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  1. Kiothaeus

    Topaz Academy ~ Pokemon RP

    My Name Is: Luxian Valan Irxsos I also go by: Lux, Ian or Lu I am: 14 years old If you can't tell I'm: Male I am from: Olivine City, Johto I am a: Freshman My Academy is: Topaz My preferred type(in descending order): Fire, Electric, Dragon Personality: Luxian is a very intuitive...
  2. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    I've played no Unova nor Kalos :|
  3. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    A whole lot of people were having pokemon matches, which got Luxian distracted. He closely watched each one from his little "island", and had another smile on his face. Cyrus on the other hand had fallen asleep while waiting for so long. After each battle, he scanned the room for a different...
  4. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    A restart COULD be nice, but repetitive. I think the 7 should just join the topaz group right now. And it could be beneficial if you made a list of classes, so the sophmores and freshmen could be separated the next day, like Mr.Stone had planned. Just a suggestion, though it might be a lot of...
  5. Kiothaeus

    Runaways - Group RP Ideas!

    Hello! Can you tell me if you decide to do the first one? I like that one a lot.
  6. Kiothaeus

    Newbie Looking for Roleplays

    Sorry for such a late reply.... Do you have any type of plot in mind? Usually, I'd try to get a group of people involved in something like Naruto.I'M ALSO LOOKING FOR A REALLY GOOD AO NO EXORCIST ROLEPLAY :D If you doubt my skills as a literate roleplayer, here are some samples from Gaia...
  7. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Watching the whole spectacle of Davis made him smirk, and he couldn't believe what just happened. It seemed Stone was all business, and no one would dare rebel against him anymore. That, and the way he battled was almost flawless. He was going to be a great teacher. One he would respect, just as...
  8. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    One by one, a number of students came in. They were all asked to put their Pokemon away, which would have been fine, except that a student argued. It made Luxian smirk; There was already a brave child appearing in the class! Or possibly just stupid. Regardless, that made the teacher change his...
  9. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Waiting for a long time was never a talent for the blonde boy, and while waiting, he eventually fell asleep. The cyndaquil however, stayed awake, and without his trainer knowing, wandered off to see where he could possibly be. The cyndaquil sensed more Pokemon in the room next to theirs...
  10. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Breakfast was great for Luxian and Cyrus. Getting up early was probably going to be their daily routine, since it came with so many benefits. The duo felt it was gonna be a good day, and their excitement raged on. Shortly after their long breakfast, the two headed to the topaz academy, and tried...
  11. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    ~Timeskip to Next Morning~ After getting his student ID, Lux and Cyrus had some lunch. They waited in line a long time, but were able to eat everything they wanted. The food was inexpensive, and great too. This made Luxian especially happy, knowing that money wouldn't be a problem in the...
  12. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    After what seemed like forever, duo made it to the front of the line. He gave a sigh of relief, and took out his companion's ball. "Alright Cyrus, get in here, just for a little while." The pokeball released a red beam, and the fire pokemon got into the ball with no problems. The man in charge...
  13. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    As he walked into the student service area, Luxian was surprised. He knew that the university would have a lot of students, but this? It was a lot to swallow. "Well Cyrus, I guess we've gotta push to the front!" Getting there was no easy task, as there were a number of students standing around...
  14. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    @Shura11 How do dorm numbers work?
  15. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    Hey all! I missed a lot in the past idk how many hours i've been gone, but I need someone to interact with! And if you'd like to, I need a roommate as well!
  16. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Lux smiled and took his map back as it was handed to him. Although Mack said he was a researcher, he still didn't look quite prepared. Although there was the fact that he could just be an unprepared freshman, like Lux himself. Putting the thought aside, Lux looked back at Mack as he asked him...
  17. Kiothaeus

    Arranged Marriage rp (Kiothaeus and Sadlyimnotbatman) [Inactive]

    The elven female he was marrying was pretty, to say the least, which was one pro out of the thousands of cons that came with being forced to marry a person you've never met before. After they greeted each other, it was quite uncertain whether or not the marriage would work out. She hadn't smiled...
  18. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    The blonde could see the university in the distance, and he was relieved. It seemed that he could stop running now, and take sort of a victory walk. As soon as he slowed down, the blonde heard a voice from behind him. He turned, to see a boy around his age, with a Pokemon from a different...
  19. Kiothaeus

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    As the blonde rose up from bed, he could see from outside of the window that the boat was still moving. There were crystal clear waters from what he could see out the window, and he sighed. He saw that his companion was sleeping on top of the table that was in the room, and sighed. "Cyrus." He...
  20. Kiothaeus

    Arranged Marriage rp (Kiothaeus and Sadlyimnotbatman) [Inactive]

    As Farrow the Butler opened the study, Alhouin could see three people. Two of them had cordial smiles on their faces, while the other had a calm look on her face. Al was sure that that was going to be who he was marrying. It seemed she was just like him in a sense. He had no idea who these...