Welcome To Your Nightmare: A Hellsing RP


Ángel Caído
Hey everybody, it's me again and if you would like to sign up message me and do the info on the rp. No almighty godplexes or you will be kicked out. Thank you.



What are you:

Personality(Optional but preferred):


Any Extra Info You Think Is Needed:

Name: Christina O'Lynch

Appearance: She has waist length black hair with shaggy Madame Red bangs. Her eyes are bright green but will flash to blue when she is annoyed and are very expressive. She has a slim but muscular build and while her chest is not as large as Police Girl's it still is a remarkable size. She is about 5' 7" and she wears the same jacket as Seras but she wears it open with a white tank top on underneath. She wears cargo pants with combat boots that are actually meant for combat. She also wear a silver chained cross that hangs to her stomach.

What are you: She once upon a time was a fledgling of Alucard's but is now a full fledged nosferatu. She was also a witch before she was turned and still practices, just so you know she's Irish.

Personality: She is very grounded, but has a very short temper. She also is very kind and open-minded, and generally people are drawn to her.

Age: 234
Name: Leo Graverobber

Appearance: Stands at about 6'6" and is 250 lbs. he has long black hair, he also has crimson red eyes. he carries a combat knife and hand gun.

What are you: New Blood (just turned) he has been turned not to long ago.

Personality(Optional but preferred): Dark. only becase he didnt want to be a one of "Them"

Age: 27

Any Extra Info You Think Is Needed: has a tattoo of his family seal on his neck (looks like this:


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