands in the air and a rose poofed in his hand. "Here you go." he said handing it to Akemi. Sora brushed his bangs to the side and smiled. "I hope you enjoy my gift." The bell rung and he stood up excitedly and walked away to Dark Magic class. Sora part took in many magic classes, like dark magic, brewery, and combat magic. He was the top mage at the school. He proudly had his trophy in the front of the office.

Rin heard the bell ring and she rushed to science class. Rin was not qualified to take any special classes yet because she was getting straight D-'s.
Akira pulled up to school late...again. he got out and smiled at the school. "Hello wonderland." he said walking into the bulding. he walked into science. "Sorry im late." he said ashe walked to his seat. he saw a new girl sitting down. he smirked a bit. 'she's cute.' he thought. he lifted his finger and a small ice rose appeared on her desk.
A dark pool appeared outside the School, out of it stepped a shadowed figure with bright white hair. It had whisps of black cloud shrouding it but as it stepped forward the mist and pool disappeared, revealing a boy, 18 years of age wearing black jeans, large white boots and a leather jacket. The boys clothes were covered in chains and his arms were each wrapped in them up to the top of his forearms.

"So this is my transfer ey'?"

The boy sighed and blew his fringe out of his face to reveal a set of purple eyes, his pupils however looked like small crosses, thin and almost beast like. On his back was a Samurai sword with a large thick blade, running along the top of it was what looked like a barrel of a gun.

Garneil was a level 5 mage, however he had been sub classed as a dueller. A type of mage which rely's on the skills of both combat and magical combat. His specialities were Dark magic or Necromancy as well as He walked into the halls and realised there was no one around.

"Hmmm. Must've started class already?"

He turned to the office where he asked for his timetable. He traced his finger down to his allotted class.

"Dark Magic huh?....Perfect."

He snapped his fingers and another pool appeared before him. Garneil stepped into the pool, where he would appear in Room 666. Before he stepped into the pool something caught his eye, he turned to see a large Trophy case, in it many trophies and a picture of Golden haired boy.

"Sora? Level 5 award? At least this dump has better mages than my last school. No wonder they transferred me!"

Garneil grinned showing his needle like teeth. His last school had known him for his Dark arts and Demonic grin.

"Watch out...i'm coming for you...Sora."

Garneil disappeared into the dark puddle.
Sora sat down in the front of the class. The room was dark, but lively. He shook his head and twirled his wand. His Tv remote wand transformed into his real wand, a nice dark blue wand. It had the words Sora LEVEL 5 MAGE on it. He was proud to have it, no one could beat his skills anyways. A dark hole appeared and Sora instantly knew what it was, a level five mage.... dark magic specialist... he muttered standing up.

Rin smiled sheepishly as the boy handed her the ice rose. "Quite lovely." she said putting the rose down. Rin hated flirty boys and took out her small dagger. "Watch this now." she stuck the dagger through the ice rose and it broke. Rin picked up the ice shards and put them onto his desk. "My present to you." She laughed and said, "Sorry about that, just that roses are
my thing. And don't get in the way of that. Rin, Level two gunner."

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